Fair Election Will Further Strengthen Karabakh


July 13, 2007

Artashes Shahbazian, the secretary of the ARFparliamentary faction,
say that conducting fair presidential election in the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic is crucial so that Karabakh speaks from stronger positions
in the settlement talks, proving that the country has a right to
independence and cannot be subjected to Azerbaijan. "It cannot be
connected to a country with a dictatorship regime," he says.

Shahbazian: It’s been 15 years that Nagorno Karabakh has declared
its independence and has been building and strengthening the statehood.

Government institutions were established in Karabakh almost
immediately, and the internal order has been maintained and the
borders protected. It took very short period for Karabakh to get
rid of militarized environment which was specific for a country in
war. Within years, it succeeded to transform into a democratic state.

We and the world have witnessed that everything is on high democratic

Karabakh has proved that the country is a political unit of its own
based on democratic and European values. Karabakh is several steps
ahead of the country which still considers itself the owner of this
land. The environment in Azerbaijan is discordant with that that
exists in Karabakh. No one in Karabakh can imagine that they can
live again in the political reality that exists in Azerbaijan. For
us, it is very important now, before, as well as in the future, how
the election will be conducted in Karabakh. It is crucial that the
forthcoming presidential election in Karabakh be held in a civilized
manner and in line with democratic mechanisms.

Correspondent: As a rule, Azerbaijan tries to shadow such national

Will it be the same now?

Shahbazian: As hard as Azerbaijan tries to question the legitimacy
of this election, Karabakh is proving its rights step by step under
the international law. Fair election is the way. When they try to hit
Karabakh they say that it is government by a group of people. Hence,
it is critical for the country to pass through this election and
maintain its image. And we are sure this is what is going to happen.

Correspondent: Can this work as a political factor?

Shahbazian: Yes, because if there are irregularities, Karabakh will
become vulnerable. Then, we will help others that what Armenians
present is not true, it is just a show.

Correspondent: Do you think that after the presidential election
Karabakh may participate in the negotiations process?

Shahbazian: Of course, it is a goal for all of us. And we are sure that
eventually we will come to a stage when Karabakh will be a full-fledged
party to the talks because it is hard to imagine that there can be
a solution without Karabakh’s participation and a solution will be
imposed on the Karabakh people.