E Prelacy: 40th Anniversary of Ordination of Abp Oshagan Choloyan

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

July 02, 2007

40th Anniversary of Ordination of Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan

Judge Sarkis Teshoian presents Keynote Address at all Three Celebrations

Photographs by J. K. Hovhaness

This article is based on reporting by Florence Avakian, Yn. Joanna
Baghsarian, and Iris Papazian.

NEW YORK, NY-The 40th anniversary of the ordination of Archbishop Oshagan
Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of
America, was celebrated by the community at three separate celebratory
banquets during the month of May in Providence, Rhode Island, Teaneck, New
Jersey and Dearborn, Michigan. At each of the events the keynote
address was delivered by the Honorable Sarkis Teshoian, who last year
retired after serving nearly 18 years on the bench. The last seven years of
his service was as District Court judge in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Jack Mardoian, Esq., the chairman of the Prelacy’s Executive Council
served as the master of ceremonies at all three events. At each the Letter
of Blessing from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of
Cilicia, was read and presented to the Prelate by His Grace Bishop
Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Prelacy.
In his message, the Catholicos said: "We have known His Eminence
Archbishop Oshagan very well for 46 years. We knew him during his days in
the Seminary and his ordination. We knew him starting from his service at
the Catholicosate up to his responsible service as Prelate first in Kuwait
and the Gulf States, and later in the Eastern United States. In truth, four
words can describe Oshagan Srpazan’s person and the work that he has
produced: industrious, meticulous, faithful and service."
His Holiness went on to elaborate upon each one of these attributes, and
ended his message with, "On this occasion, from the Catholicosate of the
Great House of Cilicia, we extend our pontifical greetings to our dear
Oshagan Srpazan, and express our high commendation for his forty years of
devoted service. We pray that Almighty God will grant him a long life filled
with heavenly grace and goodness, and grant him continued bountiful service.
May you live forever in the Lord, be strengthened with the grace of the Holy
Spirit and be forever blessed."

Rhode Island
The first of the three events took place in New England in Providence,
Rhode Island, on Saturday, May 5. The artistic program included selections
by sopranos Debbie Pjajian and Joanne Mouradjian. A special "surprise" was
the presentation of an original composition by 12-year-old musical prodigy,
Vahe Hovhanessyan, written for and dedicated to Srpazan. Vahe’s presentation
was received with great appreciation and awe by His Eminence and all in
The evening began with a cocktail hour that featured an array of cheeses
from around the world, fruits of the season, and delicious Armenian mezze
(appetizers) prepared by the ladies of Sts. Vartanantz Church.
"This was an evening to be remembered as we celebrated the life of
Oshagan Srpazan, a dedicated leader and worthy servant of God who lives by
the Spirit and embodies love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control," said Yn. Joanna Baghsarian,
co-chair of the event.

New Jersey
The second event took place in Teaneck, New Jersey, on May 12, for the
Mid Atlantic area. In his words of appreciation, Armenia’s Ambassador to the
United Nations, Armen Martirossian, revealed that the Prelate was the "first
compatriot" that he met when he arrived in New York three years ago. "Our
friendship played a strong role in strengthening the relationship between
Armenia’s Mission to the United Nations and the Prelacy. The Archbishop is a
good diplomat and a dedicated leader of our people in the United States. He
is a great representative of not only our church and our nation, but also in
the ecumenical movement where he has introduced our traditions, values and
culture." The Ambassador paid tribute to the Prelate’s family for motivating
him to become a priest. "Your mother in Lebanon, and your sister who is here
tonight, are proud of your many accomplishments. I am sure the soul of your
late father is also very proud. I am looking forward to a friendship of many
During the evening, mezzo soprano Hasmig Mekanejian, who earlier had
sung the American and Armenian national anthems, delighted the guests with
much loved Armenian songs. She was accompanied on the piano by Diana

The third event took place in Dearborn, Michigan, on Friday evening, May
18, during the National Representative Assembly (NRA). Delegates, guests,
and parishioners from the Midwest gathered to honor the Prelate with a
program that was similar to the first two events. However, because this was
during the NRA, the program included the presentation of various awards to
members of the host parish, St. Sarkis Church, for their dedicated service.
Certificates of Merit were presented to Mr. Kegam Tazian, Dr. Arthur
Hamparian, Mrs. Rose Gerjekian, and Mr. Narses Gedigian. The Prelacy Youth
Leadership award was presented to Ms. Meline Topouzian and Mr. Peter Crane.
The Spirit of Armenia award was presented posthumously to Michael Guido,
former mayor of Dearborn, Michigan.

Three Different but Similar Events
At all three events, the Master of Ceremonies, Jack Mardoian, welcomed
the guests and extolled the known qualities of the Prelate, including
"wonderful leadership, outstanding scholarship, great compassion, quiet
humor, humility, and selfless dedication to the Armenian Church and people.
His forty years of accomplishments is only the beginning of many things to
come," Mr. Mardoian said. He described the Prelate as a true friend.
"Whether it’s sharing a discussion of world affairs, a Phillies’ baseball
game, or that special restaurant in some quiet corner of the world, those
who have Oshagan Srpazan as a friend are truly blessed. As a scholar,
Oshagan Srpazan has become a preeminent voice in bringing the theology and
teachings of our church into the 21st century. His knowledge of languages
has led him in the ongoing work of bringing the word of God to each of us
through his translation, with Archbishop Zareh of blessed memory, of the
Bible into Western Armenian and in the upcoming Badarak book which will be
published later this year. His unparalleled knowledge of Armenian history,
theology, music, and literature is reflected not only in his own writings
but in his work as an editor of the works of others. An anniversary is an
opportunity for many to pause and reflect on that which they have achieved
and accomplished during a period of time. In Oshagan Srpazan’s case, the
past forty years only serve as a prelude to his future works and
achievements in the years to come."
With his typical unassuming modesty, Archbishop Oshagan had few
requests. But, one that was honored by each community was that there would
be no "head table." Instead he preferred to be seated at a regular table
amongst his flock
A beautiful 48-page booklet was distributed to all guests. The booklets
contained a detailed biography of Archbishop Oshagan, photographs, and
appropriate biblical quotes taken from the new translation by the Prelate
and the late Archbishop Zareh.

Keynote Address
Judge Sarkis Teshoian, in his keynote address, emphasized the profound
impact of the Prelate’s family-parents, siblings, and cousins, in providing
an indelible foundation. "The moral compass with which Srpazan Hayr
functions comes from that very environment," he said.
The Judge shared the many chapters in the life and leadership of the
Prelate, including his student days at the Theological Seminary in Antelias,
Lebanon, and at Princeton University where he "absorbed and learned, then
transformed his knowledge, instilling these valuable lessons in the youth."
His work continued as Pontificate Legate to the Gulf States and Kuwait where
he organized the communities, the church, and the schools.
"All this was the tip of the iceberg," Mr. Teshoian continued. "He has
been a teacher and principal, organized cultural symposiums and activities,
created publications, recruited clergy, courageously advocated national and
human rights, and provided for the orphans and the elderly.
One of the greatest achievements of the Prelate has been translating the
New Testament with Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian, of blessed memory. "He is
now fulfilling Archbishop Zareh’s work of completing the translation of the
Old Testament," Mr. Teshoian said.
"Srpazan Hayr is uncomfortable with this kind of celebration, and only
agreed to it with the decision that the proceeds would be allocated for
clergy recruitment and education and for publications. He is our and the
church’s emissary, as well as the emissary of Christian churches. He is a
traditionalist, visionary, and a patriot who leads by example. He is a
bridge between the past and present to the future, a true servant of God,"
Judge Teshoian said.

The Prelate
With the conclusion of Judge Teshoian’s eloquent presentation, the
audience rose and gave the honored Prelate a standing ovation. In his
remarks of appreciation the Prelate acknowledged that "it is difficult to
listen to those who speak about me. I thank God for my life, and for some of
His Grace to serve our people." Again emphasizing the monumental impact of
family influence, he stated, "Man is formed from his family which instills
in him respect, love, goodness and faith." He thanked his family and
especially his Godfather (his maternal uncle) who would visit several times
a week and who "preached unity to our family."
Archbishop Oshagan also recalled his teachers who made a strong
impression on him from kindergarten all the way to the Seminary. He paid
special tribute to Archbishops Karekin Sarkissian, Mesrob Ashjian, Zareh
Aznavourian, and Catholicos Aram I, "for all they have taught me, and for
their wisdom."
"No school can give the lessons that I have learned from these wise
leaders, and our people. I give thanks that I serve you. You have
strengthened me. My heart is always with my people, my church, and my
nation. You are my family. I pray for good health so I can continue my work.
Instead of congratulating me, pray for me," he said at the conclusion of his

Gift of New Testament
At the conclusion of each of the evenings, guests were presented with a
beautiful hardbound copy of a new Armenian translation of the New Testament,
rendered by Srpazan and the late Archbishop Zareh, bringing a memorable and
significant close to three distinctive occasions in honor of an exceptional
