«Հայ ժողովրդի գանձարանում անեմաթանկ գանձը հայերենն է». Հրանուշ Հակոբյան

Please find the attached press release of the Ministry of Diaspora.

Media and PR Department
(+374 10) 585601, internal 805

Մամուլի և հասարակայնության հետ կապերի վարչություն

(+374 10) 585601, ներքին 805



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Ինչպես անենք, որ Հայաստանը դարձնենք լույսի օջախ. Գրեգ Սարկիսյան

Please find the attached press release of the Ministry of Diaspora.

Media and PR Department
(+374 10) 585601, internal 805

Մամուլի և հասարակայնության հետ կապերի վարչություն

(+374 10) 585601, ներքին 805

24.Ինչպես անենք, որ Հայա��տանը դարձն��նք լույսի օջախ. Գրեգ Սա��կիսյան.docx


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“It was the best moment to go” – Mkhitaryan opens up about leaving Manchester United


Captain of the Armenian national football team and midfielder of London’s Arsenal Henrikh Mkhitaryan opened up about details on leaving Manchester United.

“Of course sometimes you need some refreshing,” Mkhitaryan told ESPN Brasil about his departure from Manchester after a year and a half at the club.

“And I think this was the best moment for me, because there were a few things that didn’t work out in Manchester… Because I was 29 years old, I wanted to play more, because I know that in a few years time I’ll be able to end my football career, and it’s very important for me to make my name bigger”, he said.

“That’s why, maybe, it was the best moment, and the best time to change something and to get a new challenge, a new club, and start everything from zero. I’ve learned a lot from my previous two managers, Klopp and Mourinho, and I want to learn more from Arsene Wenger as well. And it’s too early to compare them to each other, I still need time to work with Arsene Wenger. Of course from the time being here I’ve learned a lot already, and I want to learn more.”

Վարչապետի պաշտոնը Կարապետյանից խլում են, բայց խրախուսական մրցանակ սահմանված է. Փաշինյան

  • 08.02.2018

  • Հայաստան


Այժմ, երբ ամենայն հավանականությամբ, վարչապետի պաշտոնին հավակնում է Սերժ Սարգսյանը, պարզ է, որ առաջին փոխվարչապետի պաշտոնը կտան Կարեն Կարապետյանին։ Այս մասին Ազգային Ժողովում հայտարարեց «Ելք» խմբակցության ղեկավար Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը՝ ավելացնելով, որ ըստ այդմ, վարչապետի պաշտոնը Կարապետյանից խլելով նրան դրա դիմաց խրախուսական մրցանակ են տալիս:

«Նրան ավելի վաղ առաջարկել էին վարչապետի աթոռը, իսկ այժմ խլում են։ Որպեսզի դա անքաղաքավարի չերևա, ուզում եմ մի փոքր մեղմել: Իսկ որպեսզի այդ ամենը ժողովուրդը չնկատի, նախագահական աթոռն ուզում են տալ Արմեն Սարգսյանին, որը բոլորին և ամենուրեք գեղեցիկ ժպտում է: Նրան դուրս կբերեն նախագահական նստավայրից և Պրոսպեկտի վրա եվրավերանորոգված բնակարան կտան։ Իբր նստիր այնտեղ ու ժպտա», հայտարարեց Փաշինյանը։

Ընդդիմադիր պատգամավորի հայտարարությանը ԱԺ պետա-իրավական հարցերի մշտական հանձնաժողովի նախագահ Հրայր Թովմասյանը  հորդորեց դավադրության տարր չփնտրել, քանի որ Սահմանադրությամբ նախատեսված է փոխվարչապետների մի քանի պաշտոն և չի արգելվում նշանակել առաջին փոխվարչապետի, որի առաջնայնությունը զուտ անվանական է լինելու.

«Նա փոխարինելու է վարչապետին վերջինիս բացակայության ժամանակ»,- շեշտեց Թովմասյանը:

Ավելի վաղ տեղեկացրել էինք, որ Անվտանգության նոր խորհրդում, որի կազմում չեն լինելու ՀՀ նախագահն ու ԱԺ նախագահը, լինելու է նաև առաջին փոխվարչապետը:

Ըստ շրջանառվող լուրերի, այդ պաշտոնը կզաղեցնի ներկայիս վարչապետ Կարեն Կարապետյանը: Փոխվարչապետի ամենահավանական թեկնածու է համարվում Վաչե Գաբրիելյանը:

WSJ: Dershowitz: Poland Seeks to Censor History

  • Opinion
  • Commentary

Railway tracks at the main entrance of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, June 25, 2015.



Poland’s nationalist government is in the process of enacting
legislation to criminalize speech that “claims, publicly and contrary to
the facts, that the Polish Nation or the Republic of Poland is
responsible or co-responsible for Nazi crimes committed by the Third
Reich.” The proposal would exempt “artistic or academic activity” but
would prohibit ordinary citizens and politicians from accusing Poland of
complicity in the murder of three million Polish Jews. Both the Israeli
and U.S. governments have denounced the proposal, which restricts free
speech and falsifies history.

True, the Germans built Auschwitz and other death camps on
Polish soil. But the Germans could not have murdered the Polish Jews,
and millions of other Europeans imported to death camps in Poland,
without the active assistance of many Poles in identifying and rounding
up victims. This complicity was incited by generations of anti-Semitic
church sermons. Poles also murdered Jews during and after the German
occupation—including in the Jedwabne pogrom in July 1941 and in Kielce
in July 1946.

On the positive side, there were Polish Catholics,
including priests and nuns, who risked their lives protecting Jews.
There were many other righteous Polish individuals as well. Jan Karski
risked his life by dressing as a death-camp guard so he could document
the horrors, and the Ulma family was murdered for harboring Jews.

role in the Holocaust is a mixed picture of complicity, heroism,
complacency and willful blindness. It is up to historians to sort out
the specifics and moralists to apportion blame. But it is not the role
of law to stifle debate and to threaten those who question the current
self-serving Polish government narrative.

Nor does history need
laws to confirm that the Holocaust occurred. Yet several European
governments have made Holocaust denial a crime. Denying the Armenian
genocide is a crime in France; acknowledging it is a crime in Turkey.
Israel’s Knesset is responding the Polish effort by weighing its own
legislation that would make it a crime to deny or minimize the role of
collaborators in the Holocaust. Both the proposed Polish and Israeli
laws would have extraterritorial reach, so virtually any discussion or
debate about this issue would risk prosecution and imprisonment in one
of those countries. Such is the consequence of governmental efforts—no
matter how well-intentioned—to criminalize debates about history.

is understandable why people who believe there is only one side to a
debate would seek to censor what they regard as malicious lies about
deeply emotional issues such as the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide.
It is also understandable that some American students and faculty,
particularly on the hard left, seek to stifle “hate speech,”
“micro-aggressions” and comments or ideas that make them feel “unsafe.”

censorship comes around like a boomerang. To some Palestinians on
campuses, Zionist speech creates an unsafe space, while to some Jewish
students, anti-Israel speech offends and frightens. To some women,
antiabortion advocacy is demeaning, while to some Christians,
pro-abortion advocacy is offensive. It is not the role of governments or
universities to take sides in these conflicts. It is very much their
role to encourage civil discourse on these and other controversial
issues that divide people emotionally and intellectually. It is also the
role of these institutions to promote tolerance of conflicting views
and to tell citizens and students that, in a democracy, there are no
safe spaces from ideas.

So let the competing narratives
regarding the role of Poland, the Polish Catholic Church and individual
Poles continue to be debated without the heavy hand of governmental
censorship and criminal punishment. Trust the open marketplace of ideas,
rather than the self-serving biases of bureaucrats, to arrive at the
complex truth about this terrible period in Polish and Jewish history.

Mr. Dershowitz

is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of
“Trumped Up! How Criminalizing Politics Is Dangerous to Democracy”
(CreateSpace, 2017).

Appeared in the February 6, 2018, print edition as 'Poland Seeks To Censor History.'

Sports: Show the result you’ve never shown before – Skiing Federation Boss tells Armenian athletes for South Korea Olympics

ArmenPress News Agency , Armenia
February 5, 2018 Monday

Show the result you've never shown before – Skiing Federation Boss
tells Armenian athletes for South Korea Olympics

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 5, ARMENPRESS. Secretary General of the Skiing
Federation of Armenia Gagik Sargsyan has talked to ARMENPRESS about
the chances and expectations from Armenia’s three skiers who will
comete at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea.

Armenia will be represented at the skiing events by Katya Galstyan,
Ashot Karapetyan and Michael Michaelyan.

“She is very diligent, all three are diligent but Katya stands out”,
Sargsyan said about Katya, mentioning that she is a very smart
athlete, has high performance and does everything with calculations.

“You had to see his excitement when it was decided that he will take
part in the Olympics”, Sargsyan said, commenting on Ashot Karapetyan.
“He is also very diligent, devoted”.

“I would point out Michael a bit. If we were to look at his results,
it is obvious that he is a bit more mature with his career”, Sargsyan
said, mentioning that they’ve nicknames Michael Michaelyan the Kinder
Surprise – because with his results he will become a discovery.

“My expectation is that all three have their best results of their
careers in the Olympics. Meaning to show the result which they’ve
never shown before”, the federation boss said, wishing success and
achievements to the Armenian athletes.

Varvara Hayrapetyan

Sports: Football: Friends reunited as Wenger salutes Arsenal new boys

Agence France Presse
February 4, 2018 Sunday 12:35 AM GMT

Football: Friends reunited as Wenger salutes Arsenal new boys

 London, Feb 4 2018

Arsene Wenger says the instinctive understanding between old friends
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Henrikh Mkhitaryan can transform
Arsenal's turbulent season.

Aubameyang marked his Arsenal debut with a goal in Saturday's 5-1
demolition of Everton, while Mkhitaryan provided three assists in his
first start for the Gunners.

The swaggering show from the former Borussia Dortmund team-mates was a
much-needed boost for Arsenal boss Wenger after a difficult January
that saw Alexis Sanchez force through a move to Manchester United,
while the north Londoners struggled on the pitch.

Gabon striker Aubameyang joined from Dortmund on deadline day for a
club record £56 million, reuniting with Armenia midfielder
Mkhitaryan, who arrived earlier in the window from United in a swap
deal for Sanchez.

While Aaron Ramsey scored his first career hat-trick against Everton,
it was the promising partnership between Aubameyang and Mkhitaryan
that stole the show.

"Overall, the two players integrated well into our game and they
looked as if they had played for us forever," said Wenger.

"They have similar qualities to what our game is about. Technically,
they are good. They are quick and overall it was a first convincing

Aubameyang was a constant menace with his pace and energy and, while
his goal was fortunate given he was offside when he ran onto
Mkhitaryan's pass, there was enough quality on display to suggest he
may keep the misfiring Alexandre Lacazette on the bench for the
foreseeable future.

"The quality of his movement and finishing was excellent. He gives
problems to defenders with his movement, he is always looking to go
into spaces that are difficult to cover," Wenger said.

"When he gets ahead it is hard to catch him. When we understand him
better we can make more of that.

"He is not at his best physically and still has some work to do on
that, but the price is reasonable I think, overall for that quality of
striker in today's market."

Mkhitaryan struggled to make an impact at United, but he looked
revitalised at the Emirates Stadium, linking with Aubameyang and Mesut
Ozil to devastating effect as Arsenal tore Everton to pieces with four
goals in the first half.

"He is a good link player and he works very hard as well," Wenger said.

"Overall, I think he looked well-accepted by the rest of the team and
was understanding very well how we want to play. I can say is that it
was a convincing debut."

- Ice-cool Ramsey -

Wenger also reserved praise for Ramsey as the Wales midfielder finally
took his manager's advice to stay cool in front of goal.

"I felt always -- when I watched the games after on the video -- you
think always that he is there in a good position in the box and I felt
always that he had between 10 and 15 goals at least in his locker,"
Wenger said.

"He didn't do it until now because I think he rushed, sometimes, with
his finishing. He looks much calmer."

Everton boss Sam Allardyce was furious with his side's display as they
tarnished his 500th match as a Premier League manager.

"I'm angry because accepting an instruction is the players'
responsibility at this level of football," he said.

"We tried to give those instructions. There was a very good
performance by Swansea on Tuesday against Arsenal and we based our
plan on that.

"We set out to play like that, unfortunately Swansea played at the top
of their game and we played at the bottom.

"That is why we were tumbling goals left, right and centre with our
pathetic performance. None of it was any good. All the team played

Kachatur Gasparyan: Stress is the flavor of life (video)

Work routine should be prepared in advance, instead of waking up after holidays and remembering that you have to go to work, said Kachatur Gasparyan, Head of the Department of Psychology of Yerevan State Medical University. He also assessed positively the government’s decision, according to which we learned one year ago that since the next year we will have only three day holidays. In general, the psychologist was concerned about the fact that we do not fully perceive the spiritual value of the holidays.

“Our nation, both when happy and sad, tries to do everything by oral means: eating. Even during sad events we use so much food that it is both awful and surprising for a representative of other country where people also die. I have lived in the USA and England. Their modesty attracted me: when you visit them there are small cookies and sandwiches on their tables,” said the psychologist.

Khachatur Gasparyan also spoke about stress today. He said that stress was divided into two groups: positive and negative. For example, positive stress is when a child is born, holidays are coming, salary rises.

“Stress is our friend for life, it’s the flavor of life. When one does not have any kind of stress then he is probably dead,” said Khachatur Gasparyan.

At the same time he expressed an opinion that if a person did not return to his/her work with pleasure after holidays, it meant that he/she should review his/her lifestyle. “If we do not get pleasure from work, more than half of our lives goes through stress and negative emotions,” concluded the psychologist.

Vienne : deux mois à l’arménienne

Essor Isère
4 janv 2017

le 04 janvier 2018 – Gaëlle BARDINCultureExpositions

Les photographies d'Eric Grigorian et deux autres artistes sont mis en lumière à la salle des fêtes dès le 9 janvier

Dans le cadre du 25e anniversaire de jumelage entre Vienne et Goris, doublé des 15 ans de la coopération décentralisée, la Ville de Vienne propose tout un programme de manifestations sous le titre : « le Mois de l'Arménie ».

Un événement soutenu par le Département dans le cadre de la manifestation « Paysages-Paysages » avec l'étroite collaboration des associations arméniennes viennoises, et la participation de nombreux acteurs locaux (librairies, restaurants, office du tourisme, conservatoire de musique, galerie d'Art…). L'idée est de poursuivre la communication autour des liens amicaux entre les deux villes en mettant en avant le dynamisme de leur partenariat et des échanges professionnels.

L'occasion d'honorer la culture arménienne sous ses multiples facettes : stages d'initiation artistiques, fête de l'école, balade gastronomique, ateliers cuisine, spectacles… s'enchaîneront dès le 6 janvier. Sans oublier l'exposition de photographies intitulée « Trois regards sur l'Arménie d'aujourd'hui », visible du 9 au 31 janvier à la salle d'exposition place Miremont, avant de s'exporter à la médiathèque, puis au cinéma les Amphis jusqu'au 26 mars. Elle mettra en lumière trois photographes contemporains : Éric Grigorian, Tatevik Vardanyan et Hrant Khachatryan.

Une exposition réalisée en partenariat avec le Département et la plateforme Irapa (Inter-coopération de collectivités rhônalpines pour l'Arménie), avec la collaboration de la Maison de l'Image de Grenoble.

Gaëlle Bardin

Jusqu'au 6 mars. Programme complet sur le site .


ARMENPRESS sums up key economic events of 2017

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

ARMENPRESS sums up key economic events of 2017

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Starting from the formation of new
government up to investments, signing of Armenia-EU agreement, high
economic activity index: 2017 was full of numerous economic events.

ARMENPRESS has identified the most important economic events and the
macro-economic indicators of 2017.

Armenia-UAE Investment Forum in Abu Dhabi

The Armenia-United Arab Emirates Investment Forum was held in Abu
Dhabi in spring with the participation of Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan. The Forum aimed at boosting the economic ties between
Armenia and the Arab states, as well as the contacts between the
businessmen. Presentations on agriculture, animal husbandry, energy,
healthcare, pharmaceutics, IT, tourism were held, the successful
stories of foreign companies in Armenia, as well as a number of
investment programs were presented.

As a result a memorandum of understanding on investments worth 100
million USD was signed between Armenia’s ministry of energy
infrastructures and natural resources and UAE Ocean Holding LLC. The
Ocean Holding LLC aims at directing investments for construction and
operation of solar power plants in Armenia by using the best
technologies available in the field.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit to Armenia and
the session of Eurasian Inter-governmental Council in Yerevan

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who arrived in Armenia to
participate in the session of the Eurasian Inter-governmental Council,
announced that the line of economic difficulties between Armenia and
Russia is overcome, and the trade turnover is being restored. At the
meeting with reporters the Russian PM said Russia will keep the
special gas tariff for Armenia in 2018.

The session of the Eurasian Inter-governmental Council was held in
Yerevan with the participation of the heads of government of the EAEU
member states. The PMs reached an agreement on the program of forming
a single oil market, and the works over gas will continue.

Establishment of Investors Club of Armenia and announcement of first
major programs

In early 2017 the Investors Club of Armenia officially launched with
the participation of the Armenian PM Karen Karapetyan and more than 3
dozen businessmen of the Armenian Diaspora of Russia. In autumn the
Tashir Group of Companies announced about the plans to make more than
1 billion USD investment in Armenia’s energy field in the upcoming
years together with the Investors Club of Armenia and international
financial organizations. 900 million USD from the investments will be
directed for the reconstruction of energy infrastructures and
installation of energy audit devices, 200 million USD will be used for
the construction of Shnogh hydropower plant.

Presentation of third series banknotes sketches

On November 22, on the occasion of the Day of Armenia’s National
Currency, the Central Bank presented the sketches of third series
banknotes to be issued in 2018. The banknotes will feature poet Paruyr
Sevak (1000 AMD), chess grandmaster Tigran Petrosyan (2000 AMD),
writer and dramatist William Saroyan (5000 AMD), composer Komitas
(10,000 AMD), painter Ivan Aivazovsky (20,000 AMD), and Saint Gregory
the Illuminator (50,000 AMD). The printing will be conducted by
Giesecke&Devrient company.The banknotes will be put into circulation
on November 22, 2018 on the 25th anniversary of the national currency.

Signing of Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement

On November 24 Armenia and the European Union signed the Comprehensive
and Enhanced Partnership Agreement in Brussels. The sides expressed
commitment to strengthen the comprehensive political and economic
partnership and cooperation based on common values and close ties.
According to specialists, the agreement will directly contribute to
economic growth and job creation in Armenia.

Meghri Free Economic Zone launched

At the end of the year the Meghri Free Economic Zone launched its
activity with the participation of Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan.
The total cost of the construction of the Meghri FEZ is 32 million USD
from which 28 million USD are capital expenditures. During the FEZ
activity it is planned to attract 50-70 operating companies which will
make nearly 100-130 million USD investments, will create about 1500
jobs and will export goods and services worth 250 million USD. The
companies operating in the FEZ will be exempt from profit tax, VAT,
excise tax and customs duties, paying only the income tax.

Macro-economic indicators and monetary-loan policy

7.3% economic activity growth was recorded in the 11 months of 2017.
The export for the first time exceeded 2 billion USD. In
January-November a double-digit growth was recorded in the services
field (14.2%), trade turnover (14.4%), industrial production volume
(12.3%), external trade turnover (26.4%), export (23.5%) and import

Finance minister Vardan Aramyan told reporters that the economic
situation in 2017 was good than expected. He expressed confidence that
by the end of the year the real growth will be in 5.5-6%. Under the
2017 budget the GDP growth was expected to be 3.2%, but during the
year the government revised the prediction for the economic growth,
reaching it to 4.3%, and it predicts 4.5% economic growth for 2018.

In 2017 the Central Bank continued conducting a promoting policy.
Since 2015 the refinancing rate was reduced 12 times, and at the
moment it is 6%.

Ani Nazaryan