Russia, Azeri FMs to hold talks focusing on counterterrorism

ITAR-TASS News Agency
August 17, 2004 Tuesday 5:51 PM Eastern Time

Russia, Azeri FMs to hold talks focusing on counterterrorism

By Natalya Lenskaya and Irina Chumakova

Counterterrorism will be one of subjects of discussion at talks to be
held here on Wednesday between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
and his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mamedyarov. The Azeri Foreign
Minister arrived here on Tuesday for his first official visit.

Boris Malakhov, deputy spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has
told Itar-Tass that the two Ministers intend to devote special
attention to practical steps in the fight against terrorism in all
its manifestations.

The consideration of problems concerning a settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh issue is also on the agenda of the upcoming talks.

The high-ranking diplomat emphasised, “Russia welcomes a continuation
of the Azerbaijani-Armenian dialogue at various levels. We believe
that the sides involved in the conflict themselves must find a
mutually acceptable solution”. Moscow “is prepared to render the most
active assistance in this cause both on a bilateral basis and as
Co-Chairman of the Minsk Group of the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe,” Malakhov said.

Besides, Malakhov pointed out, the two Ministers are to exchange
views on the regional and international situation, and greater
interaction within the Commonwealth of Independent States, and review
the implementation of top-level accords aimed at giving greater scope
to economic cooperation, including the doubling of trade turnover
between the two countries.

Lavrov and Mamedyarov are to discuss work on determining the legal
status of the Caspian Sea, and prospects for a second Caspian summit,
Malakhov said.