NKR: Supplying People With Water Is Our Obligation

Laura Grigorian

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Aug 1 2007

Measures are taken to exclude the repetition of doleful situation
of 2006. The problem of water supply remained and remains urgent
in Stepanakert. The city is supplied with water from the rivers,
springs and 7 artesian wells. Two filtering stations, three pumping
stations, production laboratory, three emergency brigades, dispatcher’s
service are working. In last year summer the situation of water supply
was too bad concerned with the dryness and other circumstances. As
the head of the closed joint-stock company "Water-pipe-sewerage"
Vladimir Arzumanian stated, this year the situation was comparatively
well-provided. There were no complaints, besides the complaints
sounded by the people of Aivazovsky street. In connection with those
complaints, the head of the company stated that proper recommendations
were given and measures were taken for improving water supply in
above-mentioned street. According to V. Arzumanian, systematically
supplying people with water was their work and they did everything for
not repeating the history of 2006. On June a group of scientists from
RA was in Stepanakert for the prpose of investigation and revelation
of water reserves. As Arzumanian stated, the group consisted of 7
persons, had modern equipments. Their investigation has given its
result and the works have been taken for the first artesian. It is
foreseen to dig artesian near Manoukian and Kamo streets.