RPA not to run for Yerevan City Council elections (video)

Journalists have tried to find out from the former head of National Assembly   Galust Sahakyan why Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) did not nominate a mayoral candidate.

Galust Sahakyan explained that the current authorities did not accept the fact that the RPA had made Yerevan into a pleasant pole that it was never before. “That’s why we do not nominate a candidate because even if that candidate succeeds, there will be fight again for being Mayor of Yerevan.”

168: 48 members of Congress urge President Trump to meet with Armenia’s PM


A bipartisan letter, spearheaded by the Armenian Caucus, backed by the bipartisan leaders of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committees, and signed by 48 members of Congress was sent Tuesday calling on U.S. President Trump to meet with Armenia’s new Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, as part of a larger effort to both broaden and deepen U.S.-Armenian dialogue and bilateral cooperation, Asbarez reports citing the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“We want to thank the leaders of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues and all those who joined with them in signing this bipartisan appeal”, said Aram Hamparian, ANCA’s Executive Director. “We join with our legislative friends in promoting high-level dialogue and concrete cooperation across a broad set of bilateral priorities, with a special focus on the growth of mutually-beneficial U.S.-Armenia economic relations”.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Turkish Press: Ancient city of Ani helps link Turkey, Georgia: Envoy

Anadolu Agency (AA), Turkey
August 5, 2018 Sunday
Ancient city of Ani helps link Turkey, Georgia: Envoy
'I'm here to discover what we can do to introduce Ani to Georgia,' says Turkish Ambassador Fatma Ceren Yazgan
By Cuneyt Celik
KARS, Turkey
Eastern Turkey's ancient city of Ani is a link in healthy ties between Ankara and Tbilisi, said Turkey's ambassador to Georgia on Sunday.
"History is part of improving cultural relations between Turkey and Georgia. Ani is part of Turkish-Georgian relations, as well as regional relations," Fatma Ceren Yazgan told Anadolu Agency during her tour of the ruins of Ani in the eastern Kars province.
Also called the World City, the City of 1,001 Churches, the Cradle of Civilizations, and the City with 40 Doors, the ancient city was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2016.
"Ani has a well-known status in UNESCO. I'm here to discover what we can do to introduce Ani to Georgia," whose border is nearby, she said.
Interest in the site from both Turkish and foreign tourists grew when it joined UNECSO's World Heritage List, Yazgan added.
Located along Turkey's border with Armenia, the site, including Islamic architectural work from the 11th and 12th centuries, was the capital of Armenian emperors from 961 to 1045 A.D. at the time of the Pakradouni Dynasty.
The first settlement in Ani dates back to 3,000 B.C, and in its history was home to nearly two dozen civilizations.
Tourists show great interest in the Mosque of Abul Manuchihr, the first Turkish mosque, the Amenaprgic Church, and the Ani Cathedral.
Yaren Zeynep Saglam, a visitor, expressed her admiration for the archeological site.
"There are great works here, the architecture is perfect. I'm really impressed," she said.

Int’l Day of Friendship to be celebrated in Armenia for first time

Panorama, Armenia

July 30 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Friendship. This day is celebrated through festivities, friend gatherings, wine and joy in numerous countries across the world.

The UN resolution (A/RES/65/275) adopted in 2011 declared 30 July as the day of friendship and solidarity promotion.

The holiday is set to be celebrated in Armenia this year for the first time, the Eurnekian group of companies said in a statement.

The Eurnekian group and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have launched the “Friendship Day in Armenia” program in an attempt to add a new ‘wonderful and joyous’ holiday to the Armenian calendar, the statement said. 

“Friendship does not recognize sex, age, social status or any other difference that can exist between members of the same community. It is for ALL and is based on the principle of EQALITY.

"The events organized by the involved companies have already launched in Armenia,” the group said, calling on everyone to join the celebrations. 

Verelq: Փաշինյանը ցանկանում է գնալ դեպի Արևմուտք, բայց էժան գազ ու զենքեր ստանալ ՌԴ-ից. փորձագետ

  • 30.07.2018

  • Հայաստան



Երկու աթոռի վրա փորձում էր նստել Սերժ Սարգսյանը: Իսկ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն ակտիվացրել է շարժումը դեպի Արևմուտք: ՀՀ-ն հանդիսանում է ԵԱՏՄ անդամ, սակայն ունի համաձայնագիր նաև ԵՄ-ի հետ: Հանդիսանալով ՀԱՊԿ անդամ Երևանը համագործակցում է նաև ՆԱՏՕ-ի ու ԱՄՆ-ի հետ: Այդ մասին հայտարարել է փորձագետ Վլադիմիր Եվսեևը:

Նրա խոսքով, Հարավային Կովկասում ԱՄՆ-ի ամենամեծ դեսպանատունը գտվում է ՀՀ-ի տարածքում: Ըստ նրա, Սարգսյանի օրոք ՀՀ-ի հիմնական ուղենիշը ռուսական էր, որը լրացվում էր արևմտյան ուղենիշով: Սակայն Փաշինյանը ցանկանում է նստել արևմտյան աթոռին: Նրա խոսքով, Փաշինյանը ցանկանում է գնալ դեպի Արևմուտք, բայց ՌԴ-ից ստանալ էժան գազ, վարկային պայմաններով զենքեր ու ՌԴ-ն ապահովի ՀՀ-ի անվտանգությունը Թուրքիայից:

Նրա խոսքով, եթե դու ցանկանում էս ստանալ Արևմուտքի աջակցությունը, ապա թող Արևմուտքը պաշտպանօ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղը, ինչպես նաև ապահովի քո անվտանգությունը ՆԱՏՕ-ի անդամ Թուրքիայից:

Davit Ananyan: There was no word about $ 100, there is a video (video)

Today’s incident at Bagratashen customs service was clarified by the State Revenue Committee Chairman Davit Ananyan. He answered journalists’ questions in the government.

David Ananyan denied rumors that the citizen was demanded $ 100 for washing machine.

He said: “The people say that the legislation is such that there is customs clearance, but no $ 100 has been mentioned, there is video recording. We declare that, in any case, it is prescribed by law that we carry out our ‘sacred’ duty and make a customs declaration. If a person decides that he should take a PR action, break his washing machine, what should we do? Should we prevent him from videotaping and sharing on the Internet?”

Georgian PM dismisses 5 governors, including the head of Samtskhe-Javakheti region

Panorama, Armenia

The governor of Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia Kakha Samkharadze was dismissed from the post, according to the decision by the country’s Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze. As Georgia Today reported, apart from Samkharadze, four other governors were relieved of duties.

As stated by Bakhtadze, this decision to relieve some governors from their posts is connected with the creation of a new structure of regional administration headed by former Minister for Refugees Sozar Subari.

According to him, this structure will allow the government to have a direct connection with the population of the regions and to implement regional projects efficiently.

To note, Bakhtadze reshuffled the Cabinet earlier this month and reduced the number of 14 ministries to 11. He also appointed three new ministers.

168: UN ready to assist Armenia’s further development – Secretary-General António Guterres


Foreign minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan on July 18 met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres in New York, the ministry reported.

During the meeting the UN chief said he is impressed with the recent revolution in Armenia, the changes following it, stating that the UN is ready to assist Armenia’s further development in the areas vital for the country. The Armenian FM said Armenia attaches great importance to the cooperation within the UN and reaffirmed the great interest of the new Armenian government to further enrich the joint agenda.

FM Mnatsakanyan introduced the UN chief on the recent domestic political developments in Armenia, stating that the government’s priorities are clear – to implement reforms in the fields of justice, rule of law, providing equal opportunities in social and economic spheres, fighting corruption based on the broad mandate provided by the people, as well as on all other directions that are based on the government’s program and activity.

In the context of ongoing steps aimed at organizing snap elections, minister Mnatsakanyan highlighted the Armenian leadership’s readiness to closely cooperate with the international partners, including the UNDP for properly organizing the elections. António Guterres reaffirmed that Armenia can rely on the UN experience and support in this sense.

The officials also exchanged views on the preparation works of the upcoming 17th La Francophonie summit in Armenia.

Coming to the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the foreign minister reaffirmed Armenia’s commitment to the exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship, stating that Artsakh’s status and security are the priorities of the negotiation process for the Armenian side.

In order to promote the negotiation process, minister Mnatsakanyan attached importance to the formation of atmosphere contributing to peace, steady maintenance of ceasefire and refusal from aggressive rhetoric.

The UN chief and the Armenian FM also discussed issues relating to Armenia’s cooperation within the UN, touched upon the joint steps aimed at further deepening and expanding it.

168: Statement of representatives of media outlets on noticeable disturbing tendencies linked to the activity of the media


We, the undersigned representatives of media outlets, with this statement express our concern on noticeable disturbing tendencies linked to the activity of the media:

1. During the Velvet Revolution and to date the atmosphere of intolerance by various social groups in social networks against dissent, criticism of the activity of different representatives of the authorities, and generally, against opinions of opponents is disturbing. Particularly, on social networks there are obvious and dangerous intolerable, hate attitude toward the activity of media outlets, rather aggressive manifestations instigating hostility both by a part of society and representatives of the leading political power and its amateurs. Rather frequently those attacks are organized and addressed, sometimes are implemented by fake users through targeted attacks and spreading calls to cause particular damage.

In this respect heads of media outlets and other representatives have publicly set an alarm, anticipating reflection of the authorities, persons implementing professional activity, in this case, attacks on media representatives and media websites, social networks to stop intolerance toward dissent, critical speech, assault and threats. The revolution led by slogans of love and solidarity and revolution leaders can’t show indifference toward similar manifestations.

The incumbent authorities at least on the level of statements, calls and others mechanisms enshrined by law, may prevent manifestations of personal and other assault, threats or other illegal activities against media outlets and their representatives, publications containing dissent. Similar manifestations have their reflection in journalistic work. Moreover, when as a result of such attacks serious technical and financial damage is caused to the websites of media outlets and their involvement in social networks, to advertising flows (by lowering rating of their pages, attempting to block their representation and etc.)

2. Rather complicated situation has established in the work with state offices, their heads and their press services. Representatives of the new authorities prefer to notify on press conferences and other events, as well as on the work done through their Facebook pages and posts. Moreover, certain media outlets have privileged working conditions having the primary opportunity to be informed on this or that event through direct communication.

Naturally, we don’t underestimate importance of social networks, however, we also insist: it shouldn’t substitute press work. There is an impression that members of the new government methodologically draw media outlets and free speech back, substituting it by “live streams”, Facebook publications and uncontrollable information garbage on the internet. All media outlets should be properly notified on events—discussions, press conferences (and etc.), and aren’t obliged to follow Facebook posts of this of that official. Starting from public awareness equal conditions (including advertising) should be created for all media outlets.

3. In relation with media field the authorities should be led by the concept of creating total equality for all media outlets. It should function in providing information, accrediting journalists, sales of newspapers, advertising, taxation policy and all other issues.
We call on the head of the new government and its members to refrain from incautious, sometimes irresponsible statements on media outlets, which may be reflected in their authority and further activity.

The statement is open from everyone wishing to join:

Anna Israelyan, editor-in-chief of online “Aravot” website

Armine Ohanyan, editor-in-chief of “Hraparak daily

Satik Seyranyan, president of the Union of Armenian Journalists, editor-in-chief of “168 Hours” newspaper

Mesrop Movsesyan, founder and head of “A1+”

Gegham Manukyan, director of news and political programs of “Yerkir Media” TV

Piruza Meliksetyan, editor of “Irates” newspaper

Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan, editor-in-chief of BlogNews website

Varuzhan Babajanyan, editor-in-chief of “Past” daily

Sevak Hakobyan, editor of Yerevan.Today

Flora Nashkharyan, editor-in-chief of “Golos Armenii” newspaper

Azerbaijani Press: Deployment of Armenia’s internal troops in Azerbaijani territories is military adventure

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
July 5 2018

By Rashid Shirinov

Deployment of the internal troops of Armenia in the occupied Azerbaijani territories is a military adventure and serves to aggravate the situation, Hikmat Hajiyev, Spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, said on July 4.

“In violation of international law, most of the personnel and equipment of the Armenian Armed Forces are concentrated in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Deployment of internal troops in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan is a clear indicator of the deplorable situation of the Armenian army and serious problems in its personnel,” Hajiyev said.

He added that at the same time, the populist leadership of Armenia, which has faced with serious difficulties in solving the country’s social and economic problems, is trying to manipulate public opinion and maintain its rating by escalating such tensions and military rhetoric.

“Instead of withdrawing its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories, Armenia is deploying internal troops in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, which once again openly demonstrates that Armenia is an aggressor country and Yerevan is not interested in the settlement of the conflict through negotiations,” the spokesman stressed.

He added that the responsibility for the situation lies entirely with Armenia.

Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a lengthy war that ended with signing of a fragile ceasefire in 1994. Since the war, Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions. More than 20,000 Azerbaijanis were killed and over 1 million were displaced as a result of the large-scale hostilities.

While the OSCE Minsk Group acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, the occupation of the territory of the sovereign state with its internationally recognized boundaries has been left out of due attention of the international community for years.

Until now, Armenia ignores four UN Security Council resolutions on immediate withdrawal from the occupied territory of Azerbaijan, thus keeping tension high in the region.