Why the ADL Recognized the Armenian Genocide

Why the ADL Recognized the Armenian Genocide
Michael Weiss <;, August 23, 2007
TAGS: Abe Foxman <;
ADL&l t;; Armenian
Genocide < ; Israel
Lobby< obby> Joey
Kurtzman <;
Me arsheimer< >
Politics < olitics>
Turkey< rkey>
Walt <;

Sometimes a Google news search works like an Ask Sherlock engine. I don’t
mean to tread on Joey’s well-pounded terrain, but I think I know why the ADL
offered its mealymouthed half-recognition of the 20th century’s first
genocide. Abe Foxman has a book to sell.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt have broadened their notorious thesis,
that U.S. foreign policy is perilously controlled by a Zionist Lobby (their
caps) consisting of high-powered American Jews, into a volume that’s already
led to the usual cycle of nonsense: canceled lecture gigs, rescinded
invitations, and an overflowing Dershowitz inbox. And as disastrous as it
may be to hear this, the one person responsible for rebutting Lobby
hobbyhorse is none other than the charming Mr. Foxman himself. This sailed
in < .html?hp> under the radar
in the *Times* a few days ago:

Also being released on Sept. 4 is "The Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and
the Myth of Jewish Control" (Palgrave Macmillan) by Abraham H.
Foxman< ce/timestopics/people/f/abraham_h_foxman/index.htm l?inline=3Dnyt-per>,
the national director of the Anti-Defamation
League< m/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/a/antide famation_league/index.html?inline=3Dnyt-org>.
T he notion that pro-Israel groups "have anything like a uniform agenda, and
that U.S. policy on Israel and the Middle East is the result of their
influence, is simply wrong," George P. Shultz, a former secretary of state,
says in the foreword. "This is a conspiracy theory pure and simple, and
scholars at great universities should be ashamed to promulgate it."

You don’t know whether to laugh or cry, really. But how clear it now seems.
The ADL is looking to rob Mearsheimer and Walt of their easy trump: How dare
we be accused of* *propagating* the* deadliest lie being by the man who
believes mass graves are only as real as their Hebraic inhabitants. Foxman
will presumably argue that M/W are wrong because, well, his pro-Israel
organization just alienated Israel’s biggest Muslim ally, so there.

That smile on Tony Judt’s face right about now? Ear to ear, baby.

Source: gnized_the_armenian_genocide
