Masis Mayilyan: Courts Must Be Independent


25-06-2007 11:39:57

Citizens do not feel protected, do not trust courts, do not go
to court to protect their rights, said the presidential candidate
Masis Mayilyan during a meeting with voters on Friday. A retired
man, who has 7 children and whose wife was killed during the war,
said he has to give half of his pension to a member of parliament
every month because his cows trespassed his land, and the court fined
him an immense sum. "Why should I believe and vote for a member of
parliament?" the man asked.

Masis Mayilyan emphasized the most important point of his program
in answer to this and several other questions – the rule of law and
the necessity for serious and real reforms. He emphasized that the
courts must be independent and must not work in accordance with the
instructions of a few persons or the "telephone law". The candidate
emphasized that "the courts must protect the interests of our citizens
because they get salary from the taxes they pay." He also spoke about
the necessity of a distinct division of powers, which is one of the
pillars of a real democracy. During the meeting, which was held on
Hekimyan Street, the necessity for a manpower reform was raised by the
former minister of finance, who said the government is stagnated and
closed. Masis Mayilyan said if he is elected he will make changes but
"there will be no cadre massacres" because there are a lot of good
specialists and honest people in government.

Some of the residents of the neighborhood raised the issue of housing
of the families of killed azatamartiks. The presidential candidate
said although some efforts were made in this direction, there are
families whose problem of housing has not been solved yet, which
could be solved instead of building and selling expensive buildings
on Azatamartikneri Street.

A man of 60 was interested in the Karabakh settlement and the issue
of territories.

The presidential candidate clearly put his stance: "These are liberated
territories which are the guarantee of our country’s security. We
must settle these territories."

Some more other issues were raised during this meeting. The people
expressed their sympathy for this candidate and said they are going
to vote for him.

In the end the candidate called for voting to this election and vote
for the candidate they prefer.