Passions Are Running Higher At Pre-Election Time In Turkey


Analytical Department
11.07.2007 GMT+04:00

Right before the Parliamentary elections the opposition will bring
even more accusations against Erdoghan’s party.

The oppositional People’s Republican Party of Turkey accused the
Prime-Minister of the country Redgep Erdoghan of planning to give
away the province of Erzrum to Armenia within the frames of "Great
Middle East" Pact. This is indeed a sensational statement and the
representatives of the Turkish opposition at the head of Denis Baikal
may have a good use of it during the election campaign, which is
coming to its end. The truth is though, that such accusations are
not completely groundless.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The entire Western Armenia, or as it is called in
Turkey, Eastern Anatolia, is populated with Kurds. The times when the
Kurds were instrument in Turkish Government’s hands for annihilating
the Armenians are gone. Times have changed and today the Kurds in
Van and Erzrum are looking forward for a most appropriate moment to
establish the Independent Kurdistan. As soon as Turkey decides on
invasion of Northern Iraq, the Anatolian Kurds will revolt and then
it won’t be hard to guess what awaits Turkey.

This may be the reason why the X time of the invasion is continuously
being put off.

However the matter is not only in similar statements made by the
opposition. Such practice exists not only in the Turkish reality but
in the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian reality as well. It is much
easier to accuse the ruling party of all the deadly sins rather than
to propose own work plan. At present Turkey is in a very complicated
situation. On the one hand there is the problem of not being integrated
into EU, on the other hand there is denial of the Armenian Genocide,
and at last the absence of the US support in the struggle against the
Kurdistan Workers Party. All these above mentioned issues, when taken
together, have the power of blowing the country into pieces and send
it back to the Ottoman Times. After all the Justice and Development
Party leads the country to Islam, which was the principle ideology
of the Ottoman Empire, as Sultan was the very Deputy of Allah on
Earth. If the next President of the country becomes Erdoghan, which is
quite possible, he will give paramount importance to Islamic values
dominating in the country’s ideology. It shouldn’t be forgotten that
only the 1/3 part of the Turkish population of 70 million people lives
in the European part of the country. The rest come from isolated and
poor provinces, where unfaithful wives are still being buried live,
or being thrown stones at, and this 2/3 will surely vote for the
Justice and Development Party.

However in all the above mentioned, there is one important thing to
be underlined; the exclusive power the Joint Staff holds which allows
to change the Government for the sake of the "country’s national
interests". The truth is though, that in the latest edition of the
Constitution, under the pressure of the European Union, this article
has been revised and "extenuated", yet violation of laws are not
regarded as rare happenings in Turkey as well as in any other Asian
country. This has happened in Turkey several times, and this is what
happened in Iraq too, when Colonel Saddam Hussein came to power. The
Chief of the Turkish Joint Staff General Boyukanit made it clear to
the world community that if the army decides on invasion of Northern
Iraq, nothing will change this decision, and the armed forces corps
consisting of 140.000 soldiers spread around the Iraqi borders serves
as a proof to the above mentioned.

In any case right before the Parliamentary elections the opposition
will bring even more accusations against Erdoghan’s party. The whole
thing is that the Justice and Development Party has all the chances
to win in the elections. Armenia will have nothing to win or lose
from it though; the policy of pressure that Turkey implements in the
issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh remains unchanged, and Ankara carries
it not for the sake of "brotherly" Azerbaijan only, but also for its
own interests.