Regional TV project ‘Kids’ Crossroads’ continues in Armenia

Regional TV project ‘Kids’ Crossroads’ continues in Armenia

2007-06-22 13:08:00

A regional teen-produced TV project "Kids’ Crossroads" is successfully
implemented in Armenia.

Internews public organisation told ArmInfo that project is a peculiar
TV weekly on the public televisions of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Schoolchildren in Armenia have been producing a cycle of programmes
"Our Express" telling about the everyday life of teenagers in Armenia,
Georgia and Azerbaijan for already four years. The program has
announced already the fourth selection this year. An independent
commission selected 12 of 72 applicants who will be on air throughout
the year. Six of them will participate in the Summer TV Camp in
Georgia. Internews specialists and specially invited
experts will teach them the bases of journalism. The young journalists
will produce video-reports and authors programme "Summer News." At the
camp, teenagers from Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan
will be taught social advertising, the bases of news report making. By
returning to their countries, they will continue their work there. The
TV programme "Our Express" was first on air in 2005. Now it is
broadcast once in a week on the Armenian Public Television at 10:45am
local time. In 2007, the USAID financed the project with the support of
UNICEF. Over the next two years, the British programme, GLOBAL CONFLICT
PREVENTION POOL will finance the project, the source reports.