Armenian PM: Karabakh settlement has new content, Armenia
Feb 22 2020

15:05, 22.02.2020

STEPANAKERT. – Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke about the new content of the Karabakh settlement.

In his speech during the joint meeting of Armenian and Artsakh national security councils, Pashinyan said this format is not a tradition, but an absolute necessity so that the authorities of Armenia and Artsakh could be “on the same scale.”

Interaction between Armenia and Artsakh is an important component of the security of Armenian people, he added.

It has become possible to state that the authorities of Artsakh and Armenia have identical positions on the settlement.

This does not mean that Armenia and Artsakh have identical views on all issues, but there is identical perception in terms of strategy.

“The most important of them I consider the statement that the Republic of Artsakh is a full-fledged participant in the negotiation process and it is impossible to resolve the Karabakh issue without Karabakh’s participation in talks.  In this regard, I consider it very important that in the course of our joint work, a new negotiation content is formed. I believe that this content is, first of all, representing the interests of Armenia and Artsakh more comprehensively, and secondly, it is constructive in terms of creating opportunities for the settlement,” said Nikol Pashinyan.

He also noted importance of a discussion within the framework of the Munich Security Conference where this content was clearly formulated and was called “the Munich principles”.

Music: Constantine Orbelian reinstated in his post of Director at Yerevan Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 11 2020
Culture 18:43 11/02/2020 Armenia

Constantine Orbelian has been reinstated in his post of the Director General of the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Alexander Spendiaryan.

“I have been reinstated to the post. As you may know the ministry petitions the ruling of the first instance court to the Court of Appeals which was subsequently rejected. Starting from today, I am the director of the of the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, ” Orbelian told a press conference on Monday.

To remind, Orbelian was fired as Director of the Armenian National Academic Theatre in March 2019. The dismissal was ordered by Armenia’s then Acting Minister of Culture Nazeni Gharibyan.

Nazeni Gharibyan explained her decision by the fact that Orbelian acted as the opera’s artistic director, and argued that he was not legally allowed to combine the two positions. She also stressed that the San Francisco-born conductor and pianist is not fluent in Armenian.

As Orbelian informed the works on ongoing projects and scheduled premiers will commence, expressing hope they will be able to bring them to life.

Turkish Press: EU ambassadors admire ‘world city’ in NE Turkey

Anadolu Agency, Turkey
Feb 10 2020

EU ambassadors admire 'world city' in NE Turkey

Ani, 'cradle of civilization', was capital of medieval Armenian kingdom of Bagratides in 10th century, according to UNESCO

A view of Tigran Honents Church in Ani archaeological site, located on a plateau of northeast Turkey, in Kars province of Turkey ( FILE PHOTO – Anadolu Agency )  

Cuneyt Celik   |10.02.2020

KARS, Turkey

A delegation of EU ambassadors to Turkey was impressed by an archaeological site in Turkey's northeastern Kars province, Ani, also known as "the world city" or "cradle of civilizations".

According to the UNESCO website, Ani, which is next to Turkey's closed border with Armenia, was the capital of medieval Armenian kingdom of the Bagratides in the 10th century.

Also called "the world city", "the city of 1,001 churches", "the cradle of civilizations", and "the city with 40 Doors", the ancient city was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2016.

"I am so happy to be here. It was a great pleasure to see the old history under the sun and blue sky," Christian Berger, head of the EU delegation to Turkey, told Anadolu Agency.

There are many historic, cultural places in Turkey, Berger said, and added in Turkish: "Ani'ye hayran kaldim," meaning "I admire Ani."

Latvia's ambassador to Turkey Peteris Elferts said he will recommend Ani in his country, adding that Ani is a symbol of coexistence of different cultures in Turkey.

Located along Turkey's border with Armenia, the site, including Islamic architectural work from the 11th and 12th centuries, was the capital of Armenian emperors in 961-1045 A.D. at the time of the Pakradouni Dynasty.

The first settlement in Ani dates back to 3,000 B.C., and it has been home to nearly two dozen civilizations during history.

Tourists show great interest in the Mosque of Abul Manuchihr — the first Turkish mosque — as well as the Amenaprgic Church, and Ani Cathedral.

* Writing by Burak Bir from Ankara.


Pashinyan chairs consultation on police reforms




YEREVAN, JANUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan today held a consultation discussing the agenda and vision of the Police reforms, the PM’s Office told Armenpress.

Touching upon the topic, the PM said in particular: “In general, from the very first day of the formation of our government the Police reforms have been in our agenda, and I think this is one of our key issues. We should record that after the 2018 peaceful, velvet and democratic revolution in Armenia the Police, overall, have fulfilled its tasks and continue fulfilling them, but we all admit that we need a new Police in these new political and public realities. In general, the key goal of this process should be the establishment of a new police-citizen relationship.

During this period we had various discussions, considered different models, but overall our conclusion is the following that both in the Police case and other cases we should refrain from sectional steps and make all our actions of strategic nature”, the PM said, adding that all actions and changes should be of strategic nature. “What do I mean by saying strategic changes? In any sphere where we make a change, even a smallest one, we should take into account that that change has a certain field of mutual effects. And while discussing the change we need to consider this field of mutual effects, not that particular change in its point, and then to make respective decisions. And in this sense I do believe and hope that the Police reforms will be one of our most successful examples”.

The consultation touched upon the main directions of the Police reforms, the process of strategy development works and its implementation. The discussion, in particular, focused on the structural changes of the Police, the new content of personnel policy, technical upgrading, introduction of new educational programs, professional preparedness, etc.

The PM tasked the responsible officials to complete the development of the reforms strategy as soon as possible and submit for discussion.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Sports: Armenian wrestler beats Azerbaijani rival to win France tournament

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 20 2020
Sport 12:31 20/01/2020 Armenia

Armenian Greco-Roman wrestler Artur Aleksanyan (97 kg) defeated his Azerbaijani opponent in the final of Grand Prix de France Henri Deglane in the French town of Nice to win the champion’s title.

A four-time European, three-time world and Olympic champion, Aleksanyan beat Orkhan Nuriyev of Azerbaijan in the final bout, claiming four consecutive victories, the National Olympic Committee reported.

Meanwhile, two other Armenian wrestlers Rudik Mkrtchyan (55 kg) and Karapet Chalyan (77kg), took the second spot in their respective weight classes, whereas Gevorg Gharibyan (60 kg), Slavik Galstyan (67 kg), Malkhas Amoyan (72 kg) and Ruben Gharibyan (82 kg) finished third in the tournament. 

Armenia, India seek enhancement of economic cooperation

Armenia, India seek enhancement of economic cooperation




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 21, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a meeting with India’s newly appointed Ambassador to Armenia Kishan Dan Dewal, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a news release.

The PM congratulated the ambassador on assuming office and wished productive work for the benefit of the further development and strengthening of the Armenian-Indian relations.

PM Nikol Pashinyan mentioned that he had a meeting with India’s PM Narendra Modi in New York in September where both sides attached importance to expanding ties in various sectors, as well as the mutually beneficial cooperation in international arenas.

At the same time the Premier noted that various events are taking place in Armenia on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th anniversary of birth, which proves the strong ties between the two countries and peoples. PM Pashinyan reaffirmed his invitation addressed to PM Modi to visit Armenia and expressed conviction that the visit will boost the development of relations between Armenia and India.

Ambassador Kishan Dan Dewal thanked for the warm reception and noted that he will make all efforts to carry out his mission on the highest level and to contribute to the development of relations between the two friendly countries. The ambassador noted that his government is also interested in enhancing and strengthening economic ties with Armenia.

During the meeting the sides also discussed different issues relating to development of partnership in political and economic sectors.

Particularly, they touched upon the opportunities of deepening business ties, ties in IT and tourism, as well as the implementation of joint investment programs and the planned actions in this direction.

The Armenian PM also attached importance to signing the Eurasian Economic Union-India Free Trade Zone agreement, which will also boost the Armenian-Indian commercial-economic relations and enhancement of partnership.

The sides also exchanged views on the NK conflict settlement and issues of regional significance.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Azerbaijan fired around 1100 shots toward Artsakh defense positions

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 19 2019

The Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire along the Artsakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact over 150 times in the past week.

In the period from October 13-19, the adversary fired around 1,100 shots towards the Armenian defense positions from firearms of different calibres, the Artsakh Defense Ministry told

The Artsakh Army frontline troops keep the situation in the contact line under control, and take measures for the reliable protection of their combat positions, the source said.

Assets Declaration System in Armenia discussed during a workshop in Yerevan

Council of Europe
Oct 18 2019
Assets Declaration System in Armenia discussed during a workshop in Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia


© Council of Europe

A workshop on Assets Declaration System in Armenia took place on in Yerevan. The event was organised within the framework of the PGG II Project on “Strengthening institutional capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Armenia. The objective of the workshop was to present the findings and recommendations from the analysis of the Armenia’s assets declarations legal framework and discuss the possible solutions for further strengthening the assets declarations system with the relevant national authorities and the civil society organisations.

Opening speeches were made by CoE head of the office Natalya Voutova and Deputy Minister of Justice, Srbuhi Galyan.

The workshop was attended by the representatives of Ministry of Justice, Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials of Armenia, National Assembly of Armenia, Prime Minister’s Office, Civil Service Bureau, State Revenue Committee, Civil society organisations, CoE office in Yerevan.

The recommendations provided by CoE expert touched the important topics as

  • Persons obliged to declare
  • Items to be declared
  • Beneficial ownership
  • Verification of declarations

The participants expressed their approaches and discussed the topics considering the context of Armenia․ After the discussion the finalized paper with recommendations of CoE international expert will be submitted to the Ministry of Justice.

New form of tourism in Armenia: wilderness, adrenalin – and developing local businesses

JAM News
Oct 14 2019

70 kilometers through the mountains, with crossings through rivers and gorges, and stopovers in ancient villages

A group of Armenian guides undertook to develop ecotourism in the very south of the country – now they are expecting an inflow of tourists starting next year.

A new 70-kilometer tourist route will be created in the Syunik region and will pass through reserves and forests and connect the paths of Kapan and Meghri.

Wildlife, river crossings, ancient temples and settlements along the way. Photo: JAMnews

Guides say that this mountain route will give tourists the opportunity to see completely wild nature, wade through gorges, cross rivers, see ancient temples and settlements.

Photoreportage from the Dashbash Gorge in Georgia

How extreme sports stemmed labour migration from this Armenian village

The route includes the Platan Grove reserve, thickets of eastern beech, Mount Khustup, where there are tent camps. Part of the route runs directly along the famous Silk Road.

The Platan Grove Nature Reserve is also included in the itinerary.  JAMnews Photos

The idea belongs to the public organization Guides from the South. And their goal is not only the development of ecotourism – but the creation of jobs for the local population

“By the end of 2019, our route will be ready – thoroughly developed, consistent with state standards and displayed on maps. By this time, many local guides will also undergo retraining. We will organize a big PR campaign in cooperation with local and foreign agencies, and hope to attract many tourists,” says Robert Matevosyan, chairman of the Guides from the South organization.

Eight villages will be involved in the route – and, accordingly, in the new tourism business – which are located next to the Shikahogh Nature Reserve and the Arevik National Park.

“Local residents will sell products, open restaurants, and local traditional crafts will be in demand. The goal is for communities to develop themselves, without external assistance, and tourism will become an incentive for them,” says David Hakobyan, guide, ecologist and program coordinator at Guides from the South.

David Hakobyan is a history teacher by profession, works at the Kapan Geological Museum, and is a guide in his spare time. JAMnews Photos

The entire programme is called “Ecotourism as an incentive for the socio-economic development of communities around protected areas.”

Since 2018, 27 guides have already been trained – and together with them they have gathered legends, stories about history and traditions, and prepared a program for tourists.

“In preparing the route, volunteers from Peru, Colombia, Russia and Poland worked with us.  If we receive the necessary financing, by the end of the year we will also conduct courses on how to organize a hotel business,” says David.

A separate website will be created for this 70-kilometer route, where, among other things, they will publish a list of goods and services that will be provided by at least 40 families included in the project. The site even has the recipes of traditional dishes of these places.

Already, about two to three thousand tourists from the USA, Europe, Russia and Japan come to the Syunik region annually, and these places are quite popular among the residents of Armenia itself.  JAMnews Photos


Shikahogh is one of the eight villages included in the program, 330 kilometers from Yerevan.  Around the village there is a dense forest, near the Shikahogh nature reserve, many of the local plants and animals are included in the Red Book.  JAMnews Photos

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the population of Shikahogh has been reduced four times, there are very few people left.

Aramis Tadevosyan, a 58-year-old military training teacher at the local school, together with his wife Gohar decided to join the tourism business – and have already taken their first steps.  They renovated their two-story house and even managed to receive the first tourists this year.

“Tourists from Russia and Colombia came to us. We took them into our home, fed them with our own food.  We keep chickens, and we have a greenhouse, I make vodka myself, my wife cooks well. Our prices are not high, but so far, unfortunately, there is not a large flow of tourists”, Aramais says.  JAMnews Photos

The son of Aramais is 28 years old.  More recently, Bagrat and his wife and child returned from Russia.

Bagrat also took courses in becoming a guide. And with his own hands he assembled a car to take tourists into the mountains.  JAMnews Photos

I left to work, but could not get used to life in Russia.  If tourists find out about our places, they will come to us.  And we will have the opportunity to get down to business, stop thinking about leaving our village, even those who left will return,” says Bagrat.

ANCC Strongly Condemns Turkey’s Military Attack on Syria

National Committee of Canada

National Arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622

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October 10,
2019                                                                  Contact: Sevag
Belian (613) 235-2622


ANCC Strongly Condemns
Turkey's Military Attack on Syria

OTTAWA – The Armenian National Committee of Canada
strongly condemns Turkey's military attack on Syria and calls on the
international community to restrain Turkey from making an already dire
situation immeasurably worse.  

Yesterday, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, the
Hon. Chrystia Freeland made the government's position clear in a mid-day tweet,
saying “Canada firmly condemns Turkey’s military incursion into Syria today…We
call for the protection of civilians and on all parties to the respect their obligations
under international law…”

Commenting on the issue, ANCC co-president Hrag
Tarakdjian said “We welcome Minister Freeland’s and Canada’s firm position on
the issue, but we ask them to remain vigilant and be ready to act, because
Turkey simply cannot be trusted and civilians could very well pay the price of
this senseless aggression”

Earlier, the ANCC sent a letter to Minister Freeland
and the US Chargé d’Affaires in Ottawa, Mr. Richard Mills, expressing its
profound concern, regarding the sudden withdrawal of US troops from Syria.

In the letter, ANCC co-presidents, Hrag Tarakdjian and
Shahen Mirakian said “
At a time of uncertainty and
danger, such an ill-considered decision by the US President is a clear
abandonment of America’s key allies in the region and a reckless desertion of
the ethnoreligious minorities, including Armenians, that have called Syria home
for centuries”

Later reports indicated that Turkish airstrikes had already hit civilian
targets and a number of casualties were reported. The towns of Tel-Abyad and
Qamishly – where Armenian and Assyrian minorities live alongside the local
Kurdish majority – were amongst the towns that were hit heavily by Turkish
forces. In the Aftermath of the Armenian Genocide, Qamishly was one of the
first settlements established by the survivors of the Armenian and Assyrian

“While Turkey might assure that civilians will not be targeted, the reality on the
ground suggest otherwise” said Shahen Mirakian.

“Erdogan simply cannot be trusted and the international community must act”
he added.

“We urge you to remain vigilant and work alongside our international
partners to raise this important matter and prevent what will inevitably lead
to bloodshed and destruction” concluded the letter to Minister Freeland.



The ANCC is the
largest and the most influential Armenian-Canadian grassroots human rights
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and
supporters throughout Canada and affiliated organizations around the world, the
ANCC actively advances the concerns of the Armenian-Canadian community on a
broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human rights throughout
Canada and the world.

Sevag Belian – Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of Canada
T: (613) 235-2622 | C: (905) 329-8526

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