Junior Achievement of Armenia Holds its 14th Annual Summer Camp

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Junior Achievement of Armenia Holds its 14th Annual Summer Camp

Junior Achievement of Armenia held its 14th annual summer camp on the
slopes of Dzghakatzor from July 23 to July 30th. Over 100 high
achieving students enjoyed the many activities designed to reinforce
what the students had learned in their applied economics and civics
education courses.

The activities at camp included elections for student government,
stock market simulation, mock trial, commercial skits, competition for
products using nature, discussion on business ethics, sports, talent
show and many other educational and fun activities. .

The students also received guests representing the public, private and
diplomatic sectors of our society. Mr. Armen Harutyunian, the
Republic’s Ombusdman encouraged the children to take active part in
their communities. Jim Carlson, Program officer at USAID, and Mark
Urban, Sr. Commercial Law Advisor presented the work of USAID in
Armenia. Harutyun Mgrian, a diasporan investor explained the
challenges facing Armenian businessmen today. The guests patiently
and with pleasure answered the many questions that the students had.

`I thought the camp was very educational. The activities were
designed so that we practiced what we had read in applied economics
and civics education courses. I especially liked the stock market
game. And of course, my favorite activity was the picnic, where we
were judged as to how we spent our budget in preparing our daily meal’
stated Khatchik Sahakyan a student at Yerevan school number 107.

Another student Shushan Hovannisyan of Etchmiatzin school #1 thought
that the camp gave her the opportunity to become more self confidant
`I think that I will be able to stand by my rights more assertively.
The most valuable activity for me was the elections at camp, for the
first time I understood what it meant to form a `legitimate

Armine K. Hovannisian, Executive Director of Junior Achievement of
Armenia since 1993 concluded, `We are grateful for the continued
support of USAID, and the Donchyan and Manoogian family foundations
for the financial support they gave to realize our mission of arming
today’s youth with knowledge of free market economics and civics
education. The camp is designed to encourage students to do better in
their studies and is a wonderful place for them to meet each other and
to form lasting friendships’ .

Established in 1992, Junior Achievement of Armenia is dedicated to
promoting free market economics, democratic governance, social
responsibility and ethical business practices in the Republic of
Armenia through economic and civic education. With courses in every
high school in the country, JAA-trained educators now reach 170,000
students in Armenia each year. More than 20% of the total population
of Armenia has taken a JAA course. For additional information visit
