"Impeachment" Left Constitutional Court


[09:09 pm] 07 June, 2007

The "Impeachment" block refused to take part in the further judicial
process of the Constitutional Court.

"Today the Court proved that the decision was already made and it was
not to be decided in the consulting room", said Nikol Pashinyan. He
noticed that such a development of events was expected, however until
the present day the Court was balanced. "Today when all mediations
were ignored, it is senseless to stay in the Court any longer. A
conclusive speech under such circumstances would mean self-deceiving",
said Nikol Pashinyan to the "A1+".

The representative of the "New Times" party Hrachja Sargsyan
informed that they would leave the judicial process tomorrow after
the conclusive speech.

Artak Zejnalyan, representative of the "Republican" party informed
that they had not made a decision yet and they would also have a
conclusive speech.

Artashes Avoyan, representative of the "Orinats Yerkir" party noted
that they were getting ready for the conclusive speech. However, he
said that the party did not make a final decision as what it would
do afterwards.

The Session of the Constitutional Court will continue tomorrow at 10
o’clock. The parties will make conclusive speeches.