By Aghavni Harutyunian
AZG Armenian Daily #151
Moreover, according to the American-Armenian analyst, Armenia is not
active in raising the issue of blockade
"Diaspora is tired of the last 17 years’ Armenia-centric
approach. Diaspora assists Armenia, but receives only declarative
gratitude instead. There is no unification and practical policy",
announced the Lebanese-Armenian analyst Aspet Kochinian in "Urbat"
club on August 21.
According to him, it’s very important for Diaspora not to have a
romantic, but pragmatic approach to Armenia and to perceive Armenia
as a state, first of all, and then as motherland.
Armenia-Diaspora relations need more systematized and efficient
activities than the Pan Armenian Games or Armenia-Diaspora conferences,
mentioned the analyst.
The Dual Citizenship Law is already adopted, but it is not clarified
yet, how can someone, for example, live in Glendale (USA), but be a
citizen of Armenia.
Armenia is deprived of many processes as a state today, though the
issues of the public development, creation of state, etc. are in the
agenda of the neighboring countries, too, Kochinian mentioned.
The issue of Artsakh is a preliminary issue in the relations with
Turkey, and in case of normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations,
Armenia will negotiate with Azerbaijan from better position.
"Global changes are taking place in Turkey today: with the most
important issue of selection of the Eastern or Western policy. For
Armenia, it’s better if Turkey will be integrated into the European
Union, but the last processes prompt that Turkey is not very eager
to be a part of Europe, because of the Kurdish issue in Iraq", said
American-Armenian analyst Richard Kirakosian, who was also the guest of
"Urbat" club.
What about the presidential elections in Turkey, we may not expect
significant changes in Armenian-Turkish relations, if the president
of Turkey becomes Abdullah Gul. It’s because of the global processes
in Turkey, where the personal leadership does not have a significant
role. The most important is the strategy of Turkish policy: issues
of originality, place and role.
Changes in Armenian-Turkish relations are connected with the solution
of the inner issues of Turkish reality. Therefore, the Armenian-Turkish
border will stay closed, until these issues are not solved.
There are three groups of factors in the region, according to Richard
Kirakosian. The first is the group of political factors that are
connected with the elections, and here Armenia comes first. Here NKR
democratic elections have also an important role. The second group is
related to geopolitical factors: Georgia aims to Europe, Azerbaijan
runs a Central-Asian policy, and here is a danger to Armenia – to
be more isolated. The third group involves the military changes in
the region, where the military balance is not kept because of the
Azerbaijan’s progressive development.
Against this background, Iran becomes a more important opportunity for
Armenia, but according to Kirakosian, Iran attaches more importance to
the relations with Azerbaijan than Armenia today. On August 21 Iranian
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started his two-day official visit to
Azerbaijan to discuss issues of energetics and transport, instead,
Iranian vice-president visited Armenia to discuss sport issues.
Armenia should not underestimate its significance for Russia and
Iran. Armenia’s ties with Iran are much more specified and steady
than Iran-Azerbaijan ties, said Richard Kirakosian.
What about the blockade, the American-Armenian analyst thinks that
it’s a non-active war and there are different ways to raise that
issue: World Trade Organization, presence of the World Bank in Turkey,
etc. World Trade Organization has penalties for that kind of blockade
and Armenia can show a diplomatic initiative in this sphere, as that
kind of blockade is a non-active war according to International Law.
Another opportunity is Armenia-EU projects, as the European Union
is the most suitable place to raise those issues, according to
R. Kirakosian.
He also mentioned that NATO is another place to raise those issues:
Turkey is already in NATO, and if Georgia unites in NATO, it’s another
opportunity to raise the issue of the blockade of Armenia there.