Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Commission session wraps up in Tehran

The 14th Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Commission session, which aimed to boost bilateral trade turnover, came to an end on Monday in the Iranian capital of Tehran, reports. 

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the session, Iran’s Energy Minister said holding of the meeting and exchange of delegations were signs of strong determination of both sides to bolster and expand cooperation as all levels.

“Iran pursues the policy of deepening multilateral ties with all neighboring states,” noted the official adding “progress and development of Armenia and success of its government and nation are deemed as onwards moving of Iran.”

The Iranian official maintained that volume of trade turnover between Iran and Armenia has been disproportionate to political relations of the two sides; “similar sessions are expected to pave the path for reinvigoration of bilateral ties.”

Chitchian, while recalling that Tehran and Yerevan inked a comprehensive cooperation document during the Joint Economic Commission session, urged all committees and working groups to implement provisions of the agreement.

“The document envisions cooperation in the fields of energy, electricity exchange, natural gas, Aras River environmental, banking and insurance, trade and economy.”

He added that based on the deal, which is signed on the eve of the visit of President Rouhani to Armenia, Iran will establish free trade zone on Armenian territory.

Also at the closing ceremony, Armenian Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources Ashot Manukyan said the 14th edition of the session marked a cornerstone for further collaborations between Tehran and Yerevan asserting “the event remains as a turning point in age-old relations between the two countries, a point which marks the commencement of an indefatigable endeavor.”

He further expressed optimism that, with perseverance, efforts of both parties would yield fruitful results in the near future.

The volume of trade turnover between Iran and Armenia currently stands at over 400 million dollars and given that the Caucasus region country is allowed to export more than 6,000 groups of commodities to the EU by payment of customs duties, Iran could grasp the opportunity to deploy its goods to Europe through Armenia at lower costs.

Syrian army continues offensive in Aleppo

“Over the last 24 hours, 14 neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo (around 300,000 residential quarters) were completely liberated from terrorists,” the Russian center said, TASS reports.

Syrian government forces have continued an offensive at night in parts of eastern Aleppo occupied by armed groups, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said on Tuesday.

“Over the last 24 hours, 14 neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo (around 300,000 residential quarters) were completely liberated from terrorists. Over 8,500 civilians, including around 4,000 children, left areas controlled by militants,” the center said. The civilians that left the city were provided with hot food, temporary accommodation and medical assistance.

“Over the last 24 hours, over 140 militants surrendered and left through humanitarian corridors. All surrendered militants are subject to amnesty by the Syrian president. City authorities provide them with necessary help and assistance,” the Russian center said.

More than 100 killed in India train derailment

Photo: AFP


The death toll following the derailment of a train in India’s northern Uttar Pradesh state has now passed 100, with more than 150 injured, police say, the BBC reports.

Fourteen carriages of the Indore-Patna Express derailed just after 03:00 local time on Sunday (21:30 GMT Saturday) near the city of Kanpur.

Rescuers are still trying to reach the injured and recover the dead from the twisted carriages.

The cause of the crash near the village of Pukhrayan is not yet known.

However, the Times of India quoted sources as saying a fracture in the track could have been to blame.

I wanted to curl up and never leave home: Hilary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, in her first public speech since last week’s crushing presidential loss, admitted making the appearance “wasn’t the easiest,” CNN reports.

But speaking at the Children’s Defense Fund’s “Beat The Odds” Gala on Wednesday night, Clinton emotionally reflected about the 2016 loss and how she wished she could tell her mother – who decades ago was abandoned as a child – that her struggles were worth it because of what her daughter had accomplished.

“I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said. “There have been a few times this past week where all I wanted to do was curl up with a good book and our dogs and never leave the house again.”

But Clinton did not wallow in defeat during the speech, instead turned to what she will focus on going forward, and the impact her mother had on her life.

Ruling party of Uruguay denounces ‘indiscriminate persecution’ in Turkey

Agencia Prensa Armenia –  The Uruguayan ruling party Broad Front (“Frente Amplio” in Spanish) expressed its “solidarity” with the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and with the “victims of the indiscriminate persecution in Turkey” in a declaration of the Political Office of the party.

The statement “calls on the democratic forces and parties, particularly from Europe, to ask the Turkish Government to put an end to this persecution.”

“After the raid at the houses and headquarters of the Party and the arrest of 11 parliamentarians of the Democratic Party of the Peoples of Turkey the past 4th of November” and considering “the Diyarbakir prosecutor’s office reports that there is an arrest warrant for 59 MPs of that party,” the Broad Front argued that “once again the Turkish Government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launches an antidemocratic offensive against the People’s Democratic Party, violating the civil and political rights of the people’s representatives.”

“These events are part of an authoritarian offensive, with opposition media closures (142 journalists arrested since last July), and against a party that had more than 6,000,000 votes and represents all the ethnic groups of Turkey (Assyrians , Kurds, Armenians, Arabs), different religious groups, women and social minorities. A Party that fights to build a democratic, ecological and antipatriarchal society.”

Junior Eurovision 2016: Meet Anahit and Mary from Armenia

Anahit Adamyan and Mary Vardanyan will represent Armenia in the 2016 Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

Anahit and Mary were chosen through an internal selection by the creative team of the Public TV Company of Armenia. Tarber was composed by Nick Egibyan, lyrics were written by Avet Barseghyan.

Anahit is 13 years old and was born in Sochi, Russia but has a very strong connection to her motherland, Armenia whilst Mary, who is also 13 years old, and was born in Vardenis, Armenia.

Anahit started singing when she was just 4 years old. Her professional career started in 2013, when she participated in the auditions of Russia’s The Voice Kids competition. Anahit’s biggest dream was to be a part of the Eurovision family, and this year her dream is coming true!

“I’m beyond happy to have a chance to represent my motherland in my favourite show – the Junior Eurovision! Mary and I will do our best to impress everyone and make Armenians proud,” Anahit told a press conference in Yerevan.

Mary took her first steps into music back in 2011, when she started studying music at the Do-Re-Mi vocal school. She has participated in numerous music competitions, including the Renaissance International Music Festival, where she took the grand prix. She also took first place in the Friendship of Nations music competition in Armenia.

“I have always dreamed of standing on the big Eurovision stage and performing for the huge audience. That day is almost here! We will do our best to present a great show and impress everyone,” said Mary.

Italy’s Foreign Minister due in Armenia

Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni will visit Armenia on November 8 as part of his regional tour.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan confirmed the news to Public Radio of Armenia.

Within the framework of the visit Minister Gentiloni will hold meetings with the leadership of Armenia.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Italy Edward Nalbandian and Paolo Gentiloni will hold a joint press conference.

Sweden declares Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg officially dead

Photo: AFP


Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who helped thousands of Hungarian Jews to escape Nazi mass murder in World War Two, has been formally pronounced dead by Sweden’s Tax Agency, the reports.

He was arrested by Soviet forces in Hungary in 1945 and disappeared. He is thought to have died in a Soviet prison, but his fate remains a mystery.

Thousands of Jews escaped deportation to Auschwitz because Wallenberg gave them Swedish protective passes.

His story became legendary after 1945.

The former Soviet authorities said he must have died in a Moscow prison in 1947.

But his family were sceptical about that version of events, and spent decades trying to establish what actually happened to him.

Last November they called on the Swedish Tax Agency to officially declare him dead. The request was made via Sweden’s SEB Bank, acting as a trustee.

“He shall be deemed to have died 31 July, 1952,” the tax agency said.

Pia Gustafsson of the tax agency said that date was chosen because it fell “five years after he went missing, which was believed to be the end of July, 1947”.

AP: Pope visits Georgia, Azerbaijan with peace message

Pope Francis is wrapping up a Caucasus pilgrimage that began in June in Armenia and ends this weekend with a visit to two other countries with tiny Catholic communities: the Orthodox Christian bastion of Georgia and the largely Shiite Muslim nation of Azerbaijan.

Given the itinerary, Catholic-Orthodox and Christian-Muslim relations will be high on Francis’ agenda. But geopolitical concerns will also lurk behind the scenes during the three-day trip starting Friday in Georgia, one of the world’s oldest Christian lands, the Associated Press reports.

According to the source, Georgia is keen to use the trip to highlight its European and Western aspirations, and also draw attention to what it considers the Russian “occupation” of the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Francis is unlikely to get involved beyond general calls for peace and reconciliation, given a reluctance to offend Russia or the Russian Orthodox Church after his historic meeting with the Russian patriarch in Cuba earlier this year.

The Georgian ambassador to the Vatican, Tamara Grdzelidze, said she wasn’t optimistic Francis would use the term “occupation.”

“But in Armenia he spoke about ‘genocide,’ so you never know with this pope,” she said, referring to the Ottoman-era slaughter of Armenians.

Adding to the geopolitical mix, Francis will make a strong appeal for peace in Syria and Iraq, where Christians are being attacked and driven from their homes by Islamic extremists. A special event is planned Friday in the Chaldean Catholic church in Tbilisi.

“The message is going to be a message of peace,” said Vatican spokesman Greg Burke.

A more subtle message is one of steadily improving ties between the Holy See and the two former Soviet republics.

Ramaz Sakvarelidze, an independent political analyst in Tbilisi, said the papal visit should help to underscore Georgia’s aspirations for greater Western integration, including its sought-after membership in the European Union and NATO.

“The visit will certainly have a positive impact on Georgia’s image, it will help underline its Euro-Atlantic aspirations and a desire to embrace the principles of the Western world,” he said.

After Georgia, Francis heads to Azerbaijan, completing the visit he had hoped would have begun in Armenia and ended in Azerbaijan to show a symbolic bridge between neighbors bitterly divided over Nagorno-Karabakh.

While in Armenia in June, Francis called for reconciliation and for all sides to “resist being caught up in the illusory power of vengeance.”

Francis will spend only about 10 hours in the Azeri capital of Baku, using the time to highlight the country’s interfaith mix, meeting with the sheik of Caucasus Muslims, as well as representatives of Azeri Jews and other religious communities.

And he will celebrate Mass for the Catholic community which represents less than 1 percent of the population: There are about 200 Azeri-born Catholics and about 15,000 Catholic foreigners who live in Baku.