US studies Putin’s proposal, preparing to place air defense in EU


U.S. studies Putin’s proposal, simultaneously preparing to place air
defense system in Eastern Europe
09.06.2007 14:06 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer to share
the use of the Gabala radar station was a surprise for the United
States, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated. She said,
this offered will not have any influence on US’s plans to place air
defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. `The United States
studies Vladimir Putin’s offer, simultaneously we continue preparation
works for placing air defense system in Eastern Europe. One does not
choose sites for missile defense out of the blue. It’s geometry and
geography as to how you intercept a missile. We have to see whether
Azerbaijan makes any sense in the context of missile defense.’ Rice
underscored, Associated Press reports.

At the G8 summit in Heiligendamm Vladimir Putin proposed the United
States to share the use of the Gabala radar station in the north of
Azerbaijan, which scans the Indian Ocean, Middle East and most of
North Africa.