Ohio Mayors Rally In Support Of Genocide Recognition


13.08.2007 16:04

Shortly after becoming the 40th US State to recognize the Armenian
Genocide by proclamation of Governor Ted Strickland, Mayors Michael
Coleman, Frank Jackson, and Mark Mallory issued proclamations in
remembrance of the Armenian Genocide reported the Armenian National
Committee of Ohio.

The strongly worded proclamations all note the importance of genocide
recognition and the significant role that Ohioan Armenians play
throughout the state. ANC of Ohio’s David Krikorian an Ohio activist
has been instrumental in working on having the various Mayors issue
proclamations remembering this historical fact

Earlier this year, while at a bookstore in Oakley, Ohio, Krikorian
found a book called Martyred Armenia and the Story of My Life,
1920, written by Krikor Gayjinkian, an Armenian priest who fled
to Cincinnati, Ohio during the Armenian Genocide, and recounted
his stories of the massacres that took place towards the Christian
Armenians by the Muslim Turks. "With their proclamations, the fine
mayors of Ohio’s largest cities have set an example for all Ohioans to
recognize genocide where and when it happens no matter the political
fallout. It is this kind of leadership that can end the cycle of
genocide which started with the Armenian Genocide and continues to
this day with the genocide in Darfur," commented Krikorian.

In his proclamation, Mayor Cleveland dedicated the week of July 22-28th
in honoring and remembering the genocide of the Armenians, coinciding
with ANCA’s second "Call for Justice" campaign in which thousands
of activists from across the nation participated in calling their
member of Congress urging support of the legislation. The success of
the two call in days added tremendously to the support and awareness
of the resolution.

Ohio’s Congressional delegation has a strong record of support for
Armenian Genocide legislation with Representatives Dennis Kucinich
(D-10), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-11), Betty Sutton (D-13), Steve
LaTourette (R-14), Tim Ryan (D-17), and Zack Space (D-18) having
already cosponsored H. Res 106. Newly elected Senator Sherrod Brown
(D) is a cosponsor of the Senate version of the initiative, S.Res.106.

Currently over 225 U.S Representatives are signed on to H. Res. 106,
and over 30 Senators signed on to S. Res. 106.