Armenian PM Meets With President Of Greece


Jun 27 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 27, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsian
met today with the Greek President Karolos Papoulias who arrived in
Armenia on a state visit.

Governmental press service told Armenpress that during the meeting
the prime minister said that the Armenian government is ready to exert
all the possible efforts to carry out the agreements reached between
the Armenian and Greek presidents for the sake of the two countries
and peoples.

Serzh Sargsian expressed gratitude for the support displayed to
Armenia in various spheres.

The Greek president spoke about the high level of bilateral political
relations and cooperation between Armenia and Greece within the
framework of international organizations. He noted that Greece has
certain experience in Euro-integration and Euro-Atlantic circles and
is ready to be helpful for Armenia.

During the meeting the two sides underscored the activity of the
Armenian-Greek intergovernmental commission in the development of
economic cooperation.