Orange County Activist Discusses Community Concerns With Rep. Ed Roy

20.07.2007 11:08

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Leo Sarkisian intern
and Orange County native Alex Der Alexanian met with Rep. Ed Royce
(R-CA-40) in his Washington, DC office thanking him for his ongoing
support of Armenian Genocide legislation and exploring avenues to
increase support for this key human rights legislation, the Armenian
Genocide Resolution.

"The Genocide Resolution is currently at a crucial stage with the
majority of the House of Representatives as cosponsors" said Der
Alexanian. "I appreciated the opportunity to Visitwith Rep. Royce to
have a greater understanding of the political dynamics surrounding
the consideration of this measure and explore ways we can increase
Congressional support."

Der Alexanian and ANCA Legislative Affairs Director Raffi
Karakashian discussed an array of Armenian American concerns with
Rep. Royce. Following the discussion, Der Alexanian proceeded to
thank the Congressman for cosponsoring for H. Res 106 and urged him to
encourage his colleagues to do the same. Der Alexanian, is a student
at California State University, Fullerton, which is also Rep. Royce’s
Alma Matter.

Rep. Ed Royce represents the 40th district of California covering
cities in western and northern Orange County. As a long time advocate
for human rights, and a member of the Armenian Caucus, Rep. Royce has
been leading cosponsor of Armenian Genocide legislation throughout
his years in Congress.

In addition to cosponsoring the Genocide bill, Congressman Royce
regularly participates in Armenian community events within his
district. In 2005, the Orange County ANC awarded Rep. Royce the
prestigious "Freedom Award."