Departments For Protection Of Children’s Rights Mainly Receive Appli


Noyan Tapan
Jul 10, 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The National Commission of the
Protection of Children’s Rights, which includes representatives
of different departments, is coordinating the measures taken in the
direction of the protection of the rights of children in Armenia. Lena
Hayrapetian, the Chief of the Children’s Problems Sub-Department of
Family, Women’s and Children’s Problems Department of the RA Ministry
of Labour and Social Issues, informed a Noyan Tapan correspondent that
corresponding sections were created in all the regional administrations
and in the municipality of Yerevan in April 2006 for the purpose of
implementing these measures. These sections, according to her, are
particularly engaged in the settlement of the problems concerning
those children who are deprived of parental care and have appeared
in a difficult situation, as well as issues concerning their return
to their families or settlement in special institutions.

Lena Hayrapetian mentioned that, according to the regulations,
each year these sections are to render an account to the
commission. According to the data received up to now, the sections
mainly receive applications of social character, with regard
to assistance to families having many children, in particular,
and organization of the summer holidays of a child. According to
Lena Hayrapetian, they have received complaints concerning cases of
violence carried out towards children, the number of which, however,
is not very great.

It was also mentioned that doctors, pedagogues, psychologists,
workers of the social sphere, as well as lawyers are working in
these sections. Lena Hayrapetian also said that retraining courses
are being organized for the collaborators of these sections.