Naira Hayrumyan
12-06-2007 12:21:10
The summit in Saint Petersburg ended two days ago, still there are
no comments. Although, no comment is also a comment. It means there
is nothing to comment on. It means no agreement was reached.
The Minsk Group co-chairs did not comment on the talks between
Kocharyan and Aliyev either. Even Mr. Bryza who gladly meets reporters
had nothing to say.
According to the Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar Mammedyarov,
there is no tangible progress in the talks, reported. But
everything is done to sustain peace in the region. According to the
minister, "the sides spelled out their stances, but I cannot say there
is progress in this direction." "There are new elements, although I
cannot consider them as new. The basic principles of settlement were
discussed, on the basis of which we are going to reach agreement
to establish lasting peace in the region," the Azerbaijani foreign
minister said. The Armenian foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan said
there was a serious discussion in Saint Petersburg but no agreement
was reached. The talks will continue. The presidents disagree on some
issues, but there is possibility to continue the talks.
The meeting in Saint Petersburg and the G8 summit will probably be
reflected in the settlement of the conflict. Two important statements
were made during the G8 summit: the use of the Gabalin radar by Russia
and the United States and Russia’s disapproval of independence of
Kosovo. The first proposal shows that Russia acknowledges the threat
from Iran and is not likely to continue to confront with the United
States. It also means there should be peace in the South Caucasian
region, and no conflicts will be sparked here.
Apparently, the Azerbaijan foreign minister’s words about the urgency
to set up lasting peace in the region should be viewed in this
context. It is an important statement: most probably the countries
agreed to freeze the state of things and work towards lasting peace
in the region.
The fact that there is no agreement regarding Kosovo is also
evidence to this. And though George Bush threatened to recognize
the independence of Kosovo if Ahtisaari’s plan fails, the ongoing
process of granting sovereignty to unrecognized states will also be
frozen temporarily.
Perhaps it is related to the upcoming elections in Russia, the United
States, Armenia and Azerbaijan next year. Although, apparently the
real causes are lying deeper. Will the borders drawn 60 years ago
be reconsidered? Is a perestroika awaiting the world. Most probably,
the authors of this process took a timeout.