Azerbaijani military opens gunfire at Armenian state border, villages


The Azerbaijani military has opened gunfire in the northeastern section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border.

Armenian foreign ministry spokesperson Artsrun Hovhannisyan told ARMENPRESS the Azerbaijani military has also fired at villages.

“Those were insignificant gunshots, which didn’t result in any losses”, Hovhannisyan said.

Newly Rebuilt School of Liberated Hak Village Opens in Artsakh

The ribbon being cut for the new school in Kashatagh’s Hak village

STEPANALERT—Haik Village, one of the northernmost communities of liberated Kashatagh (formerly Lachin), on Tuesday, celebrated the opening of its village school after complete reconstruction. The school has been rebuilt through the joint efforts of the Tufenkian Foundation and the Hayrenaser organization. Tufenkian Foundation Executive Director Raffi Doudaklian, Stepan Sargsyan of the Hayrenaser organization, Deputy Head of Kashatagh regional administration Artush Mkhitaryan and other guests attended the opening.

Prior to the reconstruction, the school was in an extremely poor state and was unsafe for children to attend. Moreover, part of the building was in complete ruins. As a result of 4-month long reconstruction works, a new roof has been built, new windows and doors have been installed, bathrooms have been added and general improvements have been made.

Students at the entrance of the newly-opened school in Hak

The historically Armenian Hak village, which was subjected to ethnic cleansing by Azeri armed forces in the beginning of the 20th century, was liberated by Armenians during the early 1990s. However, like most villages in Kashatagh, the village found itself in dire need of resettlement, reconstruction and development after the war.

Today, Hak is one of the fastest growing village communities in the liberated borderlands of Artsakh. Out of 110 persons living in the village, 50 are children. Due to the poor state of the school prior to reconstruction, some of the village’s school-age children had to go to the secondary school of a nearby village. With the number of children soaring, rebuilding the local school had long become a top priority for this community.

As a result of the reconstruction and improvement works, the school has been transformed from war-torn ruins into a well-built, safe and bright learning space for the children of Hak. 15 children currently attend the school. However, due to the reconstruction, up to 50 children can study at the school from now on, including from neighboring villages.

Congratulating the people of Hak with this new victory, Tufenkian Foundation Executive Director Raffi Doudaklian said: “Very soon, the school will have almost 50 children, and it is these children that will bring the school and the whole village alive by filling these halls with their laughter and smiles, with a joyful and life-asserting noise… and it is these children that, by growing up in this historic village, will breathe life into our liberated lands and reaffirm them as an inseparable part of our homeland.”

In addition to being the sole educational institution in the village, the school is also an important community center, where various cultural and social events can take place. The school is also a key employer for the community: 9 full-time teachers and 5 administrative employees currently work here.

Stepan Sargsyan, co-founder of the Hayrenaser Organization, said: “We are very happy that this school is now a reality, and that, together with the Tufenkian Foundation, we were able to bring this project to life in such a short time. We are looking forward to the day when these classrooms are too small for all the children studying here, so we can come back and happily expand the school”.

Artush Mkhitaryan, Deputy Head of Kashatagh regional administration, expressed his gratitude to the Tufenkian Foundation and the Hayrenaser Organization and said “We feel stronger when we see the support of Diaspora Armenians, of all Armenians, in joining our efforts to rebuild this country”.

The reconstruction of the Hak school is a part of the Tufenkian Foundation’s efforts to resettle and develop the liberated borderlands of Artsakh. In the framework of this initiative, the Foundation has completed more than 40 construction works in the strategic Kashatagh region: a number of homes, schools and clinics have been built or renovated.

Supporting the schools of Kashatagh has been a priority for the Foundation throughout the recent years. In addition to the school in Hak, the Foundation has built and later expanded the school of Arajamugh village, renovated the school of Hochants village, established an elementary school in Getap and renovated the school of Aghavnatun village. Additionally, the Foundation has provided musical instruments to the music school of Berdzor and built/expanded school libraries in all villages of Kashatagh.

The Tufenkian Foundation has partnered with and received support from a number of individuals and organizations for the realization of these efforts, including the Armenian Educational Foundation (Arajamugh school), Virginia Davies (Hochants school), Armenian Community Council of Great Britain (Getap school), OneArmenia and the Armenian Centre Trust UK (Aghavnatun school).

The Tufenkian Foundation was launched in 1999 by entrepreneur James Tufenkian with the mission to empower the initiatives of local citizens, support the most vulnerable strata of the society, promote environmental protection and awareness, and advance social justice in Armenia. Since 2003, the Foundation has broadened its scope to embattled Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh), where it promotes resettlement and development projects in the vulnerable border zones of the region.

Andrias Ghukasyan petitioned to apply a pledge to him

Today, opposition activist Andrias Ghukasyan petitioned for being released on of 1.5 million drams bail. Andrias Ghukasyan mentioned that he would not violate the conditions of the pledge; he had a juvenile girl, a mother with a health problem. He stated that he is a politician, and a graduate of two universities, and his detention was connected only with his activities.

Prosecutor Petros Petrosyan noted that the risks are high in improper conduct. Karen Mezhlumyan, an advocate of Andrias Ghukasyan, informed the court that there was no actual fact that he would commit a crime, would have an effect on the interrogated people and would avoid the case study.

At this point, Vardan Grigoryan, the judge of the Court of General Jurisdiction of the Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts, has left the conference room to make a decision. He also noted that he had to make a justified decision because if the mediation was satisfied, the prosecutor would appeal, and if he declined, the defense party would.

Serzh Sargsyan congratulates RF President Vladimir Putin on jubilee

Serzh Sargsyan had a telephone conversation with RF President Vladimir Putin, congratulating and sending him good wishes on birthday jubilee. The President of Armenia has also sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Russian Federation.

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your jubilee!
I sincerely wish you good health and every success in achieving the proposed objectives for the sake of Russia’s development, its citizens’ welfare and the strengthening of your country’s role in global politics. I wish to thank you for your personal contribution to the strengthening of strategic and allied relations between Armenia and Russia based on centuries-old traditions of friendship, brotherhood and mutual assistance of our peoples.

Through consistent efforts, we have managed to complement the Armenian-Russian cooperation agenda with new joint initiatives and projects, which undoubtedly meet the fundamental interests of our peoples and promote stability and security in the South Caucasus.

I am always sincerely happy to meet with you in an atmosphere of openness, mutual trust and partnership, which is due to the friendly relations established between us. I am confident that the active political dialogue will continue to bring about constructive cooperation between our countries both in the bilateral format and on the margins of the EAEU, CSTO, CIS and other international organizations.

I cordially wish you, Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, robust health, happiness, well-being and all the best,” the President of the Republic of Armenia said in his congratulatory message.

Sports: Wrestler Arsen Julfalakyan wins bronze at Kazakhstan tournament

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 2 2017
Sport 16:11 02/10/2017Armenia

Two Armenian Greco-Roman wresters took part in Bolat Turlykhanov Memorial tournament held in Kazakhstan over the past weekend.

World and European champion, silver medallist of the Olympics, Arsen Julfalakyan grabbed the bronze medal in the 75kg weight class. The next Armenian representative, Sargis Kocharyan (85kg) was left out of the struggle for medals, the National Olympic Committee reported.

The Armenian Greco-Roman wrestling team is due to hold a training camp in the near future.

‘Only gravediggers and dead are left here… what are we rejecting?

Aravot, Armenia
Oct 1 2017

Zaruhi Postanjyan, leader of the “Yerkir Tsirani” party, is in Dilijan. She walks around and calls people for protesting.

She asked Dilijan taxi drivers, whether the rate of migration is high. The drivers replied: “Just sit here for a couple of hours, and you will see how many buses are departing. In fact, only gravediggers and dead are left here”.

Postanjyan said that they had a special mission, they were walking around towns and villages, urging the residents to start rebelling on the same day at the same time to deny these illegalities and to establish new regime: “If we do not rebel, we will lose our homeland”.

Postanjyan said that when communicating with people she understood that there were two poles: one totally has no belief, says that nothing can be done, the other waits for a spark: “Now let’s see how we can convey this spark, so that everyone can stand up and reject these illegal authorities”. One of the Dilijan residents asked, “what are you rejecting? we have no weapons, we have nothing, what can we do?”.

Postanjyan answered, “We do not need weapons, we exceed in number. Their armed 22 thousand policemen will be enough only for Baghramyan 26, if all the towns and villages join us. The “president” and the forces serving and securing him will not be able to exert pressure on everyone”. The resident responded, “I don’t believe anymore. I have two daughters, they have left with my grandchildren, only me and my wife remained here. We have too little money, it’s not enough to pay for the utilities”.

Postanjyan said, “Well, follow the political processes. You don’t need to come to Yerevan. We are all going to block the main streets on the same day at the same time. They are waiting for us to go to Yerevan, so they can put us into a trap, that is why we urge everyone to rebel at the same time. After that we should invite a large pan-Armenian global assembly, where delegates should nominate an interim government from our nation’s cream. After that elections should be held under equal conditions”.

One of the Dilijan residents told in an offended voice that they were giving out barbecues during the adoption of independence, and he heard how someone said, “put Vano Siradeghyan’s share away”, that is initially, there have been chosen ones and everything was unfair. Postanjyan promised to restore justice.