Today Marks 21st Anniversary Of Spitak Earthquake

11:39 ~U 07.12.09

December 7, 1988, is the date the earthquake in the Spitak region
of Armenia, then part of the Soviet Union, took place. The Spitak
earthquake (also known as the Leninakan or Gyumri earthquake) was a
tremor with a magnitude of 6.9 on the Richter scale that caught the
world’s attention 21 years ago because of the large-scale destruction
that resulted in the region.

Every year on this day, the disaster area becomes the centre
of attention; however, years go by and issues continue to remain
unresolved. Before the mark of today’s anniversary, Gyumri’s Asparez
press club appealed to journalists, editors and other members of the
press, highlighting the present state of the disaster area.

A number of statistics are outlined in the press release that Asparez
press club issued, including the fact that the disaster zone has
still not been restored: in Gyumri alone, more than 4,100 families,
displaced from their homes because of the earthquake, have been living
in temporary shelters. The numbers of other homeless (split families,
families with children born after the earthquake, immigrants, and
families who left their homes for other reasons that resulted from
the earthquake) is more than 3,500.

Presenting the situation, Asparez press club appealed to the press,
asking them to delve deeper into settling that which has been promised
to earthquake survivors, "being guided only by the public’s interest;
in this case, giving preference to the interests of earthquake

BAKU: Turkey-Armenian Borders positive accelerator to NK solution
Dec 6 2009

Novruz Mammadov: `The Process of opening the Turkish-Armenian Borders
became Positive Accelerator in the Solution to Nagorno Karabakh

Chief of the International Relations Department of the Presidential
Administration Novruz Mammadov gives an interview to some news
agencies of Azerbaijan.

The department chief spoke about the negotiation process over the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict, meetings between the presidents and foreign
ministers and etc.

– How do you see development of Munich meeting between the Azerbaijani
and Armenian presidents and Athens meeting between the foreign

– Munich was the sixth meeting this year between the presidents of
Azerbaijan and Armenia toward the solution to Nagorno Karabakh
conflict. This statistics shows how the negotiation process was
intensified. Generally, Azerbaijani president has demonstrated very
concrete and principal position since the beginning of 2009 and
directed the attention of international community, particularly the
leading countries such as US, Russia and France and others, as well as
international organizations to the importance of the solution to the
conflict. This was very important process. Certain process took place
in the region and the president has showed very concrete position on
that since the beginning of the year. The president expressed his
position during the different contacts and meetings that it is time to
solve this conflict and it is very urgent and actual and has great
significance for the region. This issue was raised at the meetings
with the US President, Secretary of State and other officials, at the
different meetings with the Russian leadership, during the
correspondence with the French leader. The issue became urgent and
intensified the negotiations. At the same time, the process of opening
the Turkish-Armenian borders became positive accelerator in the
solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict. If the world community,
powerful countries attach great attention to the South Caucasus and
make efforts for stability and security in this region, first issue to
be addressed here is the solution to Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
The first issue is that. Then let them to solve other issues second
and third. Azerbaijani president made very strong statements
concerning the solution to the conflict and character of the talks in
this period, particularly in recent time. I think all these have an
impact on the negotiation process. Some statements alarmed the
Armenian leadership and on the other hand attracted the attention of
world leaders and leading countries to this issue. From this view,
comments made at the OSCE foreign ministers’ meeting mean that there
is a positive dynamic in the negotiation process. There were other
different statements too. Even Foreign Minister of France Bernard
Kouchner said under the present circumstances a framework agreement
might be signed. This is a very optimistic statement. I think while
making this statement he analyzed all processes thoroughly and
grounded his position from his point of view. I approach such
statements a little carefully, as I always observe hypocritical,
insidious position of Armenian leaders, have seen in the negotiations
held within 10-15 years, know that they are not principled in their
positions, express a certain position in one meeting and backtrack on
their position in another meeting. Azerbaijani President shows all his
efforts, takes all steps for the solution to the conflict. It has
always been so and is continuing. But I want to point out two
important factors as the recent moment of the negotiations carried out
with Armenia within a year. First, the main fact attracting attention
in these processes is that Obama, Clinton, Medvedev, Lavrov, Sarkozy,
Kouchner have issued statements. Second, at the background of these
processes Armenian leaders once more realized that this conflict must
be solved sooner or later and the solution to the conflict plays a
very big role in their future. This conflict is a serious obstacle to
most of their plans. This obstacle has always been, and if they did
not realize it, this is their tragedy. They should have realized it
when Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project was realized. But in the last moment
they saw that this problem impedes the opening that they want to
realize even with the help of the world. Turkish Prime Minister has
today said that he will tell the Americans if they want all the
problems in the region solved, opening to be realized normally, first
of all Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh should be
solved. I think the solution to Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over
Nagorno Karabakh will be one of the main themes of discussions between
Turkish Prime Minister and the U.S. President. In general, speaking of
the recent negotiations, the Athens meeting was as if a final, it
demonstrated a common position. Now the continuation of the positive
process is one of the urgent issues.

– The statement issued in Athens was negatively assessed by the
Armenian opposition. They accuse Armenian leadership of betrayal. How
does this document differ from the previous ones?

– Actually, this statement does not differ much from the previous
ones. Simply, the position of the Armenian leadership is not stable.
The situation in Armenia is complicated. There is an episode in tales:
The ogre has a glass, there is a bird in it and they say the bird will
fly away as soon as it is opened. And this is the end of the ogre’s
life. This is the same for Armenian leaders: no matter who is leading
the country, the solution to the conflict plays the role of a bird for
them. If the conflict is solved, each of them will become an ordinary
person, maybe the person hated by most in the society. That’s why they
are very careful. There are circles in the Armenian society that begin
to accuse their leaders of betrayal, when a new step is taken. If the
Armenian leaders had been wise enough, had not created this problem
early in the 90s, or those who backed them had told that it would not
be favorable for them, then maybe Armenia would have profited 5, 10,
or even 15 times more. The problems in economy, finance, security, and
in terms of the relations with Turkey would have been solved. The
Armenians comment on the self-determination as they want and regard it
as the establishment of a separate state. Whereas the
self-determination may be solved in various variants and this has been
widely spread in the world. In Russia tens of nations achieved
self-determination within the framework of the Russian Federation. We
can give tens of examples in other states, too.

Indeed the fortune of Armenians living in Karabakh was solved before
the collapse of USSR. Simply the Armenians didn’t understand that. If
they understood that, they would provide Nagorno Karabakh with large
autonomy and continue to live in other cities and regions of
Azerbaijan. No one had such opportunities they had in Baku in that
time. They would reach everything with support of their patrons,
Diaspora and lobby and achieve great opportunities. But now they lost
all that. They harmed Armenian state and people. They are in difficult
situation, but didn’t want to acknowledge that. Leading countries are
making efforts to save them now. It was possible to show financial
support to them earlier, but now during then financial crisis it
became difficult. Today 10-150 million dollars is quite enough normal
for any country. Therefore all over the world show their position to
pull out Armenia from this situation. It needs to open borders with
Turkey to save Armenia. There are two million people in Armenia who
can reach normal life with Turkey’s support. There is no principle for
them, they are acting faithless. According to their principles,
Armenians shouldn’t agree with that, but as you see, what steps they
are doing and what methods they are using. There is no sense to seek
faith and principles in the Armenian society. Their leadership,
political parties and different circles make ridiculous offers to
argue their position. It needs to accept it as political show.


Washington backs Karabakh peaceful settlement process

Interfax, Russia
Dec 4 2009

Washington backs Karabakh peaceful settlement process


The United States supports the efforts by the Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group to settle the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense Celeste Wallander at a meeting with Armenian leaders.

Wallander said that the Obama administration supports the process of a
peaceful resolution to the Karabakh conflict, based on the principles
of the renouncement of the use or threat of force, territorial
integrity, the equality of peoples and the right of nations to
self-determination, the U.S. Embassy in Armenia told Interfax.

While in Yerevan, Wallander met with Armenia’s President Serzh
Sargsian, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian and other officials.

Le Haut-Karabakh : deux poids, deux mesures…

Le Haut-Karabakh : deux poids, deux mesures…
by Anne-Marie Mouradian

Dec 03, 2009 04:48 PM

The principle is that the EU grants its development aid to populations
in need regardless of political considerations. But the truth is
difference. An article in French about the EU’s attitude to Nagorno
Karabakh. This article was published on by
Anne-Marie Mouradian.

L’Union européenne accorde en principe son aide humanitaire en
fonction des besoins des populations locales et non de considérations
politiques. La réalité est moins lisse. En témoigne la différence de
traitement envers deux républiques sud-caucasiennes autoproclamées et
au statut comparable : l’Abkhazie qui a fait sécession de la Géorgie
en 1992, d’une part, le Haut – Karabakh, enclave arménienne offerte à
l’Azerbaïdjan par Staline, qui a voté son indépendance en 1991, de

Deux « conflits gelés » à la suite de guerres d’indépendance
meurtières. La dernière crise russo-géorgienne et la signature, en
octobre, des protocoles arméno-turcs les ont rappelés au bon souvenir
de la communauté internationale.

Nonobstant le fait qu’elle ne la reconnaisse pas comme Etat, l’Union
européenne a des relations de facto avec l’Abkhazie. Elle lui fournit
une aide humanitaire, finance des projets visant à améliorer les
conditions de vie des habitants et des programmes de réhabilitation
économique. A travers ce modus vivendi, l’Europe a été en 2008 un
important donateur avec des projets « apolitiques » dont la mise en
`uvre n’était pas conditionnée à l’avancement des négociations ou à un
règlement du conflit.

L’UE refuse en revanche toute assistance au Haut-Karabakh et le
service d’aide humanitaire de la Commission européenne, ECHO, est
absent de l’enclave. Peter Senneby, l’envoyé spécial de l’Union
européenne pour le Caucase du Sud, s’est rendudepuis son entrée en
fonction, il y a trois ans, en Ossétie du Sud et en Abkhazie, mais il
n’est jamais allé au Haut-Karabakh. Deux poids, deux mesures pour ne
pas fcher Bakou. «Nous ne voulons pas », explique une source à la
Commission de Bruxelles, «créer de problèmes avec Bakou, avec le
gouvernement azerbaïdjanais qui considère toute aide à la population
du Haut-Karabakh comme une atteinte à sa souveraineté. Peter Senneby a
eu l’intention, à plusieurs reprises, d’aller à Stepanakert, la
capitale de l’enclave, mais a dû à chaque fois renoncer, voire
rebrousser chemin, sous la pression de Bakou».

Les Etats-Unis octroient, pour leur part, une assistance humanitaire
directe au Haut-Karabakh, fixée pour 2009 à 8 millions de dollars.
L’USAID y finance des projets de santé, d’approvisionnement en eau
potable, agriculture de subsistance, reconstruction des écoles et
habitations, programmes de micro-crédits…Pour tenter des combler les
lacunes humanitaires, quelques ONG internationales sont également
présentes, dont le Comité International de la Croix Rouge ou l’ONG
britannique « Halo Trust » spécialisée dans le nettoyage des mines
anti personnelles qui, quinze ans après le cessez le feu, continuent
de tuer et mutiler. Mais les besoins sont considérables.

Exsangue et détruite à 80% à l’issue de la guerre avec l’Azerbaïdjan,
le Haut-Karabakh, un « Etat qui n’existe pas mais qui est bien là »,
s’est attelé à sa reconstruction avec l’aide, principalement, de la
république d’Arménie elle-même isolée économiquement par le double
blocus turco-azéri, et d’organisations humanitaires arméniennes des
Etats-Unis et d’Europe, puisqu’à défaut d’un accès à la mer comme la
Géorgie ou de pétrole comme l’Azerbaïdjan, les Arméniens possèdent une

Absente sur le plan humanitaire et du développement, l’UE ne participe
pas non plus directement aux négociations sur le Haut-Karabakh entre
l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan menées sous l’égide du groupe de Minsk de
l’OSCE. Elle n’est pas pour autant inactive et compte financer des «
mesures de confiance » entre les sociètés civiles des parties en
conflit, indique-t-on à Bruxelles. Mais ces programmes de contacts et
de rencontres restent limités aux populations de l’Arménie et de
l’Azerbaïdjan, en excluant les habitants du Haut-Karabakh qui semblent
considérés par la communauté internationale plus comme un enjeu que
comme des acteurs. Comment `uvrer pour la paix en ignorant la
dynamique locale ? Le Parlement européen a invité l’UE à sortir de ce
paradoxe en élargissant les contacts aux principaux intéréssés et en
facilitant des contacts entre les populations du Haut-Karabakh et

Fragiles protocoles arméno-turcs
La problématique a été relancée avec la signature le 10 octobre, sous
énorme pression américaine, des protocoles entre l’Arménie et la
Turquie, sur fond de nouveau grand jeu géopolitique au Sud-Caucase.
L’ouverture de la frontière fermée par la Turquie depuis 1993 et le
rétablissement de relations diplomatiques devraient contribuer, en
principe, à stabiliser la région et permettre à l’Occident de
sécuriser son approvisionnement énergétique depuis le bassin de la

Jusqu’ici, la Turquie avait mis trois conditions à l’ouverture de sa
frontière avec l’Arménie : que Erevan renonce à revendiquer la
reconnaissance du génocide arménien par les Turcs ottomans qu’Ankara
s’obstine à nier depuis 94 ans ; que le conflit du Haut-Karabakh soit
résolu de manière satisfaisante pour l’Azerbaïdjan, que Erevan
reconnaisse les frontières actuelles comme légales, renonçant à
d’éventuelles revendications territoriales et réparations.

Côté arménien, les autorités ont répété qu’elles ne demandaient aucun
préalable tout en précisant qu’il ne peut être question de remplacer
un embargo matériel par un embargo sur la mémoire. Des opposants aux
protocoles en Arménie comme dans la diaspora, jugent quant à eux toute
normalisation impossible tant que l’Etat turc, par son négationnisme
et son refus de tout acte de contrition, gardera toujours béante la
plaie du génocide arménien.

Concernant le Karabakh, il ne peut, estime Erevan, servir de
marchandage à une normalisation arméno-turque. La république de facto
qui n’a pas oublié les pogroms antiarméniens en Azerbaïdjan, rejette
catégoriquement toute idée de retour sous l’autorité de Bakou. Le
compromis global proposé par les médiateurs du groupe de Minsk porte
sur la définition du statut final de l’enclave dans le cadre d’un
referendum d’autodétermination, la question des réfugiés et personnes
déplacées, le retour sous contrôle azerbaïdjanais des zones tampon
entourant le Haut-Karabakh et un corridor reliant l’enclave à
l’Arménie. Pour Erevan, il s’agit d’un paquet à négocier dans son
ensemble. Bakou s’oppose au referendum d’autdétermination.

Face aux menaces de guerre régulièrement agitées par le président
Aliyev, un retrait des forces arméniennes de la ceinture de sécurité
qu’elles occupent autour du Haut-Karabakh rendrait l’enclave
vulnérable, sinon indéfendable en cas d’attaque ; elles n’envisagent
de s’en retirer que si elles sont remplacées par une force
internationale. Les médiateurs ont proposé le déploiement d’une
mission de paix mais aucun Etat, à part la Russie, n’est prêt à
envoyer de troupes. « Nous n’avons reçu aucun signal dans ce sens de
la part de nos responsables politiques » constate un expert du Comité
militaire de l’UE.

« En cette période de crise financière et de réduction des budgets,
l’UE envisage moins que jamais de déployer une mission de paix autour
du Karabakh» confirme-t-on à la Commission européenne. Comme le relève
Bruno Coppieters, professeur de sciences politiques à la Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, « Le problème des Etats non reconnus
internationalement, c’est qu’on peut difficilement garantir leur
sécurité et empêcher l’usage de la force à leur encontre. C’est ce qui
s’est passé dans le cas de l’Akhazie, en août 2008. Il faut que la
communauté internationale trouve le moyen de prévenir les menaces
d’agression dans ce genre de situation ».

Officiellement, les protocoles arméno-turcs ne prévoient rien d’autre
que l’ouverture de la frontière et la normalisation sans préalables
des relations bilatérales entre la Turquie et l’Arménie, après
ratification par leurs parlements.

L’accord à peine signé, le Premier ministre Erdogan subordonnait
pourtant leur mise en `uvre à une solution du conflit du Karabakh. Le
parlement turc ne ratifiera pas les protocoles tant qu’il n’aura pas
obtenu satisfaction sur cette question, en comptant sur la fragilité
d’une Arménie rendue économiquement vulnérable par le blocus. Un
calcul qui balaierait les engagements des « parrains » occidentaux et
équivaudrait à torpiller le processus de normalisation. Reconnaître
qu’il a été « piégé» et accepter une formule mettant en danger le
statut et la sécurité du Haut-Karabakh contraindrait le Président
arménien Serge Sarkissian à la démission. Avant lui, l’ancien
président Levon Ter-Petrossian en a fait l’expérience dans des
circonstances comparables.

Nul ne sait à ce stade ce qui sortira des protocoles arméno-turcs. Le
chemin est encore long à parcourir et laisse prévoir de complexes et
obscures man`uvres diplomatiques. Leur mise en `uvre inconditionnelle
permettrait un début de rapprochement, premier pas d’un long et
difficile processus, sachant que normalisation et réconciliation sont
deux notions différentes. La première relève d’une décision d’Etat à
Etat. La seconde nécessite l’assentiment et l’adhésion des peuples,
clé d’une véritable stabilisation.

*Anne-Marie Mouradian est journaliste, correspondante de plusieurs
médias internationaux (Bruxelles).

Turkey-Armenia normalization should help solve the Karabakh issue

Vladimir Ivanovski: Turkey-Armenia normalization should help solve the
Karabakh issue
05.12.2009 14:22

`We are obliged to find the ways of solution to Karabakh problem, we
have no other way out. Normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations
should help resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,’ Russian ambassador
to Turkey Vladimir Ivanovski said in his interview with the Turkish
Aksam newspaper.

The ambassador said those who say `It is not right to sign the
protocols, ratify them in the parliament unless Nagorno-Karabakh
problem is solved’ are mistaken. "It is wrong to connect the border
issue and Nagorno-Karabakh problem."

`Normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations does not worry Russia, we
have always supported it. The expansion of the economic relations
among Turkey, Armenia and Russia is very important,’ Ivanovski said.

Russian ambassador also spoke about his country’s relations with Azerbaijan.

First Meeting of Supervisors of South Caucasus Railway in Yerevan

First Meeting of Supervisors of South Caucasus Railway in Yerevan

2009-12-05 15:01:00

ArmInfo. The supervisors of the railroad, car and locomotive services
of the South Caucasus Railway (SCR) have met for the first time in
Yerevan, SCR told ArmInfo.

Marat Khakov, SCR CJSC First Deputy Director General, opened the
meeting. In his welcoming speech, M. Khakov highlighted the role of
supervisors in the railway economy and presented the nowadays
requirements to the supervisors. "Supervisors are a link between
technical workers and managers," he said. Social policy of the company
for 2010, optimization of the work, and supply with spare parts has
been discussed at the meeting. M. Khakov said that alongside with
development of freight and passenger traffic, the company is trying to
develop production of spare parts in Armenia. "The railway has already
been supplied with spare parts made in Armenia by 50-60%. This reduces
the cost of the spare parts, cuts the delivery time and allows
creating new jobs," he said.

For his part, SCR Director General Shevket Shaydullin said the meeting
of supervisors summed up the activity of the railway, formed
collective view and discussed the company’s positioning as a national
transport company. As a result, our international partners, business
and public will expect more from the company. SCR must realize these
expectations as a company with an accurate and effective mechanism of
functioning. He said the company will introduce merit rating of
supervisors of technical services. The leading specialists of the
company were awarded with prizes and money gifts.

South Caucasian Railway CJSC is the subsidiary (100%) of the Russian
Railways CJSC. The contract of concession of the Armenian Railroad
CJSC for 30 years with a 10-year renewable period was signed in
Yerevan on February 13 2008.

HSBC Donates to Help Fund the `Classroom of the Future’ at Chamlian

HSBC Donates to Help Fund the `Classroom of the Future’ at Chamlian
Dec 4th, 2009

GLENDALE – Chamlian Armenian School recently received a $3,000 donation
from HSBC to help fund the `Classroom of the Future’ project.

The project is designed to give students access to the most up-to-date
technology and help further their understanding of what the technology
of tomorrow might bring to the school environment and the workplace.

This generous donation from HSBC, coordinated by Chamlian parent
Meline Kalendjian, will be integral in helping Chamlian make this
project possible. The school is extremely grateful for this gift.

Chamlian is continually recognized for its high performance in science
and technology. Programs like this will ensure Chamlian remains ahead
of the curve in these, and all academic areas.

Shirak Torosyan: No Separatism In Javakhk


04.12.2009 15:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Dependent on Georgian communication routes, Armenia
failed to demonstrate an adequate approach to Tbilisi’s discrimination
policy against the Armenian population of Samtskhe Javakheti, an
Armenian MP said.

"There is no separatism in Javakhk. Armenians are just trying to defend
their rights," Shirak Torosyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will make Georgia alleviate
pressure in Javakhk," he said.

Unibank Presents New Mortgage Program


04.12.2009 16:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Unibank presents a new mortgage program, providing
loans to purchase real estate in new built quarters.

Minimal prepayment is defined as 30 %, with maximal mortgage loan
amount of $200 000. Loans are provided for a 15-year term, at 14%
annual interest rate, the bank’s press service reported.

By the end of 2009 third quarter, Unibank mortgage portfolio exceeded
AMD 12.7 billion to rank second in Armenia’s banking system.

L.Zurabyan: Armenia Accepted A Statement Not In Its Interests


Dec 4 2009

"The statements made during the OSCE Ministerial Council about the
Nagorno Karabakh issue settlement should awaken the authorities of
Artsakh", – thinks ANC coordinator L. Zurabyan.

Answering to the question of the reporter what ANC thinks
about the statement made by the NA of the NKR mentioned that the
first step of the Artsakh authorities was depriving the Armenian
authorities speaking for them.

"The first step to do for the Artsakh authorities was to deprive
Armenia speaking instead of them. They didn’t do that. I still hope
that the OSCE statement will awaken them", – L. Zurabyan said.

When the journalists asked who is pressing the Armenian authorities
the ANC didn’t give a concrete answer and announced again that "there
exists a contract".