In Response To PKK Ceasefire, Turkey Decides To Eradicate Terror

By Hakob Chakrian

AZG Armenian Daily

American Associated Agency announced worldwide about the PKK
unilateral ceasefire. Meanwhile, at the Council Meeting of Ministers
the Government of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed
the issue "Fight against terror". The Chief of Turkish Armed Forces
General Yashar Buyakanyt was also invited to the meeting.

In all probability PKK announcement about the ceasefire in parallel
with the Council Meeting of Ministers aimed at influencing on the
process of the meeting, moreover on the decision of Turkish government
about the fight against terror.

Taking into consideration USA and European Union’s demand on Turkey for
politicizing Kurdish issue, and that they are against the military
actions against PKK, the latter, with its unilateral ceasefire
probably wants to show who are responsible for the violence in the
country and to stimulate the international pressure on Turkey.

In spite of the accountings of PKK, at the Council Meeting of the
Ministers Erdogan’s government took a decision about continuing the
fight against terror.

In response to the issue of invading North Iraq, Erdoghan told that
the invasion was the utmost thing that they would do. Then he added,
"Did we eradicate terror in Turkey? First of all we must destroy
the shelters of the terrorists inside the country. If there are 500
terrorists in North Iraq, the number of them reaches to 5000 in the
mountains of Turkey. Did we cope with the task of 5000 terrorists in
Turkey in order to fight against 500 terrorists in Iraq?"