State institutions of Nagorno work much effective of those of


State institutions of Nagorno work much effective of those of Azerbaijan
09.06.2007 14:20 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ State institutions of Nagorno work much effective of
those of Azerbaijan, and exactly that established efficiency does not
allow to view the unrecognized states as `criminal enclaves’, Head of
the department of international relations at the Institute of
Political and Military Studies Sergey Markedonov thinks. `Such
criterion, like the level of regime’s democracy too not always works
when comparing recognized and unrecognized states. Authoritarizm and
unrecognized formation are not quite the same identical
concepts. Unlike Azerbaijan, nobody in Nagorno Karabakh will event
think about seriously preparing an operation like `Successor in
Azerbaijan for passing the power from the father to son and event to
discuss similar scenarios,’ he writes in `Russia and Global Policy’

Markedonov reminds that borders of the self-declared states not always
coincide with the borders of former soviet autonomous regions -the
territorial base of unrecognized formations. Nagorno Karabakh includes
not only the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO), but
also the Shahumyan region. Today this territory, as well as part of
NKR’s Mardakert and Martouni regions is under the jurisdiction of
Azerbaijan. `However, if we apply the criterion of sovereignty, say,
towards Georgia or Azerbaijan, we will see that they have problems in
this sphere. By 1991 Baku lost its control over the whole territory of
NKAO and by 1994 -over the seven Azerbaijani regions,’ he underlines.

The Russian political scientist also writes that from the formal-legal
viewpoint unrecognized states, which emerged in the result of the
collapse of USSR, do not exist for the world community. `However, this
does not prevent them to be real participants of the `great game’ on
the territory of the former Soviet Union. What do the unrecognized
states differ by from those, which are recognized in the international
level? By the existence of official status? But the world community,
which establishes such a status, experiences a deep crisis in itself:
after the collapse of Yalta-Potsdam world system contours of the new
world order became quite indistinct. Consequently, criteria of
recognized and not recognized also became washed out as such. In
political and publicistic literature these formations are called
self-declared. But this determination too is not quite correct, since
all large modern states `declared their independence themselves’,’
Sergey Markedonov underscores.