Recognition Of The Armenian Genocide Is The Moral Imperative Of US C


analytical department
22.06.2007 GMT+04:00

The aim of the United States is the complete domination over South
Caucasus and in this respect the adoption of Resolution N 106 has
nothing to do with the US Home Policy.

More than 200 Congressmen spoke in favor of US Congress Resolution
N 106 on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. As the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA) informs, that the legislators
from the State of Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, and New York spoke
in favor of the above mentioned Resolution, and thus the total number
of those who were for the Resolution grew up to 202.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "We welcome the growing support of the two-party
Congress regarding the issue of the Armenian Genocide. We highly
appreciate the support of each Congressman and are looking forward to
cooperating with them, for the decision about the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide to be adopted by the House of Representative at the
first opportunity," announced the ANCA Chief Executive Aram Ambaryan.

According to the author of the Resolution, Congressman from the State
of California Adam Schiff, the 200 votes is an important factor which
proves that the members of Congress are certain that the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide, which took away 1.5 million lives, is a
matter of their moral imperative.

The bustling Armenian community of the USA has started to act
more decisively in this matter. Soon Congress is going on vacation
and if the Resolution N 106 isn’t adopted by then, the question of
appointing Richard Hoagland the US Ambassador to Armenia will be solved
mechanically. It should be reminded that Resolution N 106 speaks more
about the usage of the term "Genocide" by the US President in his
annual massage on April 24, rather than about its recognition. It is
clear that the Resolution doesn’t have any legal power, but in case
it is adopted, it will be very hard for the US Presidents to refuse
the recognition of the historical fact. For passing any Resolution
in US Congress 218 votes of Congressmen and 51 votes of Senators are
needed. For Resolution N 106 to be adopted most probably these votes
will be achieved.

At the same time there is a big controversy over the demand of the
Armenian Community in the USA regarding the issue of recognition of
the Armenian Genocide. "I realize how great is the importance of the
recognition of the Genocide for Armenia and the Armenian Community
in the US, but if this aim gets into conflict with the fundamentals
of the American-Armenian and American-Turkish relations, there is the
risk of making these relations worse to the detriment of all parties",
says Cory Welt, Deputy Director and Fellow Russia and Eurasia Program
of CSIS (Center for Strategic & International Studies). There are
such opinions in Armenia too. Armenian analysts, mainly belonging to
different oppositional groups, believe that the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide by the USA won’t do any good and will even make
the relations between Armenia and Turkey much worse. However the
stubbornness of the USA in not recognizing the Genocide will classify
it in the list of the countries which, for sake of their own interests,
go against the very values they insist they stay loyal to.

Yet everything is possible in the USA, and the adoption of the above
mentioned Resolution is no exception. On the one hand this is a way
to show Turkey its place, on the other hand a way to increase the US
influence on Armenia. The latter, by the way, is a rather serious
argument, for the aim of the United States is to gain a complete
domination over South Caucasus and in this respect the adoption of
the Resolution 106 has nothing to do with the US Home Policy. This
is a very good occasion to press down the Russian presence in
Armenia. So most probably the Resolution will be passed. If the
current Administration doesn’t adopt it, it will be adopted by the
future one, which most likely will be in Democrats’ hands. There is
almost no difference between them, simply if the Republican hasn’t
done something, Democrat will.