Recognition Is Our Moral Duty


April 29 2010

In the Knesset of Israel the discussions over the Armenian Genocide
was accepted in the agenda of the parliament with 12 for and 8 against
votes yesterday.

The idea of discussing the issue was with the MP of left side MEREC
party Khaim Oron.

As the informs Oron said in his speech, "They ask me why
do you touch that issue. Let’s leave the history to open the facts"…

but we do not appear with a concrete statement, we do not speak
about the compensation, and we do not speak about resumption of
anyone’s rights."

"It’s important for us to make the Israeli people, Knesset in this
case, recognize the tragedy of another nation. The Armenian nation
needs us to be in the number of those parliaments which overpass 20,
and which have recognized the fact of the Genocide"

Dov Khanin also has showed a positive position for the Armenians.

"We, more than anyone else, can understand the pain of another nation,
who has been committed to mass exterminations. Recognizing is our
moral duty," Khanin said.

The fact that Kh. Oron’s initiation will be accepted was clear form
the very beginning of the discussions, the source says. The question
was in which commission will it be discussed before the voting.

Women’s FIDE Grand Prix: Danielian Beaten, Mkrtchian Draws


April 29 2010

After more than five-hour fighting, the set between Armenia’s Elina
Danielian and Russia’s Tatiana Kosintseva brought victory to Russian
chess player: in the third round of a third stage of the Grand
Prix FIDE among women, taking place in Nalchik, Kosintseva overcame
Danielian and topped the tournament table.

The third game day was victorious only for the Russian player;
other sets ended in draw. Most chances to win had Armenia’s Lilit
Mkrtchian: she had white against Hou Yifan and showed a good game;
however, their set ended in draw.

Le débat sur le génocide arménien est un enjeu politique majeur

par Vicken Cheterian

Le Temps
f-ba6c-182b64522aed/Le_dï¿~Cï¾ ©bat_sur_le_gï¿~Cᄅ nocide_armï¿~Cᄅnien_est _un_enjeu_politique_majeur
26 Avril 2010

Vicken Cheterian, politologue, estime que les événements de 1915
sont loin d’être un simple objet d’histoire, car l’enjeu de ce débat
pèse sur le destin du Haut-Karabagh et de la Turquie elle-même

Pourquoi, 95 ans après, le génocide arménien alimente-t-il encore
les débats parlementaires? Pourquoi est-il la source de tensions
dans les relations internationales? Aujourd’hui, ceux qui nient la
réalité du génocide arménien se font rares. L’argument avancé
pour empêcher sa reconnaissance légale consiste plutôt a admettre
qu’il s’agit certes d’un génocide mais qu’il serait politiquement
inopportun de contrarier la Turquie – membre important de l’OTAN et
partenaire stratégique; ce n’est pas le moment, disent-ils après 95
ans. D’autres estiment que des événements remontant a 1915 devraient
être confiés aux historiens puisqu’ils appartiennent au passé. Ils
se fourvoient. Le génocide arménien est un débat sur des enjeux
politiques contemporains. Les quatre arguments développés ci-dessous
soulignent la portée politique du génocide arménien.

Commencons par la diaspora arménienne, c’est-a-dire les descendants
des survivants du génocide. Les autorités turques persistent a
nier le génocide, prétendent qu’il n’a jamais eu lieu et que si
massacres il y a eu, la faute en incombe aux Arméniens eux-mêmes. Par
cette attitude, la Turquie renforce la mobilisation de la diaspora
arménienne et sa quête de justice et de reconnaissance. Il est
difficile de croire que ces gens vont simplement disparaître,
oublier ou se laisser intimider.

Ils ne trouveront pas la paix tant que la Turquie n’aura pas admis
sa responsabilité dans le génocide de 1915 qui, sous couvert de la
Première Guerre mondiale, a tué ou déporté plus de 2 millions de
personnes qui vivaient dans l’Arménie historique.

L’ombre du génocide continue de planer sur l’équilibre
politique du Caucase. En 1988, lorsque la population arménienne du
Nagorno-Karabakh, qui faisait alors partie de l’Union soviétique, a
exprimé pacifiquement le souhait d’être détachée de l’Azerbaïdjan
soviétique pour être rattachée a l’Arménie soviétique, la
réaction a été violente: moins de trois semaines plus tard, la ville
azérie de Sumgait devenait le théâtre d’un pogrom anti-arménien. Le
message était clair et personne n’a eu besoin d’explications. Les
Arméniens ont compris qu’il s’agissait d’un rappel du génocide de
1915; les Azéris aussi. Le pogrom de Sumgait a été suivi par une
demi-douzaine d’autres, de Ganja (ex-Kirovabad) a Bakou. Â"Si vous
persistez dans vos revendications, attendez-vous a une réplique de
1915Â", disaient en substance les responsables de ces exactions.

Pendant la période de troubles qui a précédé la désintégration
de l’Union soviétique, la menace a refait surface, faisant
écho a la peur. Si la Turquie avait admis sa responsabilité dans
l’anéantissement des Arméniens d’Anatolie, le conflit politique entre
les Arméniens et les Azéris au sujet de la province du Haut-Karabakh
aurait pu être résolu de manière pacifique.

Après l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique, lorsque le conflit du
Haut-Karabakh a dégénérÃ&#xA 9; en guerre ouverte, la Turquie, dont la
population a la même origine ethnique que les Azéris, ne s’est pas
fait prier pour offrir son assistance militaire. Elle a dépêché
sur place armes, munitions et généraux. Les dirigeants turcs ont
même menacé l’Arménie, annoncant qu’ils allaient lui donner une
lecon qu’elle ne serait pas prête d’oublier.

Depuis, la Turquie s’est jointe a l’Azerbaïdjan pour imposer un
blocus a l’Arménie, afin d’étouffer son économie et la forcer a
abandonner son soutien au Haut-Karabakh. Il s’agit de la dernière
frontière a rester fermée depuis la fin de la Guerre froide et le
conflit est loin d’être résolu.

La Turquie, qui porte une responsabilité écrasante dans
l’extermination des Arméniens ottomans, a le devoir de rester au
moins neutre dans le conflit du Haut-Karabakh. Aujourd’hui, les
dirigeants d’Azerbaïdjan continuent de menacer l’Arménie d’une
attaque militaire pour récupérer les territoires perdus lors du
conflit armé des années 90. Si elle reconnaissait le génocide
et adoptait une position neutre dans le conflit du Haut-Karabakh,
la Turquie diminuerait le risque d’une nouvelle guerre du Caucase.

Le troisième argument concerne la Turquie elle-même. Une fois
les Arméniens éliminés, la République turque a continué
a faire preuve d’intolérance vis-a-vis de ses minorités et a
user de violence a leur égard: Kurdes, Assyriens, Grecs, Alevis,
syndicalistes, militants des droits de l’homme. Dans les années 80,
le conflit opposant le régime militaire turc et les guérilleros du
PKK s’est soldé par la destruction d’au moins trois mille villages
kurdes et le déplacement de leurs habitants vers les grandes
villes. Aujourd’hui, ce système a parti unique – le parti militaire
est souvent qualifié a tort de parti Â"laïcÂ" – bat de l’aile et
pourrait céder la place au pluralisme et a la démocratie. Dans ce
contexte, la question arménienne revient sur le devant de la scène
et de nombreux journalistes, écrivains et militants bravent le danger
pour dénoncer les tabous officiels. Certains ont payé leur audace
de leur vie, comme le journaliste Hrant Dink, assassiné devant les
locaux de sa rédaction a Istanbul.

La reconnaissance du génocide arménien par la Turquie constituerait
un immense progrès et permettrait d’effacer la peur et la violence
qui ont marqué la vie politique interne du pays jusqu’a présent.

Mais en fin de compte, la reconnaissance du génocide arménien nous
concerne tous: pouvons-nous vraiment espérer une transformation des
relations internationales et une résolution pacifique des conflits
contemporains si nous préférons ignorer le premier génocide du
XXe siècle, par opportunisme politique?

Le 24 avril, nous avons commémoré le 95e anniversaire du génocide
arménien. Pendant 95 ans, le besoin de justice et de reconnaissance
a été bafoué. Pourtant, évacuer la question du génocide sous
prétexte qu’il s’agit d’histoire et non d’actualité serait une
erreur: ce débat porte sur les enjeux politiques d’aujourd’hui et
il est illusoire de vouloir l’occulter.

L’auteur a publié: War and Peace in the Caucasus, Russia’s Troubled
Frontier, Hurst and Columbia University Press, 2009.

Micheline Calmy-Rey: Both Turkey And Armenia Should Be Applauded For

28.04.2010 11:20

Both Turkey and Armenia should be applauded for the enormous political
will on both sides to normalize relations, a top Swiss diplomat has
said, stressing that the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is actively working on resolving
the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, Today’s Zaman reports.

Micheline Calmy-Rey, the head of the Federal Department of Foreign
Affairs of Switzerland, who mediated talks between Turkey and Armenia
leading to the signing of the normalization protocols last year,
told deputies in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(PACE) that "any developments between Turkey and Armenia should be
viewed in the context of attempts to normalize relations between the
two countries, both of which had shown enormous political will in
recent years."

Calmy-Rey said, "The peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
dispute is being actively pursued by the Minsk Group," adding that
"it is important to encourage meetings that would build confidence
between Azerbaijan and Armenia."

Areximbank – Gazprombank Group Offers Its Clients Individual Bank Sa


2010-04-28 15:52:00

ArmInfo. Starting April 28 "Nalbandyan" Branch of
Areximbank-Gazprombank Group offers its clients a new service –
individual safety deposit boxes leasing.

Areximbank -GPB Group press-service told ArmInfo the service is
available to both individuals and legal entities. The bank offers
four types of safety deposit boxes depending on size. The leasing term
starts with one day up to one year. The lease contract can be extended
or cancelled if necessary. The lease cost is 1,000 drams/day (the
smallest deposit box) and 2,500 drams/day (the largest deposit box).

There is a progressive pay plan: the longer is the lease term, the
lower is the daily payment. The bank provides separate premises where a
client can take and store values in conditions of full confidentiality
and without camera control. The vaults department of the bank is
equipped with up-to-date security systems. The bank provides access
to individual safe deposit boxes also for authorized third party.

Artak Grigoryan: Israel Unlikely To Put The Armenian Genocide Issue

Lusine Vasilyan

28.04.2010 17:45

The Parliament of Israel was set to consider whether to put the
Armenian Genocide issue on the agenda or not. This is not the first
time the Knesset refers to the issue. The issue was raised three
years in a row, but it was not discussed.

Again, the expectations are not big, expert on Armenian-Israeli
relations Artak Grigoryan told a press conference today. According
to him, certain geopolitical factor will prevent the Knesset from
adopting an Armenian genocide resolution.

The Israeli diplomacy is not guided by emotions and personal
affections, but by the interests of the Jews, despite the existence of
an Armenian lobby, and pro-Armenian figure Haim Oron. Oron’s party has
three representatives in the Knesset and does not play an important
role in the domestic political life of the country.

Armenians of Colorado Genocide commemoration events

Armenians Of Colorado Inc.
P.O. Box 13854
Denver, Colorado 80201
Contact: Kim Christianian
Tel: 303-588-5524
E-mail: [email protected]
Denver, Colorado

Wednesday April 28, 2010

Attorney Mark Geragos speaks in Denver as part of the Armenian Genocide
Commemoration events organized by Armenians of Colorado Inc.

Celebrated Los Angeles attorney Mark Geragos spoke about the Armenian
Genocide in his "Reparations: Beyond Recognition" speech as part of the
Armenian Genocide remembrance events organized by Armenians of Colorado
Inc. Geragos spoke to an engaged gathering at the Waring Theatre of
Arapahoe Community College. He was one of the lead lawyers in a pair of
groundbreaking federal class action lawsuits against New York Life
Insurance and AXA for insurance policies issued in the early twentieth
century during the time of the Armenian Genocide. These two cases
settled for over $37.5 million in 2004 and 2005. "The statistical data
about the case that Mr. Geragos shared was amazingly powerful
confirmation of the genocidal process of the Armenian people and the
crowd really appreciated his lecture in Denver" said Kim Christianian,
president of AOC. The lecture was sponsored by Armenians of Colorado
Inc. with support from Sigma Phi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
International Honor Society, Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness &
Action, and Facing History And Ourselves.

On Friday April 23, 2010, the Colorado General Assembly unanimously
passed the 9th annual Armenian Genocide Resolution designating April 24
as Colorado Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. The resolution
was sponsored by long time supporter State Senator Lois Tochtrop and
State Representative Su Ryden. "Unlike previous years, there were no
reservations given by the legislators in passing the resolution", stated
Ken Allikian, chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration committee
which coordinates the resolution every year as well as securing
gubernatorial and Mayoral proclamations.

Armenians of Colorado (AOC) organized the annual commemoration ceremony
the following day at the Armenian Garden, located on the State Capitol
grounds, where there is a memorial headstone dedicated to the 1.5
million Armenians killed during the first genocide of the 20th century.
Over 100 people gathered for the ceremony. The speakers included: State
Senator Lois Tochtrop, Kim Christianian, AOC president and former
co-chair of the Armenians Genocide commemoration committee (GCC), Ken
Allikian, chair of the GCC, and Simon Maghakyan, secretary of AOC and
former co-chair of the GCC. Rosemary Rodriguez, state director for
Senator Michael Bennet read a letter from the Senator.

The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the Ottoman Turks during and
after WWI. It resulted
in the near complete annihilation and extermination of modern Turkey’s
indigenous Armenian population, and in the disappearance of Armenian
cultural artifacts dating back thousands of years. The Turkish
Government to this day denies that the Armenian Genocide ever happened
despite scholars’, historians’, and most western governments’ published
reports and archives affirming the facts of
the genocide. The term "genocide" was coined in 1944 (by Raphael Lemkin)
to describe, in part, what happened to Armenians during World War I.
Below is the text of the 2010 Colorado state resolution.

Sixty-seventh General Assembly
WHEREAS, This year marks the 95th anniversary of the first genocide of
the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide, when 1.5 million men, women,
and children of Armenian descent were victims of a brutal genocide
perpetrated by the Turkish Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923 and, as a
result, there are fewer than 75,000 indigenous Armenians living within
the borders of modern Turkey; and

WHEREAS, The former United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire,
Henry Morgenthau, Sr., stated, "Whatever crimes the most perverted
instincts of the human mind can devise, and whatever refinements of
persecutions and injustice the most debased imagination can conceive,
became the daily misfortunes of this devoted people."; and

WHEREAS, The killing of the Armenian people was followed by the
systematic destruction of churches, schools, libraries, treasures of
art, and cultural monuments that continues to this day in an attempt to
eliminate all traces of a noble civilization with a history of more than
3,000 years; and

WHEREAS, The New York Times recently reported a newly exposed official
Ottoman document revealing that 972,000 Armenians disappeared from
population records within one year; and

WHEREAS, Despite overwhelming evidence, modern Turkey continues to deny
and distort the facts of the genocide, honor the perpetrators of that
crime against humanity as national heroes, and persecute its citizens
who acknowledge or even allude to the Armenian Genocide; and

WHEREAS, Each April, Armenians throughout the world honor their martyrs,
and all the world’s people should commemorate the Armenian Genocide and
condemn any attempt to deny its historical truth or mischaracterize it
as anything less than genocide, a term coined by Raphael Lemkin in 1944
referencing the Armenian extermination as a
seminal example of genocide; and

WHEREAS, We must all fight against current injustices, such as the
ongoing first genocide of the 21st century in Darfur that is being
denied by the Turkish government, an ally of the Sudanese regime, which
demonstrates how the cycle of genocide continues; and

WHEREAS, We commend Armenians of Colorado, Inc., for organizing the
April 2010 genocide commemoration events, which include a keynote speech
by attorney Mark Geragos entitled "Reparations: Beyond Recognition",
held April 17th at Arapahoe Community College;

WHEREAS, We commend the growing number of Turkish citizens, including
academics, writers, and journalists, who challenge their government’s
official account of history amid threats of prosecution and imprisonment
under article 301 of the Turkish penal code, which forbids denigration
of the Turkish nation and the Turkish government;

now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Sixty-seventh
General Assembly
of the State of Colorado, the House of Representatives concurring

(1) That this legislative body pause in its deliberations to commemorate
the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, to be recognized at a
memorial service at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, 2010, at the
Armenian Genocide memorial plaque in the Armenian Garden, located in the
northeast quadrant on the State Capitol grounds;
(2) That we, the members of the General Assembly, hereby acknowledge
April 24, 2010, and April 24 of each year hereafter, as "Colorado Day of
Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide".

Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to
the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States; the members
of the Colorado Congressional Delegation; the members of the
Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues; the Honorable Bill Ritter, Jr.,
Governor of Colorado; the Armenian Assembly of America in Washington,
D.C.; the Armenian National Committee in Washington,
D.C.; and the Armenian and Turkish Embassies in Washington, D.C.

Armenians of Colorado, Inc. (AOC) was established in June 1982. It is a
501(c) (3) non-profit,
cultural organization charged with a purpose to create a cohesive
Armenian community and to
further the understanding of Armenian history, culture, and heritage.
AOC actively supports issues
and concerns of the Armenian-American community here in Colorado as well
as those identified
within the Armenian Diaspora throughout the world. For more information
about Armenians of
Colorado go to

Armenian Church on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Office of Foreign Communications
Tel: +374-10-517163
Fax: +374-10-517301
E-Mail: [email protected]

Armenian Church on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

To receive real-time news from the headquarters of the Armenian Church and
keep abreast of events and activities in the Catholicosate of All Armenians
and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, you can visit all three of the
following the social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

As always, news stories, press releases, photo galleries, videos and
upcoming events will still appear in their entirety on the official website
of the Armenian Church ().

For Facebook, please visit and click the
`Like’ button to subscribe and become a fan.

For Twitter, please visit and click `Follow’
to subscribe.

For YouTube, please visit our channel at to
watch current and past videos. You may choose to subscribe to the channel
to receive regular updates, but there is no requirement to do so.


Un Officier De Police Du Commissariat De Tcharentsavan A Ete Arrete


28 avril 2010

Selon Hayots Achkhar, Haykakan Jamanak, Aravot et 168 Jam, un
officier de police du commissariat de Tcharentsavan a ete arrete,
suspecte d’avoir force le jeune Vahan Khalafian a se suicider lors
d’un interrogatoire. 168 Jam rapporte les propos de l’Ombudsman
Armen Haroutiounian, selon lesquels, dans tous les cas, en depit
des hypothèses sur les causes de ce decès, la police doit assumer
ses responsabilites. Ce n’est pas la première fois, rappelle-t-il,
qu’un citoyen de la RA entre dans un commissariat de police et en
sort inanime.

Flowers Deposed At The Eternal Flame Of The Genocide Memorial To Be

17:24 27/04/2010


April 24th is a memory day for all Armenians all over the world.

Thousands of Armenians from Diaspora and Armenia as well as numerous
foreigners honor the memory of 1915 Armenian Genocide by deposing
hundreds and thousands of flowers at the eternal flame thus
commemorating the memory of innocent victims of that terrifying
massacre. Those flowers symbolize the sorrow about irreparable losses.

This year FPWC in cooperation with its general partner VivaCell-MTS
implemented a number of joint projects. In the frame of Earth Day
celebrations on April 22nd the Foundation embellished Memory Park in
Tsitsernakaberd with 95 seedlings brought from Western Armenia.

To conclude the series of events on the occasion of Armenian Genocide
95th commemoration FPWC has come up with a symbolic initiative which
will take place on the 27th of April. For the first time the flowers
deposed at the eternal flame of the Genocide Memorial will "revive".

Sunchild Eco-club children, volunteers, FPWC staff, a number
of organizations and individuals will first carefully remove the
pedicles of the flowers which will later be used in compost for the
park of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. The flower petals dried
in special conditions and used in recycled paper will turn into nice
thank you cards and memos for the Genocide Museum-Institute. The
cooperation of FPWC with Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute does
not only imply participation in the care of the Museum Park but also
demonstration of special approach to those people who brought flowers
to the eternal flame overwhelmed with deep, unutterable emotions. The
flowers disguised in thank you cards and memos will symbolize our
eternal struggle and creative existence to the visitors and guests
of the Museum.

It’s worth to mention that a few organizations like VivaCell-MTS,
Star supermarket, Yerevan State University (YSU), Gavar branch of YSU,
"To Hayq" benevolent foundation, "Youth achievements" NGO will join
this initiative of FPWC. Many popular artists will also take part in
this event.

There will be a shift work day starting from early morning till
late evening.

This event is implemented in the frame of "Green Generation 2010’~R
campaign in partnership with VivaCell-MTS.