BAKU: Lawyers Association: Dink’s spouse exerts pressure on court

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
July 4 2007

Turkish Lawyers Association chairman: Hrant Dink’s spouse exerts
pressure on court

[ 04 Jul 2007 14:58 ]

Turkish Lawyers Association chairman Kamal Kerincshiz accused Rakel
Dink, widow of the assassinated owner and editor of `Agos’ newspaper,
Turkey’s Armenian minority Hrant Dink of exerting psychological
pressure on court, Mr.Kerincshiz told APA’s Turkey bureau.
He stated that Dink’s widow accused Turkish nation and state in the
application she has sent to court.
`It is not right. The court invited citizens through media 15-20 days
ago. People who gathered in the funeral of Dink have been invited to
court again. But 500 people who gathered in front of the court
building early in the morning read statement and left. They tried
exerting pressure on court by gathering people in front of the
building, but it did not work. When Dink was insulting Turks, we were
closely following his court hearings. The group accusing us of
occupying court wanted to surround court at this time, but they
failed. Though 450 lawyers were said to defend Dink’s rights, there
were only 50 lawyers in the court on Monday.
Lawyer Kerincshiz said that Turkish society can not accept slogan `We
are all Armenians’.
`Because Turkish nation is not Armenian. Some did not show the
reaction in the court they had shown in the funeral ceremony. Because
they knew that they were mistaken,’ he said.
The Lawyers Association’s chairman called decision of court on
releasing 4 people right. `I think this releasing will continue. Our
inspectors detained people who were guiltless. Those people who
participate in crime should be detained. I do not consider rightly
the formula `the sufferers will be pleased if more people are
detained. I think the number of released ones will rise,’ he said.