Political Powers Are Passive


[04:18 pm] 19 June, 2007

"The political powers are inactive today. May be it has its objective
sides but they are too passive", said Karen Bekaryan "European
Integration NGO".

Bekaryan was invited to the seminar on the "Productivity of public
monitoring of European Union New Neighborhood policy".

The aim of the seminar is to fix monitoring conduction, to implement
the aims of the European Integration, to determine which organizations
are willing to contribute to this process. "Pjunik" organization of
disabled is willing to participate in it and it is of great priority
since disabled are the vulnerable layer of the society.

According to the monitoring conducted by the "Pjunik" only 13/5
percent of election districts provided available conditions to the
disabled. About 100 disabled were observing election process in 16
cities in Armenia.