250,798 tourists visited Armenia in three months



 12:49, 9 April, 2022

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, ARMENPRESS. 250,798 tourists visited in Armenia in the first quarter of 2022, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said, presenting the figures.

“The number of tourists, who visited Armenia in the first quarter of 2022, is 250,798, the number in the same period of 2021 is 87,131, and in 2019 – 333,150”, the minister said.

Kerobyan also presented the data of 2016-2022 by months.


Russia hopes for de-escalation in Nagorno Karabakh based on 2020 November 9 trilateral statement



 11:15, 29 March, 2022

YEREVAN, MARCH 29, ARMENPRESS. Russia hopes that the situation in Nagorno Karabakh will de-escalate based on the 2020 November 9 trilateral statement, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told TASS News Agency.

“We hope that it will all be resolved within the framework of the 2020 November 9 trilateral statement of the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian leaders,” Rudenko said.

Armenian criminal gang dismantled in France over counterfeit cigarettes

March 30 2022

A total of 11 individuals suspected of being part of an Armenian organised crime group involved in the large-scale import and distribution of counterfeit cigarettes have been arrested by French Customs (judicial investigation unit of the Ministry of Finance) with the support of Europol’s European Financial and Economic Crime Centre (EFECC).

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On 15 March, over 40 judicial customs investigators, with the support of special intervention teams of the French National Police (RAID) and two Europol experts deployed on the ground, simultaneously searched 13 sites, including industrial premises as well as private residences, in and around the city of Lyon.

In addition to the arrests, over 2.5 tonnes of counterfeit cigarettes were seized, worth about EUR 1 250 000 in France, alongside EUR 100 000 in cash and EUR 150 000 in winning lottery tickets bought by the criminals to launder the profits. Four guns and many types of ammunition were seized.

The French investigators have since then been able to uncover that the counterfeit cigarettes were imported from different European countries, before being stored in warehouses located in industrial areas and then sold on the black market in several French cities.

Coordination by Europol

Europol’s EFECC supported the investigation by providing its secure communication platform and facilitating international cooperation between France and a number of other European countries, running cross-checks and providing analytical support and operational expertise. Two of its experts were deployed to Lyon to support the French Customs on the action day.

Excise fraud is currently an EU law enforcement priority. Strategic and operational plans have been developed under the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Crime Threats (EMPACT) Excise Fraud Project. Under this umbrella, a total of 24 countries led by Belgium are working together on countering the illicit production of cigarettes in the European Union.  

Forecast: If Moscow is not forced to choose, it will continue to balance between Baku and Yerevan

Armenia – April 1 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. Despite the fact that the current crisis around Nagorno- Karabakh is clearly not provoked by the situation in Ukraine, and the settlement of this conflict will be  within its own logic, it would be wrong to completely deny the  influence of the Ukrainian factor in all this.  Sergei Markedonov,   Leading Researcher at the MGIMO Institute for International Studies,  Editor- in-Chief of the Journal of International Analytic told  Arminfo

"The Western informational narrative, one way or another, has a huge  resource of influence beyond the US and Europe as well. Accordingly,  the latest assessments of the campaign in Ukraine may well contribute  to the formation of interpretations, according to which Moscow no  longer has time for Transcaucasia. The latter may well lead,  moreover, it is already leading to Baku's attempts to push back the  "red lines," he stressed.

Noting the growing criticism of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan  regarding the actions of the Russian Federation in Karabakh, the  analyst expressed an opinion that similar criticism could be heard in  Yerevan as well. In this light, he singled out the demands voiced by  Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan during his last conversation with  Russian President Putin for greater toughness of peacekeepers against  the Azerbaijani military. As well as the need to investigate the  actions of the Russian military, which allowed the advancement of  Azerbaijanis in the zone of responsibility of the Russian military.

According to Markedonov, all these events and statements by the  parties to the conflict do not change geopolitical realities. The  West is still not ready to discriminate against the actions of the  Russian Federation in Karabakh, following the example of actions in  Ukraine, although the same American and French politicians are doing  this in relation to Baku's latest actions in Karabakh. This allows us  to state that what is allowed to Kiev will not necessarily be allowed  to Baku, which is not at all due to sympathies or antipathies towards  Russia.

According to the analyst's forecasts, another reality that is  interesting from the point of view of prospects is the possibility of  a tough reaction from Moscow in the event of attempts to oust it from  areas of interest to it. And this is against the background of the  traditional desire of the Russian Federation to avoid breaking the  status quo in conflict regions as much as possible. In this light, he  recalled that Moscow recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia after four  years of unfreezing these conflicts as well asthe LPR and DPR after  eight years of futile negotiations around the Minsk agreements.  

"And finally, the last but by no means least important circumstance.  The lack of any claims from all sides to the quality of the Russian  peacekeeping mission in Karabakh leaves no alternative to it at all.   The West, ready for total containment of Russia in Karabakh, does not  offer anything. The latter means that Moscow, avoiding a hard choice,  will continue the policy of careful balancing between Baku and  Yerevan as a conflict moderator until, as in other "hot spots" of the  former USSR, this choice is not imposed on it, leaving no elementary  room for maneuvering. That is why today it is extremely important not  to cross the line in Karabakh separating crisis management from  conflict defrosting," Markedonov summed up.

Statement of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Artsakh: Azerbaijan destroys the Armenian cultural heritage

April 2 2022
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo. On March 24, 2022, as a result of Azerbaijani aggression, the area around the village of Parukh in the Askeran region of the Artsakh Republic, the former settlement of Karaglukh and the homonymous height, were occupied by the enemy and the Azerbaijani Armed Forces immediately proceeded to the well-known script of the destruction of the Armenian historical and cultural heritage in the occupied territory.

            Apart from its strategic importance, the area is also important for its unique historical-cultural and historical-natural environment. According to the state list of immovable monuments of culture and history, about 20 monuments are officially registered in the above-mentioned territories, including 2 churches (one of them is “Holy Mother of God” church of 13th century, photo attached), the famous Shikakar-Karaglukh fortress, cultural monuments of archeological value, cemeteries, khachkars, tombstones. The Shikakar cave is also located in here, where a research was conducted by the Azokh international archaeological expedition in 2011.

            However, it should be emphasized that the area has not yet been sufficiently studied, which is also confirmed by the research conducted in the area in December 2021, as a result of which thirty more monuments were discovered.

            Considering the bitter experience of Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian hatred policy, when that country organizes and encourages cultural vandalism in the occupied territories of Artsakh at the highest level, we confidently declare that the historical and cultural heritage of Parukh and Karaglukh is also endangered under the Azerbaijani occupation.

            Our concerns become more substansive after watching the video released by the Azerbaijani media outlet AZTV on March 30, 2022, which demonstrates human remains exhumed by Azerbaijanis. The Azerbaijani propaganda machine, resorting to a deceitful and insidious method, presents this fact as if a mass burial of Azerbaijanis in the village of Ivanyan (Azerbaijani Khojaly), as a result of hostilities of 1992. However, the reality is completely different. In particular:


  1. Although the Azerbaijani side has long resorted to falsification, accusing the Armenian side of the massacre of Azerbaijanis in the village of Ivanyan, there is irrefutable evidence that the Artsakh Armed Forces provided a humanitarian corridor to the civilian population before and during the hostilities, and this massacre took place by the militants of the Azerbaijani opposition in the outskirts of Akna (Azerbaijani Aghdam) which is under their control. They intended to use the massacre in Azerbaijan as a basis for coup d'état, which was acknowledged even by the then President Ayaz Mutalibov. More detailed evidence can be found at the following link:



  1. Based on the analysis of sufficient factual, geographical, and cultural data we have, it become clear that the above-mentioned footage is filmed at the Armenian cemetery of Parukh called "Kalen Khut", which dates back to the 9th-12th centuries (map attached). Therefore, the bones presented are the sceletal remains from an old Armenian cemetery.


A) Experts familiar with the are and the residents of Parukh claim that the video was shot at the "Kalen Khut" cemetery.

B) One glance of culturologists and archaeologists is enough to fix that the human skulls presented in the video have an brachycephalic (round-headed) structure of armenoid anthropological type typical of Armenians, while the population of Azerbaijan have dolichocephalic (long-headed) structure of Caspian anthropological type skull (photos attached).

C) All the presented bones have smooth surface, which in an archeological sense means that they are not 30 years old, but centuries old, while the nomadic ancestors of the Azerbaijani population invaded these parts of Artsakh only in the 18-19 centuries.


  1. Moreover, the Azerbaijani propaganda machine uses such an unfounded and false argument that it can also be sargued that the village of Ivanyan (Azerbaijani: Khojaly) is at least 17 kilometers away from Parukh (map attached). It is clear that the hostilities in Ivanyan could not have anything to do with Parukh.


The above-mentioned facts are so eloquent that we have to record once again not only another episode of the destruction of the Armenian cultural heritage on the Azerbaijani part, but also the anti-Armenian falsification and attempt to deceive its own people and the international community.

Therefore, taking into account the systematic and deliberate crimes committed by Azerbaijan against the rich Armenian and Christian cultural heritage in the previous decades, which gained new momentum since 2020 hostilities and have been registered by many international organizations, including the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on March 9, 2022, we call on the international community, human rights organizations and organizations for the protection of cultural heritage not to show indifference and to take measures against the cultural ethnocide committed by Azerbaijan. We regret that to date UNESCO, despite its commitments and mission, has not sent a fact-finding mission to the occupied territories of Artsakh, and does not exert significant efforts to prevent the commission of new crimes by Azerbaijan.

US President Biden proposes to cut aid for Armenia by $21 million – ANCA




YEREVAN, MARCH 29, ARMENPRESS. The Biden Administration called for just $24 million in U.S. assistance to Armenia in the White House Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget proposal released today – $21 million less than what Congress allocated and the President approved for FY 2022 just weeks ago, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“We are disappointed that President Biden’s annual budget – released in the wake of a government watchdog report documenting over $164,000,000 in U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan – flat-lines U.S. aid to Armenia at just over $24 million and fails to include any specific dollar amount for U.S. assistance to Artsakh,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We look to our Congressional allies, coalition partners, and community activists to work through the foreign aid appropriations process to dramatically boost U.S. aid numbers for both Artsakh and Armenia.”

Similar to his budget request for FY2022, the President’s FY2023 budget includes $23,405,000 in foreign aid and $600,000 in military assistance to Armenia. A separate line item in the budget calls for $6,050,000 in International Narcotics and Law Enforcement spending in Armenia. Following broad-based Congressional outreach by the ANCA and the Armenian American community last year, the final FY2022 aid package for Armenia was increased to $45 million and included an additional $2 million in U.S. demining assistance for those affected by the 2020 Azerbaijan and Turkey-led attacks on Armenia and Artsakh.

Azerbaijan’s aggression against settlements and civilians is conditioned by geopolitical processes. President of Artsakh

Azerbaijan's aggression against settlements and civilians is conditioned by geopolitical processes. President of Artsakh




YEREVAN, MARCH 29, ARMENPRESS. President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan visited the Ministry of Defense on March 29 and held a working consultation with the participation of the Command Staff of the Defense Army and other law enforcement agencies, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Artsakh President’s Office.

In his speech, the Head of the State first of all praised the courage shown by servicemen of the Defense Army and other law enforcement agencies, as well as volunteers in the defense of the Homeland. The President paid tribute to the memory of the martyred servicemen, noting that each of them proved to be a true hero.
Touching upon the recent developments in the military-political situation, Arayik Harutyunyan highlighted that the recent military and psychological aggression of Azerbaijan against the settlements and civilians of Artsakh is conditioned primarily by geopolitical processes. Main works carried out by the Artsakh authorities on a round-the-clock basis and at various levels to de-escalate and stabilize the situation, and return the Azerbaijani troops to their starting positions were presented to those present.
A number of issues related to the country's defense capacity were discussed during the meeting. The President gave new instructions in that respect.

Armenian Church disapproves Tsarukyan’s plans for constructing Jesus Christ statue citing traditions



 16:15, 24 March, 2022

YEREVAN, MARCH 24, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Church said it disapproves Gagik Tsarukyan’s plans on initiating the construction of a Jesus Christ statue in Armenia.

The Mother See of Holy Etchmiatsin said in a statement that the matter was discussed, among other issues, at the March 23 Supreme Spiritual Council assembly.

While acknowledging and appreciating Tsarukyan’s distinguished services to the Church, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiatsin said the installation of a Jesus Christ statue is not acceptable for the Church because it doesn’t correspond with the “centuries-old depiction and worship traditions” of the Armenian Church.

At the same time, the Church said the installation of a bas-relief by the principle of a “Holy Savior” cross-stone (khachkar) would be considered as acceptable.

The Supreme Spiritual Council called upon the authors and participants of the initiative to refrain from projects contradicting the traditions of the Armenian Apostolic Church and to be guided with approaches in line with Armenian national-church culture, ecclesiastical and theological principles.

Prosperous Armenia party leader Gagik Tsarukyan the tender for the construction of a Jesus Christ statue earlier in January.


Town chief confirms strategic height under Karabakh army’s control

Armenia –

PanARMENIAN.Net - Karaglukh, a strategic height in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is under the control of the Defense Army, the chief of the nearby Khramort community, Zorik Abrahamyan, said on Thursday, March 25, according to 5 TV.

Earlier on Thursday, Azerbaijan used drones to launch an offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh, capturing a village and positions nearby and injuring one Armenian soldier.

Abrahamyan said the situation is "manageable," revealing that the Artsakh troops have provided a "corridor" to the Azeri troops to leave the Armenian positions and the village.

It was reported on Friday, however, that lengthy negotiations of the Russian peacekeeping troops have not yielded significant results, and the Azeris have not returned to the starting positions