George Bush On Kosovo Problem: "Goal – Independence, Time – Now"


11.06.2007 13:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ U. S. President George W. Bush stated to a press
conference in Albanian capital Tirana that it is the time to stop
"endless dialog" on the status of Kosovo. "The goal is independence,
time – now," he underlined. Bush proposed to fix a deadline for
adopting a resolution by the UN Security Council on Kosovo. Earlier
at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm French President Nicolas Sarkozy
offered to postpone the solution of this problem for 6 months. The
draft resolution, which is based on UN Special Envoy Marti Ahtisaari’s
plan and supposes de facto recognition of Kosovo’s independence,
was introduced in the UN Security Council at the end of May.

Serbia denied the Ahtisaari Plan. And Russia stated that he does
not consider it possible to adopt a decision on the status of Kosovo
without taking into account the opinion of the Serbian leadership. In
his part Bush confirmed that the United States fully supports the
Ahtisaari Plan. Russian President Vladimir Putin repeatedly has made
it clear that in case of recognizing Kosovo’s independence the world
community will have to also recognize independence of self-declared
republics on the territory of the former USSR, particularly of South
Ossetia and Abkhazia, France Press reports.