According To Yerjanik Abgarian, Danger Of Restarting Artsakh War Is


Noyan Tapan
Jun 29 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 29, NOYAN TAPAN. According to political scientist
Alexandre Manasian, the promotion of the Armenian side concerning the
Karabakh conflict is developing in the wrong direction. He mentioned
during the June 29 debate with Yerjanik Abgarian, a member of the
"Alternative" political NGO, that as a result of a wrong promotion
"a situation has been created where we are considered to be usurpers
of the territories belonging to us."

In Alexandre Manasian’s opinion, the approach, according to which
Armenia is fighting for the self-determination of Artsakh, is not
right, either, as in that case it would mean that Armenia accepts the
fact that the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan. In
the political scientist’s conviction, it would be right if Armenia
accepted and introduced to other countries that currently only
consultations are being conducted between Yerevan and Baku in order
to continue the triple side negotiations interrupted some years ago.

As for Yerjanik Abgarian, he believes that "Turks are not good
diplomats, the thing is that there are no good ones to interact
with." He also observed that currently "those, who are not lazy" in
the international scene are speaking about the territorial completeness
of Azerbaijan. Y. Abgarian mentioned that the striving for status quo
leaves Armenia out of all international and regional projects. Instead,
he believes, the danger of restarting the Artsakh war is becoming
more and more real: the army of Azerbaijan is quickly arming itself.