Mher Sahakyan Speaks on China’s Diplomacy on Iran’s Nuclear Crises in the UNSC at International Peace Studies Conference Vienna

Vienna, Austria—On May 28-29, 2018, the “International Peace Studies Conference Viennawas held at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and International Institute for Peace.

The prestigious academic conference organized by the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS).

 Selected scholars from different countries were invited to participate and introduce their research on international security issues.

Mher Sahakyan, the head of the “’China-Eurasia Council’ for Political and Strategic Research,” Foundation, Armenia, was among participants.

He presented his research on China’s diplomacy on Iran’s nuclear crises in the UNSC at the panel of “Nuclear Weapons,” which was chaired by Tariq Rauf and Heinz Gärtner.

Mher gave a detailed analysis of China’s role and position on Iranian nuclear issue in the UNSC.

The presentation was followed by a discussion on both the topic of research and the methods used by Mher Sahakyan.

Invited speakers included Emil Brix (Director, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna), Michael Spindelegger (former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Austria), Walter Feichtinger (Austrian National Defence Academy) Heinz Gärtner (International Institute for Peace; University of Vienna), Mike Hardy (Director, Coventry University Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations), Sardar Massod Khan (President, Azad Jammu and Kashmir), Kishore Mandhyan (former Director for Peacekeeping, UN), Mauro Miedico (Chief, Terrorism Prevention, UNODC), Lucia Mokra (Dean, Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University of Bratislava)  and others.

ACUNS’s “International Peace Studies Conference Vienna” aims to establish itself as a key forum for dialogue on positive and sustainable peace, to focus on successful examples of peace-making, peacekeeping, trust building and enhancing dialogue between hostile communities and to provide an opportunity for young academics, scholars, practitioners, and subject-matter experts from around the world to come together and share their knowledge and expertise on matters relating to peace, security, development, and the United Nations system.

Մհեր Սահակյանը հրավիրվել էր բանախոսելու Վիեննայի միջազգային խաղաղության հետազոտությունների համաժողովում

2018թ. մայիսի 28-ից-29-ը Միավորված ազգերի կազմակերպության համակարգի Ակադեմիական խորհուրդը Վիեննայի դիվանագիտական ակադեմիայում և  Խաղաղության միջազգային ինստիտուտում կազմակերպել էր «Վիեննայի միջազգային խաղաղության հետազոտությունների համաժողովը»:  

Միավորված ազգերի կազմակերպության համակարգի Ակադեմիական խորհրդի հատուկ հրավերքով Վիեննա էին ժամանել հետազոտողներ, քաղաքական գործիչներ, առաջնորդներ, ովքեր խոսեցին միջազգային անվտանգության հիմնախնդիրների և խաղաղությանը սպառնացող վտանգների, ու դրանք չեզոքացնելու հնարավոր մեթոդների մասին։ Այս հեղինակավոր գիտաժողովին որպես բանախոս հրավիրվել էր ««Չինաստան-Եվրասիա» քաղաքական և ռազմավարական հետազոտությունների խորհուրդ» հիմնադրամի  ղեկավար Մհեր Սահակյանը: Նա գիտաժողովի «Միջուկային զենքեր» բաժնում, որը նախագահում էին Տարիք Ռաուֆն ու Հեյց Գյարթները,   ներկա գիտնականներին, քաղաքական գործիչներին ներկայացրեց իր գիտական ուսումնասիրությունը՝ նվիրված Չինաստանի քաղաքականությանը ՄԱԿ ԱԽ-ում Իրանական միջուկային հիմնախնդրի վերաբերյալ ։ Բանախոսի ելույթից հետո ծավալվեց քննարկում։

Հատուկ հրավիրված բանախոսների թվում էին Էմիլ Բրիքսը (Վիեննայի դիվանագիտական ակադեմիայի տնօրեն), Միքայել Սպինդելեգգերը (Ավստրիայի նախկին արտգործնախարար), Վոլթեր Ֆեյչենգերը (Ավստրիայի ազգային պաշտպանական ակադեմիա), Հեյց Գյարթները (Խաղաղության միջազգային ինստիտուտ), Մայք Հարդեյը (Քովենթրի համալսարանի Վստահության, խաղաղության և սոցիալական հարաբերությունների կենտրոնի տնօրեն), Սարդար Մասուդ Խանը (Ազադ Ջամուի և Քաշմիրի նախագահ), Կիշորե Մանդիանը (ՄԱԿ Խաղաղապահության նախկին տնօրեն), Մաուրո Միեդիցոն (ՄԱԿ-ի Թմրամիջոցների և հանցագործության դեմ պայքարի գրասենյակի ղեկավար) և այլք։

Միավորված ազգերի կազմակերպության Ակադեմիական խորհրդի «Վիեննայի միջազգային խաղաղության համաժողովի» նպատակ է  երկխոսության հարթակ տրամադրել, որի շնորհիվ կքննարկվեն խաղաղության հաստատման, խաղաղապահության, վստահության վերականգնման, մարտնչող կողմերի միջև երկխոսության հաստատման հիմնախնդիրները։  Համաժողովը նպատակ ունի նաև գիտնականներին, քաղաքական գործիչներին հնարավորություն ընձեռնել կիսվելու՝ խաղաղությանը, անվատանգությանը, զարգացմանը և ՄԱԿ-ի համակարգին վերաբերվող գիտելիքներով և փորձով։

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RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/31/2018


Armenian Mayor Arrested Over Attack On Protesters

Armenia - Davit Hambardzumian, the mayor of Masis.

The mayor of an Armenian town affiliated with the former ruling Republican 
Party (HHK) and four other men have been arrested on suspicion of assaulting 
protesters in Yerevan last month.

The incident took place in the city’s southern Erebuni district just hours 
after Nikol Pashinian, the main organizer of mass protests against HHK leader 
Serzh Sarkisian’s continued rule, was detained on April 22. Hundreds of 
Pashinian supporters demonstrating there were attacked by several dozen men 
wearing medical masks and wielding sticks and even electric shock guns. They 
threw stones at the crowd and beat up some of the protesters.

Law-enforcement authorities launched a criminal investigation into the attack 
after Sarkisian resigned as prime minister on April 23. Pashinian demanded such 
a probe immediately after being elected as the country’s new premier on May 8.

Armenia’s Investigative Committee said on Thursday that it has arrested five 
persons on suspicion of participating in the “mass disturbances” in Erebuni. It 
said they include Davit Hambardzumian, the mayor of Masis, a small town about 
10 kilometers south of Yerevan, his deputy Karen Ohanian and three other Masis 

Armenia - A screenshot of a video of thugs beating up an opposition protester 
in Yerevan's Erebuni district on 22 April 2018.

The law-enforcement body said its investigators have looked into online videos 
of the violence and other media reports about it. “The investigation is 
continuing,” it said in a statement. “Measures are being taken to ensure a 
comprehensive, full and objective examination of all circumstances of the 

A screenshot of one such video publicized by the “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily 
purportedly shows that Hambardzumian was among the masked thugs who attacked 
the protesters in Erebuni.

It was not immediately clear whether the Masis mayor and the other detained men 
admit their involvement in the attack.

Hambardzumian, 32, is an HHK member who was elected mayor in 2016 with the help 
of the then ruling party. He is reportedly related to Arshak Hakobian, the 
chief bodyguard of Vladimir Gasparian, the former chief of the Armenian police 
sacked by Pashinian earlier this month.

Law-enforcement authorities have also made at least three other arrests in 
connection with similar incidents that occurred in two other parts of Yerevan 
during the Pashinian-led protest movement. Some Armenian media outlets have 
accused Yerevan Mayor Taron Markarian and Mihran Poghosian, a controversial 
parliamentarian, of orchestrating those attacks on protesters. Both men 
affiliated with the HHK deny that.

Greater U.S. Assistance To Armenia Under Discussion

        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia - US Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills speaks in Yerevan, .

The U.S. government is discussing with the new authorities in Yerevan the 
possibility of providing more economic assistance to Armenia under a special 
program designed to foster reforms in developing nations, U.S. Ambassador 
Richard Mills said on Thursday.

“We are very pleased to be fully engaged with the new government and have an 
opportunity to talk about how the U.S. government can help the new government,” 
Mills told reporters.

Armenia qualified for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) program shortly 
after Washington launched it in 2006, receiving $177 million for the 
rehabilitation of rural irrigation networks.

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government agency running 
the aid scheme, also planned to allocate $60 million for the reconstruction of 
the country’s rural roads. But it scrapped that allocation shortly after a 
disputed 2008 presidential election that was followed by a harsh government 
crackdown on the Armenian opposition.

The administration of former President Serzh Sarkisian tried unsuccessfully to 
restore Yerevan’s eligibility for the multimillion-dollar scheme in the 
following years. U.S. officials said, among other things, that it is not doing 
enough to combat widespread corruption.

Armenia - Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian (L) and Patrick Fine, vice-president 
of the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation, visit a newly constructed pumping 
station in Ararat province, 03Oct2011.
The United States signaled its readiness to boost economic aid to Armenia 
following the recent democratic revolution there. Visiting Yerevan earlier this 
week, a U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state, Bridget Brink, offered U.S. 
assistance to the new Armenian government’s ambitious anti-corruption agenda.

Mills said Brink discussed with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and other senior 
Armenian officials “possible options” for increasing U.S. aid. Those include 
renewed MCA funding, he said.

“We will continue those discussions,” added the U.S. ambassador.

Immediately after Pashinian took office on May 8, the Armenian National 
Committee of America (ANCA), an influential lobbying group, renewed its calls 
for $140 million in fresh MCA funding to Armenia. In a letter to U.S. Secretary 
of State Mike Pompeo, the ANCA chairman, Raffi Hamparian, said that would help 
to cement the country’s “democratic development.”

Pompeo replied to Hamparian on May 17, saying that he shares the ANCA’s 
“enthusiasm about the peaceful, constitutional political transition that 
transpired in Armenia.” “We hope to see the Armenian government make progress 
on MCC’s eligibility criteria (‘scorecard’) this year so that the MCC Board of 
Directors may consider Armenia for a compact during the annual selection 
process,” he wrote.

The ANCA wants the MCC to mostly spend the proposed sum on improving science, 
technology, engineering and math education in Armenia’s underfunded public 
schools. It says that would ultimately benefit the country’s burgeoning 
information technology (IT) industry.

Energy Firm Hits Back At Armenian Government

        • Hovannes Movsisian

Armenia - An electricity transmission tower.

A company belonging to Russian-Armenian billionaire Samvel Karapetian said on 
Thursday it itself has pulled out of an agreement with the Armenian government 
to manage the country’s electricity transmission network.

The Russian-based company, Tashir Kapital, denied the recently appointed Energy 
Minister Artur Grigorian's claim that the new government has decided to 
terminate the management contract because some of its provisions are “not 
beneficial for the state.”

“During the process of termination of the agreement between the Armenian 
government and Tashir Kapital no provisions were discussed and there were no 
negotiations on any [specific] issue, especially with the participation of the 
newly appointed [energy] minister,” read a company statement.

The previous government moved last year to authorize Tashir Kapital to manage 
the High-Voltage Electric Networks (HVEN) for the next 25 years. Government 
officials said at the time that the new operator will cut costs by 
“synchronizing” Armenia’s power transmission and distribution networks. They 
said Tashir Kapital will also obtain large-scale loans that will be used for 
refurbishing electricity transmission lines and substations and building new 

Grigorian did not specify the reasons for the government’s decision to scrap 
the deal when he spoke to journalists on Wednesday. For its part, Tashir 
Kapital gave no reasons for its purported decision not to run HVEN.

Instead, Tashir Kapital listed a raft of data meant to show that HVEN has been 
badly mismanaged and is a heavy burden on state finances. In particular, ts 
statement pointed to $520 million in outstanding debts incurred by the 
state-owned network in the last 15 years.

The statement said that Tashir Kapital would slash HVEN’s “inflated” 
operational costs by 40 percent if the deal did not fall through. The company 
also claimed that the cost of a planned new power transmission line connecting 
Armenia to Georgia, estimated by the government at $200 million, is 
disproportionately high. It said it could have built the line with only $70 
million in investments.

“HVEN cannot be of interest to Tashir Kapital as a source of profit,” added the 
statement. “The main motive for the negotiations was to ease [HVEN’s] impact on 
the [electricity] tariffs.”

Tashir purchased the Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA), the debt-ridden 
national power utility, and a large power plant in the Armenian town of Hrazdan 
from a state-run Russian energy company in 2015. The new owner appears to have 
significantly cut ENA’s massive losses since then.

Samvel Karapetian strongly supported former Prime Minister Karen Karapetian (no 
relation) throughout the latter’s tenure which came to an end when former 
President Serzh Sarkisian became prime minister on April 17. Karen Karapetian 
took over as acting prime minister after Sarkisian stepped down on April 23 
amid mass protests against his continued rule.

Pashinian Ends Visit To Georgia

        • Karlen Aslanian

Georgia - Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian is greeted by people outside 
an Armenian church in Tbilisi, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian sounded optimistic about the future of 
Georgian-Armenian relations on Thursday as he toured Armenian-populated areas 
of Georgia at the end of a two-day official visit to the country.

Pashinian lavished praise on his Georgian counterpart Giorgi Kvirikashvili, 
calling him a “good friend” of Armenia the day after they met for the first 
time in Tbilisi.

“I want to say that the most important result of this visit is that a warm 
personal relationship, friendship has been established between Georgian Prime 
Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and me,” he said.

The two premiers pledged to give new impetus to bilateral ties after their 
talks. They attended later on Wednesday an official reception at the Tbilisi 
City Hall dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Armenia’s 
first independent republic.

Speaking at the event, Kvirikashvili hailed the recent peaceful protests in 
Armenia that brought Pashinian to power. “All the signs are the changes in 
Armenia laid the firm foundation for Armenia’s further development,” he said.

Pashinian met with the influential head of the Georgian Orthodox Church, 
Patriarch Ilia II, and businesspeople in Tbilisi on Thursday morning before 
heading to Georgia’s Javakheti region mostly populated by ethnic Armenians. He 
visited several local towns and villages where scores of people gathered to 
greet him and listen to his speeches.

Georgia - Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Georgian Foreign Minister 
Mikheil Janelidze meet with residents of Akhalkalaki, .

“I believe that after this official visit a new page will be opened in 
Armenia’s relations with Georgia and Armenian-Georgian relations in general,” 
Pashinian said at a rally held in the village of Gandza. “We think that 
Armenian-Georgian relations must be based on the following new formula. 
Georgia’s government and people must be confident that there is no conspiracy 
and threats towards Georgia and the Georgian people in the actions of Armenia 
and the Armenian people.”

“By the same token, Armenia and the Armenian people must be confident that 
there is no conspiracy and threats towards Armenia and the Armenian people in 
the actions of the Georgian state and the Georgian people,” he added. “It is on 
this basis that we need to build a new relationship, new friendship, new 

Pashinian insisted that the current Georgian government is committed to 
tackling high unemployment and other socioeconomic problems in Javakheti that 
have long fueled discontent among local residents.

Press Review

“Zhamanak” comments on allegations by the National Security Service (NSS) that 
businessman Samvel Aleksanian’s Alex Holding group has evaded millions of 
dollars in taxes. “The NSS has revealed something which just about every active 
citizen of Armenia knows,” writes the paper. The only question, it says, is 
that how much Aleksanian and other influential tycoons paid the country’s 
previous rulers for their privileged positions in business.

“After the velvet revolution the [former ruling] HHK has found itself in a pit 
whit itself had dug,” writes “Zhoghovurd.” The paper sees an “outflow” of 
deputies from the HHK’s parliamentary faction, saying that the party has no 
“legislative levers” to force defectors to resign from the parliament. It says 
that the HHK itself had previously resisted calls for obligating such defectors 
to relinquish their parliament seats. “The HHK elite now regrets not taking 
that measure,” it says. “It did not occur to HHK figures that Serzh Sarkisian 
will resign and they will lose power one day.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” suggests that the new Armenian government will try to 
achieve a reduction in the prices of electricity and natural gas in the 
country. “Even without complex calculations, it is evident that there are 
substantial resources for cutting the tariffs,” writes the paper. “The thing is 
that the energy and gas sectors have always been murky to the public. They are 
closed systems with huge amounts of money in circulation. For many years the 
Armenian energy sector has been controlled by loyalists of the ruling clan. 
People holding high-level and mid-level positions there have made huge 

“Hayots Ashkhar” sees a growing Azerbaijani military threat to Armenia 
emanating from the Nakhichevan exclave. The paper points out that in recent 
weeks Azerbaijani troops deployed there have moved their positions closer to 
Armenian army posts at some sections of the Armenia-Nakhichevan border.

(Tigran Avetisian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Sports: Malta hold Armenia in Ray Farrugia’s debut as national coach

Malta Today

Malta held Armenia to a draw in coach Ray Farrugia's debut (Photo: Paul Zammit Cutajar/MFA)

Ray Żażu Farrugia's debut at the helm of the Malta national football team could not have been better after the team registered a 1-1 draw against Aremnia in a friendly encounter in Austria.

Armenia had the upper hand when it came to possession; however, they failed to create much with the majority of play taking place inside the middle of the pitch.

The first half lacked chances on goal with neither team producing much.

Armenia created the first chance of the match after five minutes. Following a mistake by Steve Borg, Ivan Yagan went through on the left side and hit a shot that forced a good save from Andrew Hogg.

Yagan succeeded in sending Armenia ahead on the 13th minute. The Armenian striker received a through ball and placed the ball inside the bottom corner.

Malta replied on the 28th minute. Following a corner, the ball went into the path of Paul Fenech whose shot was deflected for a corner.

The Maltese side equalised on the brink of half-time. An Armenian defender handled the ball inside the penalty area and the referee pointed towards the spot. From the eleven metres mark, Andrei Agius made no mistake.

Malta saw more of the ball during the second half. However, they couldn’t find a way past Armenia’s defence. On the other hand, Armenia reduced their tempo and had to do more defending.

In fact, the only chance of the second half was a long range shot from Alfred Effiong that failed to hit the target.

Malta’s pressure forced Armenia to commit a number of fouls and they ended up in ten men on the 76th minute. Varazdat Haroyan was sent off after being shown his second yellow card of the match.

However, Malta failed to take advantage of their extra man as the match ended up in a 1-1 draw.

Malta starting line-up: Andrew Hogg, Joseph Zerafa, Steve Borg, Andrei Agius, Stephen Pisani, Paul Fenech, Michael Mifsud, Roderick Briffa, Ferdinando Apap, Alfred Effiong, Kyrian Nwoko

Armenia starting line-up: Aram Ayrapetyan, Jordy Ararat, Vardazdat Haroyan, Gael Andondan, Karlen Mkrtchyan, Gor Malakyan, Gevorg Ghazarayn, Tigran Barseghyan, Ivan Yagan, Hrayr Mkoyan, Henrikh Mkhitarayan.

Armenian Assembly Board Member Annie Totah Works Diligently to Promote U.S.-Armenia Relations, Leading Up to National Advocacy Conference in September

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Contact: Danielle Saroyan

Telephone: (202) 393-3434





– Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Board Member Mrs. Annie
Simonian Totah continues to work diligently to advance United States-Armenia
relations, reaching out to Members of Congress. Working with the Armenian
Assembly Board of Trustees and staff, Totah has held numerous meetings with
elected officials, where she raises issues of key concern to the Armenian
American community. All of her important hard work is leading up to the
Assembly’s National Advocacy Conference, which will take place at our nation’s
capital on September 24-25, 2018.


Last month, Totah discussed strengthening and
expanding U.S.-Armenia relations and reaffirming the Armenian Genocide with
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Minority Leader
Charles "Chuck" Schumer (D-NY).


When she spoke with Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) in
early April, the Congressman reiterated his commitment to and support of U.S.
reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide. Last year, he joined the Congressional
Caucus on Armenian Issues, and since then he has co-sponsored H.Res.220, and
co-signed the letter to President Donald Trump urging him to squarely
acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.


"It is incumbent upon every Armenian – young
and old alike – to advocate to their elected officials on a regular basis,
whether on the Hill or whether in Congressional district offices. If we
Armenians do not lobby our Representatives, how do we expect them to understand
our issues and help us with a myriad of challenges relating to our Homeland as
well as to the Armenian Genocide reaffirmation,” stated Assembly Board Member
Totah. “We, at the Armenian Assembly, also continue our efforts and meetings
with Congress by promoting America's proud chapter in helping the survivors of
the Armenian Genocide. We also share with Congress the Armenian National
Institute's new 24-panel digital exhibit, displaying the role of the YMCA and
American relief work during the first republic of Armenia (1918-1920),"
she added. Totah also serves on the Board of the Armenian National Institute


At this year’s Armenian Genocide Commemoration on
Capitol Hill, hosted by the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Totah
spoke with various Representatives and Senators, including Senator Chris Van
Hollen (D-MD), Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Armenian Caucus Co-Chair
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Armenia Caucus Co-Vice Chair Congressman
Adam Schiff (D-CA), Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), and many others.


"Annie's year-round advocacy is immeasurable,
and the Assembly is fortunate to have the benefit of her time and talent for
over 40 years. She continuously encourages others to contact their
Representatives and educate them on the importance of strengthening
U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Artsakh relations," Assembly Executive Director
Bryan Ardouny stated. "On September 25th, the Armenian Assembly will be
honoring her at our evening Gala following a full day of advocacy, which will
include featured guests and Members of Congress. We hope everyone can attend
for what promises to be an outstanding event," he added.


Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of
America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting
public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.






Photo Caption 1: Armenian
Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, Assembly Board Member and Armenian
Honorary Consul Oscar Tatosian, Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, Armenian
Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Rep.
David Trott (R-MI), St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church Reverend Father Hovsep
Karapetyan, Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. Grigor Hovhannissian, and Diocesan
Legate of the Armenian Church of America Archbishop Vicken Aykazian at the
103rd Armenian Genocide Commemoration on Capitol Hill


Photo Caption 2: Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Assembly Board Member Annie Totah


Photo Caption 3: Senate
Minority Leader Charles “Chuck” Schumer (D-NY) and Assembly Board Member Annie


Photo Caption 4: Senator
Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, and Rep. Brad
Sherman (D-CA)


Photo Caption 5: Assembly
Board Member Annie Totah and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)


Photo Caption 6: Assembly
Board Member and Armenian Honorary Consul Oscar Tatosian, Clara Andonian,
Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, National
Advocacy Conference Chair Margie Satian, and Assembly Grassroots and
Development Associate Mariam Khaloyan


Photo Caption 7: Assembly
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, Rear Admiral Dr. Susan Blumenthal, Senator Ed
Markey (D-MA), and Assembly Board Member Annie Totah


Photo Caption 8: Senator
Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Assembly Board Member Annie Totah


Photo Caption 9: Assembly
Board Member Annie Totah with Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Marcelle
Pomerleau Leahy


Photo Caption 10: Assembly
Board Member Annie Totah with House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce and U.S. Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Marie Royce

Available online:

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  • 24.05.2018

  • Հայաստան



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Our interview with the NSW Premier

Liverpool City Champion, Australia
Our interview with the NSW Premier
by Madelaine Wong
The Premier Gladys Berejiklian surprised Casula residents on Thursday as she walked around Casula Mall.
She was escorted by Holsworthy MP Melanie Gibbons, along with their media assistants, security personnel and local journalists.
Several residents requested a selfie with the Premier who happily obliged and she shook hands with shoppers and shopkeepers.
After the Premier's meet-and-greets with the community we landed a quiet spot for a sit-down and a cup of coffee and asked a few questions about topics affecting south-west Sydney.
Here's what she had to say.
You're the former Minister for Transport, you must be aware of the problems with parking shortages at Edmondson Park and Leppington train stations . . .
Premier: And guess what? As the former Minister for Transport, I'm extremely proud that we've built the south-west rail line. The former Government promised it and never did. We built the two new car parks at Leppington and Edmondson Park and I'm very proud of that extra 1200 spaces. And of course Melanie Gibbons has been in my ear on what she hopes to get out of the budget so we're looking very closely at that. But let's make no mistake, the Government before failed to do it. I came here as the minister for railways. I built the car parks and made sure south-west Sydney had the public transport services it needed. It's a popular service now and we're looking forward to delivering on Melanie Gibbons' request. She has advocated for that on a number of occasions and in fact I've visited the station many times. I've used the train there and I'm incredibly proud of what we've done and I'm glad to see the community's growing and we look forward to the next stage.
Do you have plans to build a commuter car park?
Premier: We're looking at opportunities to increase car parking at the site – we want to do what's best for the community. We're conscious that commuter car parking is important to us but there're broader issues that we're working with the council on. We based the 1200 car spaces on what we thought would be the population but it's good to see more people are using the services than expected. Things have happened very rapidly, which represents confidence in south-west Sydney. It's fantastic that people want to live here and raise their children here like Melanie Gibbons and her family. Of course we'll prepare for our future. But when we built the south-west rail line it was just cow pastures. I remember looking around and it being bare.
The roads around Moorebank particularly are quite congested at morning peak. So what is the Government doing?
Premier: Well, hopefully, people have noticed how much we're investing in the new M5. It's disappointing the Labor party won't support that project. People in this area know how much the upgrade is needed. That will take a lot of traffic off local roads and I want to thank the community for their patience throughout the construction. But we're doing it for the next generation and we're investing for out future. We believe in south-west Sydney. Being here reminds me of the kinship of this community and it reminds me of the values I grew up on and the people I grew up with. I feel at home here and I want families to know the next generation will have the same opportunities I had growing up, and more because we're investing in this area. The Labor Government likes to say a lot but they don't do a lot. We've come in and changed the way people look at south-west Sydney and I think we've injected a sense of pride into the community because we're investing here. Having Amazon here would have never happened without us investing in the south-west rail line and the M5.
We understand there was a traffic study done in 2016 in relation to the affects of the Intermodal around Liverpool and Moorebank. Apparently the study was completed in 2017 but the details weren't released to the public. Is that true?
Premier: I don't know what you're talking about. Melanie Gibbons might have a better idea.
Melanie Gibbons: I met with some of the objectors to the Intermodal yesterday and that wasn't mentioned to me.
Premier: But in any event, we're doing what we can for this community. We're making the investments that are necessary and we're mindful of reducing disturbance at this point. I'm excited for the future.
This is a question for both of you. The Western Sydney Airport infrastructure is being planned to get people into and out of the area as quickly as possible. How will this make west Sydney tourism boom?
Premier: Without question and in fact the last time I was here, we were at a hotel in Liverpool, Mr Hunt's hotel. He told us he's getting bus loads of tourists from China because he's convinced them there's easy access to the Blue Mountains from here, easy access to the CBD and other parts of Western Sydney. I think that's the future of Western Sydney – it's a destination point, not just where people go through. I love coming here because of the cultural experiences you get – the food, the people. There's definitely a positive difference here."
Melanie Gibbons: It's bringing people overseas to be near their families.
Premier: Harry Hunt also set up his hotel to make sure it's suitable for people with disabilities so it's a niche service – it's just one example, but I see that all the time in south-west Sydney.
Do you get the same respect as a man would get in your position?
Premier: I don't think about that too much. But from the welcome I got today, I've been blown away by the warmth and hospitality they've shown me.
South-west Sydney comprises migrants and refugees. Your parents were migrants. There are misconceptions in the broader community about new Australians. What would be your first step to change that?
The Premier: Well I think people have a positive view because migrants for decades and centuries have contributed in such a positive way to Australia. I'm incredibly proud of my background. I couldn't speak a word of English at first, we only spoke Armenian at home. If you work hard and respect the place you live in, you can do anything.
After our interview with NSW Premier we spoke to Labor candidate for Holsworthy Charishma Kaliyanda.
She was surprised Ms Gibbons and the Premier weren't aware of the 2016 traffic study.
"My understanding is it hasn't been released and it was completed last year but it wasn't released to the public because it was commercial and in-confidence," she said.
"Given the congestion and traffic-related pain that residents are experiencing currently and the fact it could be impacted by the Intermodal, surely the public has a right to know what's going on!
"The residents I spoke with mentioned they had spoken to Melanie Gibbons but I've not spoken to her about it directly.
As for the response we had from the Premier about the parking shortages at stations, Ms Kaliyanda had her own question for the Premier.
"They're aware of the problems, so why isn't anyone from the department of transport or the RMS turning up to community forums to hear concerns from residents themselves?
"They don't know the problems as well as the commuters do. That's their lives – they can't go back to the North Shore. So why aren't Government representatives turning up to hear from residents so a solution can be reached?
"There was a community forum last week to which department representatives were invited but they didn't attend. The Premier doesn't have same insight as residents who struggle every single day."
Given we had a short interview with a capped time period, we asked Ms Berejiklian if we could send her some more questions on behalf of our residents.
We also hope to press her about unanswered questions from the interview. She accepted our request and a follow-up story will cover the below topics:
  • Nulon Motor Oils facility.
  • Traffic from the Intermodal.
  • Koala strategies in the Liverpool precinct.
  • Work cover.
  • Privitisation of public assets.
  • Azerbaijani Press: Tensions in Armenia to remain if Karabakh conflict is not resolved – Azerbaijani deputy PM

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan


    The lack of awareness of the necessity of a fair settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict of the forces that came to power in Armenia marks the beginning of a tragedy in Armenia, said Azerbaijan's deputy prime minister, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov.

    Deputy prime minister noted in this regard that the tense situation in Armenia will remain if the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not resolved and if Armenia continues to adhere to absurd statements.

    "Of course, the statements made by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will be condemned not only by Azerbaijan, but also by the mediators’ group established by the international community to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," Ali Ahmadov told reporters May 12.

    Deputy Prime Minister said, in general, the existence of this conflict is a serious obstacle to achieving a stable foundation for ensuring stability and tranquility in the South Caucasus.

    "As for his [Armenian prime minister] visit to the regions and his statements which are inconsistent with the reality and lead to the growth of tension, I think that it will harm Armenia itself. As you can see, both Armenia and Azerbaijan held presidential election. People work, show activeness, plant trees at weekends, and demonstrate unity with the government in the post-election period in Azerbaijan. They demonstrate their deep trust in the election results," Ali Ahmadov added.

    The deputy prime minister said, all these reflect the realities of Azerbaijan.

    "This is while the realities of Armenia are dissatisfaction, anxiety, and clashes. The more Armenia is far from being ready to withdraw from Azerbaijani lands, and continues to voice delusional statements, the longer the tense situation will remain in Armenia," he said.

    Ahmadov said that Armenia is in a deadlock, it has no potential for development from the economic point of view.

    "The settlement of the conflict would be more in line with the interests of Armenia and would become the basis for improving their situation. If the force that came to power after this tension does not realize the need to resolve this conflict in a fair way, I believe that this is the beginning of its tragedy. If this continues, I think that in the near future the people will go out to the streets again and will demand a change of power," Ali Ahmadov said.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.