Jenam-2007 Astrological Conference Kicks Off

17:28 20/08/2007

JENAM-2007 conference of European and National Astrological Unions
has kicked of in Yerevan today.

Armenian Astrological Union Deputy Chairman Areg Michaelyan said
the event is "unprecedented." "Novosty Armenia" agency reports
say more than 300 scientists from 37 countries of the world
participate, including from USA, Canada, Japan, Brazil, India and
other countries. In the words of organizational committee member Areg
Michaelyan, the event must foster astrophysics as well as expand links
among young scientists and attract the attention of the scientific
world to Armenia. Under the slogan of "Our unstable universe" six
sessions and eight scientific meetings will be organization around
the most modern issues during the conference. JENAM-2007 will continue
until August 25.