Kotayk Beer Factory plant head charged over Burger King explosion


The large-scale investigative operations have revealed the cause of the explosion in Yerevan’s Burger King restaurant, the Investigative Committee reported.

Kotayk Beer Factory’s refrigerating-compressor plant head has been charged for providing services that do not meet safety standards.

At 20:44, April 2, emergency services were notified that an explosion took place in the Burger King fast food restaurant in Northern Avenue, Yerevan.

Multiple emergency personnel and first responders were dispatched to the scene.

The cause of the blast was a faulty CO2 20kg cylinder, which was located in the kitchen of the burger shop.

9 people were hospitalized with various degree injuries.

Open-air festival dedicated to Javakhk organized in Nor Jugha

Panorama, Armenia
July 5 2018
Society 13:04 05/07/2018 Region

An annual open-air festival dedicated to Javakhk and Javakhk Armenians [Samtskhe-Javakheti, mostly Armenian-populated region in southern Georgia] was organized at the initiative of “Hayuhyats” charity organization in Nor Jugha (New Julfa).

During the festival, national dances and songs were performed along with games and recreational activities. As the charity reports, the participants also made donations to implement different projects in the region. The proceeds from the event were allocated to Javakhk Foundation established by the Armenian National Committee.

Ex-president Kocharyan questioned over Armenia’s deadly 2008 crackdown

OC Media
July 4 2018

1 March 2008 protests in Yerevan (Wiki­com­mons)

Former Armenian president Robert Kocharyan has been summoned for ques­tion­ing over the March 2008 crackdown on protests that left 10 dead. The author­i­ties issued an arrest warrant on Tuesday for former Defence Minister Mikael Haru­tyun­yan, who is out of the country, for using military force against the oppo­si­tion rallies.

The Special Inves­ti­ga­tion Service, which inves­ti­gates crimes by officials, accused Haru­tyun­yan of breaching the con­sti­tu­tion through giving a clan­des­tine order to involve the army into a political process.

Critics of the crackdown pointed out that author­i­ties had no grounds to enforce a martial law, as article 119 of the Con­sti­tu­tion allows the dec­la­ra­tion of a state of emergency only if the country is under armed attack or there is an imminent danger thereof.

Robert Kocharyan

The Special Inves­ti­ga­tion Service argued that involving the military in civilian and political matters violated article 14 of the Con­sti­tu­tion, which says that armed forces are to maintain neu­tral­i­ty in political matters. They said that by quashing ‘peaceful protests’, the author­i­ties usurped power and ‘deprived people of their right to exercise their sov­er­eign­ty through elections’.

In May 2010, an Armenian par­lia­men­tary fact-finding group reported that  Defence Minister Mikael Harutyunyan’s 23 February order violated Con­sti­tu­tion and a Law on Defence.

Another former Defense Minister, Seyran Ohanyan, who was serving as Chief of Staff of the armed forces in 2008, was also ‘recently’ ques­tioned by inves­ti­ga­tors, news.am reports.

Speaking to jour­nal­ists on Wednesday, the head of the Special Inves­ti­ga­tion Service, Sasun Khacha­tryan, said inves­ti­ga­tors will speak with anyone who might provide infor­ma­tion on the case, regard­less of who they are. Khacha­tryan was appointed in June by the gov­ern­ment of new Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The case concerns the dispersal of mass protests in Yerevan on 1 March 2008 after Serzh Sargsyan was declared the winner of pres­i­den­tial elections. The oppo­si­tion rallied for around 10 days claiming Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the first Armenian President, from 1991–1998, was the rightful winner and demanding a recount. The initial protests were report­ed­ly autho­rised by the author­i­ties and were then followed by ‘spon­ta­neous’ protests.

The author­i­ties did not intervene until 1 March, according to alle­ga­tions against Armenia at the European Court of Human Rights. Oppo­si­tion parties claimed the crackdown involved not only civilian law enforce­ment agencies, but also the army, as outgoing President Kocharyan declared a state of emergency. A number of prominent oppo­si­tion politi­cians were arrested in the aftermath.

1 March 2008, Yerevan

Com­ment­ing on the arrest warrant out for Haru­tyun­yan, the head of the National Security Service, Artur Vanetsyan, said that Haru­tyun­yan did not flee the country, as when he left Armenia there were no criminal pro­ceed­ings against him.

In March 2018, the then oppo­si­tion Yelk block, of which Prime Minister Pashinyan is a part, condemned the use of lethal force against pro­test­ers in the wake of the 19 February 2008 pres­i­den­tial election. On 6 March, Pashinyan requested that the Prosecutor's Office question ex-President Kocharyan on his claims, which were reit­er­at­ed by other members of the Repub­li­can Party, that the March pro­test­ers were armed and shot at police.

[Read more about the March 2018 res­o­lu­tion on OC Media: Armenia’s par­lia­ment to discuss deadly 2008 crackdown]

Of the families of the 10 deceased, nine appealed to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2011, according to the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC), who is rep­re­sent­ing them in court. The court has yet to make a judgement on the case.

A1+: Catholicos Karekin II, acting Etchmiadzin mayor discuss city-related issues

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, hosted today acting Mayor of Armenia’s Etchmiadzin city Diana Gasparyan, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin’s press service told Panorama.am.

Catholicos Karekin II congratulated the acting mayor on her appointment, expressing confidence she would spare no effort for the benefit of the city’s welfare.

His Holiness touched upon the initiatives undertaken by the Mother See due to which the city became more attractive for the visitors, meantime presenting the future plans. In this regard, he attached importance to the cooperation between the Armenian spiritual center and the City Hall.

Acting Etchmiadzin Mayor Diana Gasparyan for her part highlighted the social, educational and charity programs being implemented by the Armenian Apostolic Church, namely by the Mother See. She voiced her readiness to further intensify the existing cooperation by contributing to those programs.

During the meeting, Catholicos Karekin II and the Etchmiadzin mayor discussed the steps being taken to overcome the challenges facing the city.

Ambassador Matthias Kiesler wishes some provisions of Armenia’s Constitution to be included in German Constitution

ArmenPress, Armenia

 Ambassador Matthias Kiesler wishes some provisions of Armenia's
Constitution to be included in German Constitution

YEREVAN, JUNE 26, ARMENPRESS. German Ambassador to Armenia Matthias
Kiesler is convinced that the new Armenian government will give key
impetus to improve the administrative justice system, reports

During the discussion titled ‘Formation and development of
administrative justice in the Republic of Armenia’, the Ambassador
said the German government together with the GIZ for many years are
assisting Armenia aimed at making the administrative and justice
structures more effective. He added that Germany assisted the
administrative court with respective literature and left a trace in
the 2015 constitutional amendments.

“I would like that some provisions of Armenia’s 2015 Constitution will
be included in the German Constitution”, Matthias Kiesler said.

The German Ambassador said better and successful justice has a great
effect in the life of each citizen.

“I want to state that the trust towards the justice of courts plays a
significant role for the formation of legal state and the positive
development of any state in general”, he noted.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

An old contract fpr the new premier

Ivan Safronov, Alexandra Djordjevic
Source: Kommersant, June 19, 2018, p. 6
Shortly before the change of power in Armenia, its Ministry of Defense postponed the issue of purchasing Russian multifunctional Su-30SM fighters until 2024. The contract, implying the delivery of at least one squadron to the Armenian Air Force, was signed in 2012, but never came into force due to the financial difficulties of the customer. Russia expects to implement the agreement with the new leadership of Armenia.
Discussions on Armenia's intention to acquire Su-30SM were resumed after Nikol Pashinyan posted a photo in his Facebook, where he is in the cockpit of the plane located at Erebuni military airport (where is 3624th Russian airbase is located).
As several top managers of the aviation industry said, the Armenian military began to show interest in the Su-30SMM in 2010. In addition to planes (in Moscow, they tried to solve the financial problem of Yerevan by allowing it to purchase the planes for domestic, rather than export prices), Armenia needed to purchase other weapons, too. Thus, for example, Yerevan became the first export recipient of the Iskander tactical missile system division, and it also acquired $300 million worth weapons at the expense of Russian loans.
Moscow expects to proceed with the implementation of the contract as soon as possible: it is necessary to provide the Irkutsk Aircraft Building Plant with orders until 2022 (otherwise, the production of the Su-30SM is planned to be curtailed and to bet on Su-35, which is serially produced at the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur).
Expert of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makienko believes that "the supplies of modern combat aircraft systems can provoke Azerbaijan to purchase Western fighters." Similar precedents have already happened: in response to the Iskanderdeliveries of to Yerevan, Baku purchased Belarusian Polonez rocket launcher systems. Therefore, these deliveries should be balanced by the offer of Su-35 fighters to Azerbaijan, the expert notes.
[Translated from Russian]

PM Pashinyan visits new church in Artsakh with President Sahakyan (photos)


Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan arrived in Artsakh on a working visit in the morning of June 16.

Together with President of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan and governmental official of both Artsakh and Armenia, the PM visited the new St. Vardanank Church of Chartar community, Martuni region.

Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh of the Armenian Church, delivered a mass at the church.

Construction of the church began in 2014. Russia-based philanthropist Vladimir Avagyan sponsored the construction. Avagyan hails from Chartar.

ACNIS reView #19, 2018: Weekly update_May 19-26


Weekly update

25  MAY 2018


The Washington Post writes that Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo delivered his first public address on the Trump administration’s Iran
strategy at Heritage Foundation on 21 May–two weeks after President
Trump terminated the United States participation in the Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action, more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

Pompeo stated
that “President Trump withdrew from the deal for a simple reason: it failed to
guarantee the safety of the American people from the risk created by the
leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” He also said there will be “no more
wealth creation for Iranian kleptocrats. No more acceptance of missiles landing
in Riyadh and in the Golan Heights. No more cost-free expansions of Iranian

Pompeo emphasized,
that “the JCPOA permitted the Iranian regime to use the money from the JCPOA to
boost the economic fortunes of a struggling people, but the regime’s leaders
refused to do so. Instead, the government spent its newfound treasure fueling
proxy wars across the Middle East and lining the pockets of the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hizballah, Hamas, and the Houthis.” He also added
that the United States will “continue to work with its allies to counter the
regime’s destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of
terror, and address Iran’s proliferation of missiles and other advanced weapons
systems that threaten peace and stability. We will also ensure Iran has no path
to a nuclear weapon – not now, not ever.”

The Secretary
of State also presented a list of goals on Iran. According to Pompeo, the U.S.
will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime and will work
closely with the Department of Defense and regional allies to deter Iranian
aggression. He stated, that the U.S. will “advocate tirelessly for the Iranian
people.” “The regime must improve how it treats its citizens. It must protect
the human rights of every Iranian. It must cease wasting Iran’s wealth
abroad.”-said Pompeo.

During his
address, Pompeo said that President Trump “is ready, willing, and able to
negotiate a new deal” but only if Iran meets certain demands, like ending
enrichment and pursuing of plutonium reprocessing; ending its proliferation of
ballistic missiles and halting further launching or development of
nuclear-capable missile systems; ending support to Middle East terrorist
groups, including Lebanese Hizballah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,
as well as ending its threatening behavior against its neighbors–many of whom
are U.S. allies.

concluded his speech with a final remark: “My final message today is, in fact,
to the Iranian people. I want to repeat President Trump’s words from October.
President Trump said that, “We stand in total solidarity with the Iranian
regime’s longest-suffering victims: its own people. The citizens of Iran have
paid a heavy price for the violence and extremism of their leaders. The Iranian
people long to reclaim their country’s proud history, its culture, its
civilization, and its cooperation with its neighbors.”


Prepared by Marina Muradyan










Փորձագետ. Սխալ է ՀՀ–ում իշխանափոխությունը համարել «գունավոր հեղափոխություն»

  • 24.05.2018

  • Հայաստան



Սխալ է ՀՀ–ում իշխանափոխությունը համարել «գունավոր հեղափոխություն»։ Հետխորհրդային տարածաշրջանում «գունավոր հեղափոխությունները» տեղի են ունեցել ՌԴ–ի ազդեցության գոտուց դուրս գալու ու ՀԱՊԿ–ին անդամակցելուց հրաժարվելու կոչերով, ինչպես նաև դեպի Արևմուտք ուղենիշի փոփոխությամբ։ ՀՀ–ում այդպիսի բաներ չկան։ Այդ մասին հայտարարել է ամերիկացի փորձագետ Վլադիմիր Սոկորը։

Նա նշել է, որ Փաշինյանն ու նրա կողմնակիցները ՀՀ–ի բնակչությանը հավաստիցնում են, որ ՀՀ–ն կմնա ՌԴ–ի հետ դաշնակից։ ՌԴ–ի հետ ռազմավարական դաշնակցային ուղենիշի տեսանկյունից ոչինչ չի փոխվելու։

Ըստ նրա, եթե Փաշինյանն արմատական փոփոխություններ չիրականացնի ՀՀ–ի բնակչությունը շարունակելու է գլորվել դեպի աղքատություն ու դա կարող է հանգեցնել նոր քաղաքական ճգնաժամերը։ ՀՀ–ում ժողովրդական ապստամբությունները տեղի են ունենաում ցիկլիկ` յուրաքանչյուր 6-8 տարին մեկ։