R. Kocharian advised not to pay attention on empty talks around igno

R. Kocharian advised not to pay attention on empty
talks around ignoring elections in NKR

21.07.2007 14:56 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "The presidential elections in NKR were held
excellently and I congratulate the newly elected president and people
of Karabakh," Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated to journalists
adding that the Armenian side closely watched electoral processes in
Nagorno Karabakh. He said, all necessary steps were made to reduce to
zero Armenia’s influence on elections in Nagorno Karabakh. "Armenian
Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan and me had opportunity to visit NKR,
but we did not do that purposely to avoid influences on the campaign
process, as well policy of presidential candidates," Kocharian noted.

Commenting on statements of international organizations that they do
not recognize elections in Nagorno Karabakh, the Armenian President
said people Artsakh hold elections for organizing their own life and
not for Washington, Brussels or Moscow. "And it doesn’t matter how
much they repeat that they do not recognize elections; conduction
of proper and democratic elections is an important step towards
recognizing NKR’s independence," Robert Kocharian stated advising
journalists not to pay much attention on empty talks around ignoring
elections in NKR, IA Regnum reports.