NKR: Rep. Pallone Commends Armenia On Free And Fair Elections


Azat Artsakh Daily, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

Washington, DC – Speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives
yesterday, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Co-Chair of the
Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, commended Armenia for
holding free and fair Parliamentary elections on May 12. "This is
the first positive assessment of an election in the former Soviet
Republic since it gained independence in 1991," Pallone said. "This
encouraging outcome will most certainly enhance and deepen U.S.-Armenia
relations, while also elevating Armenia’s reputation regionally and
internationally." Pallone noted that Armenia’s achievements address
concerns raised by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and urged the
MCC to fully fund its five-year $235 million Compact with Armenia. He
also renewed his call for $75 million in economic assistance to Armenia
in Fiscal Year 2008. "This assistance demonstrates our commitment to
Armenia, which is a friend and a supporter of U.S. policies for peace
and security in that part of the world," he said. Pallone also entered
into the congressional record a letter he sent with Caucus Co-Chair
Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) to President Robert Kocharian and Prime
Minister Serge Sargsyan, marking Armenia’s achievement. The full
text of Rep. Pallone’s statement on Armenia’s elections is attached
below. ARMENIA PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS (House of Representatives –
May 21, 2007) Madam Speaker, I rise to congratulate the people of
Armenia on the May 12 Parliamentary elections.

This is the first positive assessment of an election in the former
Soviet Republic since it gained independence in 1991. This encouraging
outcome will most certainly enhance and deepen U.S./Armenia
relations, while also elevating Armenia’s reputation regionally
and internationally. Over the past few months, U.S. administration
officials in Washington and Yerevan have stressed the importance of
these elections and explained that substantial improvement must be
made. Based on public preliminary reports, Armenia has fulfilled the
test set forth by the administration and received a free and fair
stamp of approval. The International Election Observation Mission
issued a statement which read, in part, and I quote, "The election
is assessed in line with OSCE and Council of Europe commitments,
other international standards for democratic elections and national

I’m especially pleased that the U.S. Embassy in Armenia joined the
chorus of praise with its own assessment which reads, and again I
quote, "We share the satisfaction of international observers that
the election infrastructure, both legal and technical, has been
greatly improved." Madam Speaker, I join in sharing the pride of our
embassy and the contributions we have helped make in advancing the
course of democracy and the rule of law in Armenia . These results
are the best evidence to date that our assistance to this fledgling
Republic is indeed serving its intended purpose. Our shared values
and the strong bonds between the United States and Armenia will no
doubt continue to expand. In doing so, we will continue to foster
democracy in Armenia and work towards stability in the South Caucus
region. Earlier this year, dozens of my colleagues joined me in
sending a letter to the chairman of the House State, Foreign Operations
Appropriations Subcommittee calling for $75 million in assistance for
Armenia in fiscal year 2008. As the appropriation process continues,
I’d like to remind my colleagues of this request and renew it again
today. This assistance demonstrates our commitment to Armenia , which
is a friend and a supporter of U.S. policies for peace and security in
that part of the world. Armenia’s achievement also addresses concerns
expressed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation with respect to these
elections. Armenia has met the necessary threshold, and I’m confident
that the people and the Government of Armenia will only continue to
improve upon their accomplishments in achieving the standards and norms
of a democratic society. And accordingly, I urge the MCC to fully fund
its compact with Armenia in an expeditious manner. These elections
are an historic step towards a fully democratic Armenia, a goal to
which the nation has demonstrated its commitment and leadership in the
region through democratic reform. I congratulate the people of Armenia
for this remarkable accomplishment. #### The Armenian Assembly is the
largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. It is a 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt membership organization.