Armenian Official Briefs on Armenian Economy at National Press Club

August 13, 2004
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
Email: [email protected]; Web:

Armenian Official Briefs on Armenian Economy at National Press Club

On August 10, 2004, the National Press Club in Washington, DC hosted a news
conference by Vahram Nercissiantz, Chief Economic Adviser to the President
of Armenia, who presented Armenia’s current social and economic development,
his vision for regional cooperation, and expressed his appreciation for
Armenia’s inclusion in the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). In drawing a
historical account of Armenia’s irreversible achievements in making
political and economic reforms since independence, Mr. Nercissiantz
described the political and philosophical foundations of the Armenian
reforms, and the strategic directions of the transition, emphasizing the
commitment of the Armenian authorities to further development of liberal
democracy and market economy in Armenia. He concluded by presenting the
Armenian government’s strategy for sustaining high rates of economic growth
and reducing poverty in Armenia.

In a vigorous Q&A that followed his presentation, Mr. Nercissiantz addressed
issues ranging from Armenian-Turkish relations to details of the MCA process
in Armenia. He reiterated that the removal of the Turkish blockade and
subsequent opening of the Armenian-Turkish border would greatly benefit both
Turkey and Armenia, as well as neighboring countries of South Caucasus by
promoting greater regional cooperation and stability. Mr. Nercissiantz, who
is ex officio Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Armenian
Program of the Millennium Challenge Account, explained that the Armenian
government had held extensive consultations with Armenian NGO’s, groups of
experts and other concerned parties, both at national and local levels, to
solicit advice and develop a public awareness on the strategic directions
for developmental assistance under the terms of MCA. Addressing recent
articles in the Washington Post that had drawn an unbalanced and inaccurate
portrayal of Armenia’s economy, he said that Armenia’s progress was real and
emphasized the determination of the government and the people of Armenia to
seriously tackle the social and economic challenges facing Armenia today.

For full text of Vahram Nercissiantz’s presentation, please visit the
Embassy of Armenia website: