Simmons Satisfied With IPAP Implementation In Armenia


AZG Armenian Daily

Special Representative of the NATO Secretary general in South Caucasus
Robert Simmons, expressing his satisfaction with the process of
implementation of the Armenia-NATO Induvidual Partnership Action Plan
(IPAP), noted that Armenia’s partnership with NATO is not to hinder
Armenia’s partnership with Russia or any other state or international

The Defense Ministry of the Republic of Armenia informs that Defense
Minister Micheal Haroutiunian on his meeting with Simmons expressed
anxiety about Azerbaijan’s intentions to leave the European agreement
on armed forces. Robert Simmons replied that soon NATO shall hold
discussions of Russia’s and Azerbaijan’s moratorium on the agreement.

The NATO representative emphasized Armenia’s participation in
international peace missions and highly appreciated the activity
of Armenian peacemaking corps in Kosovo. The sides discussed
the opportunity of including Armenian physicians in NATO ISAF in
Afghanistan. Minister Michael Haroutiunian also informed that soon
the Ombudsman of Armenia shall have an assistance for the issues of
armed forces.

Thus, he said, one more step towards establishing human rights
protection structure in the army was made.