Aztag Daily’s Interview With Alpay Durduran

Interviewed by Vahram Emiyan

Aztag Daily, Lebanon
June 20 2007

The New Cyprus Party (Yeni Kibris Partisi) or the YKP was founded in 30
October 1989. It is a leftist party in the northern part of Cyprus and
has no representatives in the parliament of that breakaway region. One
of the YKP’s basic principles is that "Cyprus is the common homeland
of all Cypriotes. The future of those living in this common homeland
should also be common". The party also "opposes discrimination on the
ground of religion, language, gender, sexual preference and race and
all chauvinism". It also rejects a Europe which follows neo-Liberal
polities and whose borders are closed. The YKP wants a Europe "which
actively opposes militarism and war, and militantly defends peace".

Since the day of its foundation the YKP was attacked orally by the
Turkish Republic’s civil and military administrations, it has been
discarded by local authorities and its premises bombed and shot at.

In order to reach the public and voice its opinions the YKP has
published on 15 April 1990 a weekly newspaper called "Bu Memleket
Bizimdir" (This Country Is Ours) of which only 3 issues have
appeared. Since 2 September 1990, it publishes the weekly Yenicag
(New Era).

In order to obtain more information on the party’s activities and
opinions I had the following interview with the YKP’s council member
and secretary of foreign relations Mr. Alpay Durduran.

Mr. Durduran was born in 1942 and has been actively engaged in politics
since 1975. Because of his openly critical stance vis-a-vis the Turkish
authorities he has been the target of bombings and shootings. He is the
author of a book in Turkish named "An Island At Sea" and has published
many newspaper articles. He is a retired member of parliament and a
full time politician.

■ Aztag:- One of the objectives of the YKP is to transform the
political parties in Cyprus to be open for all Cypriots. What measures
has the YKP taken to attain that objective?

♦ Alpay Durduran:- In order to achieve this objective the YKP
visited political groups and politically influential persons. At
the beginning it had an open agenda. A new party with two wings, one
registered in the republic of Cyprus, the other in the northern part
of the Island with joint central organs registered in the republic
or not registered in the republic just for coordination, or a new
party registered in the republic with Turkish Cypriot members who
are members of YKP for political activities in the northern part of
our country. Therefore we were open to all suggestions.

But Greek Cypriots were already members of a political party or a
political group, so they were not prepared to get united with other
Greek Cypriots in a new grouping. Thence we failed. Afterwards we
changed our party constitution to accept Greek Cypriots and EU citizens
living in Cyprus and translated our constitution and political program
into Greek and English and published them on the internet web site of
the YKP. We are accepting application for membership via our internet
web site.

Anyway we can’t say we are successful. We have received very few
applications from Greek Cypriots.

■ Aztag:- The YKP considers the reunification of Cyprus as
a priority. According to you what form of government should that
unified Cyprus have?

♦ A . Durduran:- We believe a multi cultural society is a gift.

Reunification of Cyprus will reprovide that gift. Therefore, any
possible kind of government that might give us a multi cultural
environment is welcomed by the YKP. We have no precondition to the
form of future government. The Annan plan for the solution of the
Cyprus conflict with its many difficulties was an option. Thus, we
voted yes to it during the referendum in the northern part of the
island. That’s why we wanted to establish a bi communal (all Cypriot)
party, because in the plan every thing is divided into two.

If people want to unite they can find ways after reaching an agreement
such as Annan plan envisaged.

But the YKP has never put preconditions for a solution. We are prepared
to accept a solution parties agree upon. The Only thing that we shall
oppose is ethnically cleansing the two proposed federated states. Two
ethnically cleansed regions would mean two chauvinist regions.

■ Aztag :- There are those who consider the Cyprus conflict
mostly of mistrust, fear and suspicions. What is your point of view?

♦ A . Durduran:- We think there are exploiters who aim to use
ethnic or other kind of differences among groups to gain power and
obtain the right to govern them. Therefore, they create mistrust,
fear and suspicions, Today even the EU, which is the biggest
economy and potentially the biggest power, cannot hide behind
borders. US competition makes it cut the social benefits of its
people. Therefore, we can’t accept mistrust, fear and suspicion and
avoid reunification. Micro nationalism is a poison.

At the same time, history and balance of interests in the region
taught us the necessity of reunification.

We, the Cypriots lived peacefully under British rule and proved that
we can overcome the difficulties of ethnic and religious differences.

■ Aztag:- The YKP considers the reunification of Cypriots a
priority. In light of the traditional tendency of both communities
to identify themselves with the larger Greek and Turkish nations can
a Cypriot national identity emerge? How?

♦ A . Durduran:- Cypriot identity will be a creation of our
brains. At first, we learned that if we don’t unite we become a tool
of external powers. Turkish Cypriots wanted to have a separate state
but failed. Greek Cypriots wanted to suppress the Turkish Cypriot
rejection of the unification of Cyprus with Greece but failed. We all
got our lessons. We know now, that we have to work for our country not
for the interests of other countries. Since Cyprus became an EU member,
we shall learn even more that we have other options. So we expect that
in time we shall be proud of being Cypriots as well as being proud to
be a Turk or Greek, Maronite, Armenian etc. The only precondition is
having a country ruled by law, not arbitrary decisions. If the rule
of law prevails who’s to worry about who is in the government?

I cannot say that a minister will be better than an Armenian one if
she or he is a Turk. I remember the time we were under British rule
and under joint government in between 1960 and 1963 and afterwards
up to 1974 when Turkish Cypriots were living at enclaves but having
relations with the Government of Cyprus cleansed from Turkish
Cypriots. We suffered then, only because of arbitrary decisions.

■ Aztag:- In what way has the EU membership of Cyprus affected
the Cyprus conflict?

♦ A . Durduran:- The EU membership influenced Turkish Cypriots
to support the unification solution of the conflict and joining the
EU. I think the desire to join a multi national structure influences
people to soften their nationalism, too. Turkey’s aspiration to join
to the EU also encouraged Turkish Cypriots.

■ Aztag:- What kind of activities does the YKP have on both
sectors of the island?

♦ A . Durduran:- The YKP keeps contacts with all political
parties and groups on both sides and takes part in many bi communal

The YKP supports and protects national heritage and ethnic groups in
the northern part of our island.

■ Aztag:- In what way is your party perceived by the Turkish
authorities and the wider Turkish Cypriot public?

♦ A . Durduran:- By our administration we mean Turkey in Cyprus
and our elected administration. Turkey treated us very badly. Attacks
on our members and party premises, by bombs and bullets, were its
answer to our activities. Our newly elected administration tries
not to see us. But I can say people love us. We received a small
number of votes, because no one believes that we shall be allowed
to change Turkey’s Cyprus policy. In 1981, when I was the leader of
the opposition and with the support of two small opposition parties,
my party won the majority at the legislative and according to the
constitution I had the right to form a government, but Turkey and
its collaborators prevented me. That disappointed the people and they
lost their self confidence.

Since then we are the champion of sympathy, but with no chance of
being elected.

■ Aztag:- In what way is your party perceived by the Greek
Cypriot authorities and the Greek Cypriot public?

♦ A . Durduran:- Greek Cypriot authorities unfortunately could
not understand that without the support of Turkish Cypriots they can
not find a solution to the Cyprus problem. They began to differentiate
between Turkish Cypriots and Turkey and behave accordingly, but did
not begin to try to gain the support of Turkish Cypriots. Therefore
they failed to make them believe, that the Greek side consumed
the recognition of the identity of Turkish Cypriots as members of
an ethnic community. For that reason, the administration of Greek
Cypriots has no consultation with us, despite its recognition of the
value of our struggle. Probably there are some in the administration
who don’t want to give evidence that there are Turkish Cypriots who
want to help Cyprus and solve its problems.

Greek Cypriots love us. Except ultra nationalist that consider us
traitors of the Turkish Cypriot community.

■ Aztag:- According to you what should be the fate of Armenian
saint Magar convent and other Armenian properties and what legal
status should they receive?

♦ A . Durduran:- We want all religious properties to be governed
by their communities. Armenians were not a party to the conflict
as a community, therefore treating them as the Greek Cypriots were
being treated was wrong. Anyway the treatment of Greek Cypriots was
a violation of international law, too. If they choose to reside in
the northern part, they might do so.

At the same we call respect to the Geneva Conventions and since the
conflict is ended, civilians might be allowed to return to their lands
and properties and this may begin by allowing Varosians, Maronites
and Armenians to return.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS