Results Of The Integrated State Exam


28-06-2007 14:56:36

Recently the high-school students have taken the integrated state
exam in the Armenian grammar and literature, which is a novelty. The
society is worried about the results. It has become known recently
that they had reason to worry because the experts who made the tests
were inexperienced. The tests contained ambiguities which affected
the results. This shortcoming was revealed after the students appealed
against the results of the tests. The marks were raised.

Armine Sargsyan, the acting director of the testing center of the
NKR Ministry of Education, said 776 students took the integrated exam
(A+B), 16 failed. 1378 students took the state exam (A), 48 failed.

Carlen Margaryan, head of the department of education, culture,
sport of the City Hall, said 12 out of 820 students failed the A+B
test in the capital.

The NKR Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport decided to hold
another exam in July considering the psychological nuances.