Aris Babikian: The International Community Should Hold Turkey Accoun

26.06.2007 12:13

"We call on the Canadian Government and the international community to
declare Turkey a pariah nation and to take serious measures to force
Turkey to acknowledge its predecessors’ crimes against humanity," said
Aris Babikian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee
of Canada (ANCC). "Canada, the United Nations, the European Union,
and other international organizations and fora should stop treating
Turkey with kid gloves and should hold Turkey accountable."

The cause of discontent of the Canadian Armenian community was
the criminal case launched against Arat Dink, the son of the slain
editor-in-chief of the Agos Daily Hrant Dink. The Istanbul prosecutor
office charges the Agos staff for publishing, on July 2006, an
interview with the Reuters news agency, in which the late Hrant Dink
had referred to the 1915 Armenian Genocide. The Dink’s family lawyer,
Erdal Dogal, has also been charged.

"Article 301 is an impediment to freedom of expression. It is intended
to silence dissidents who dare to challenge the official line of the
Turkish Government on the Armenian Genocide. The civilized world
can not become an accomplice to Genocide denial and in fomenting
intolerance, hatred and xenophobia," said Babikian, Armenian National
Committee of Canada informs.

The ANCC executive director concluded his comments by drawing to the
attention of politicians, the media and the public that the charges
against Agos journalists are a "clear manifestation that the Turkish
Government is not sincere in its so-called offers of dialogue and
reconciliation with the Armenian people. These political maneuverings
are nothing more than public relations stunts and diversions to avoid
addressing the real issue between the two nations."

It should be noted also that the Reporters Without Borders has also
condemned the decision to prosecute Dink and his colleagues. "Once
again we have to denounce the use of article 301 of the criminal
code, which is a threat to freedom of expression," said Reporters
Without Borders.