The Jerusalem Post: Zohrab Mnatsakanyan to visit Israel soon

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 14 2019
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo.Armenian Acting Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan expressed an opinion in an interview with The Jerusalem Post that diplomatic missions of the two  countries will soon be opened in Israel and Armenia. At the same  time, he refrained from answering the question about the possibility  of opening an Armenian diplomatic office in Jerusalem.

Mnatsakanyan also stressed that Armenia is interested in giving a new  quality to relations with Israel. He also stated about the similarity  of the two peoples, and the difference between the Armenians from  their neighbors. "We have an ancient and complicated history," the  Armenian FM said.

  According to Acting Minister, Armenia has so much to offer Israel in  the fields of agriculture, science, technology, education and  innovation – and especially in the area of early childhood education,  he also noted  that he planed on traveling to Israel himself in the  near future to promote joint ventures.

Referring to the issue of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey,  Mnatsakanyan stated "1.5 million of our people were murdered. But we  do not feel like victims. We are victors because we were not supposed  to be on the surface of this earth. I would not say that we were not  disappointed that the vote didn't take place in the end. We know that  this issue has become a trading chip in your relations with Turkey  and it is very unfortunate," the Acting Minister stressed. 

At the same time he stated, it is well-known, that Israel sold  weapons to Azerbaijan. That doesn't mean that we would not like to  develop realtions with Israel, including in the military field.

"We have an extremely long history with Iran," continues  Mnatsakanyan.  "They are very aware of the cultural contribution  Armenia has had in Iran.  Since we have what could be described at  best as hostile relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan, Iran functions  as an important lifeline channel for us. We have good relations with  many countries, and it's essential for us that our relationship with  one country does not jeopardize our connections with others".

  In turn Dr. Chen Bram, a research fellow at the Truman Institute of  the Hebrew University, stated the need to improve Israel's relations  with Armenia. "On the one hand, Azerbaijan is an important ally for  Israel, and we should not jeopardize this relationship. And of course  relations with Turkey are particularly complex. On the other hand,  maybe Israel can actually help bring about peace between Armenia and  Azerbaijan. Israel should be able to stand up to Azerbaijan and say,  'We are your ally, but we would like to establish relations with  Armenia, too, and you should not view this as a move that will harm  our relations.' This might cause a bit of an uproar at first, but  it's possible to do. I think it's a shame Israel hasn't made such an  effort until now", the expert stated.

Regarding the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide, then,  according to Brahm, Israel should take this step 

A little Russian king

La Croix International, France
January 5, 2019 Saturday
A little Russian king
 Gospel reflection for the Epiphany
Who were these famous Magi who infuse the nativity with a little of the atmosphere of One Thousand and One Nights? One meaning of the word “magos” could indicate that they were Persian priests. Or were they magicians, soothsayers, sages, or Babylonian astrologers? Some suggest that they were religious propagandists, even charlatans.
In the Gospels, only Matthew describes them in detail, careful to show how they are connected to the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy: "Nations will come to your light/and kings to the brightness of your dawn." (Isiah 60:3)
There is also Psalm 72: "May the kings of Tarshish and of distant shores bring tribute to him. May the kings of Sheba and Seba present him gifts." (Ps. 72: 10)
From as early as the second century, in Syria, Armenia and the Arab countries, the apocryphal gospels demonstrate great powers of imagination. The Armenian Gospel of the Infancy says that they were kings, that there were three brothers, each rulers of different kingdoms. The first, Melkon (who became Melchior in the West) ruled over the Persians, the second, Balthazar, ruled the Indians, and the third, Caspar, ruled the Arab kingdom.
The Armenian Gospel delights in describing the gifts, the procession, the crowns worn by the Magi, their departure from Persia accompanied by the sound of a cockerel crowing, the arrival in Jerusalem at dawn, the conversations between Mary and Joseph as well as the gifts of Jesus’ swaddling that the kings took back to their countries as relics.
The story doesn’t stop there. In the eighth century, the great English Benedictine scholar, Bede the Venerable, described the Magi with such precision that you would think he had met them the night before at the office of Compline. Here, Melchior is made “an old man with white hair and long beard who gifted gold to the Lord as to a king.” The second, Gaspar, “young and beardless and ruddy complexioned … honored Him as God by his gift of incense, an oblation worthy of divinity." As for the third, Balthazar, "black-skinned and heavily bearded … by his gift of myrrh he testified to the Son of Man who was to die for our salvation."
In the 12th century, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, also a doctor of theology, enhanced the story, adding that it was the gold that finally lifted the Virgin from her sorrow, that incense was used to sanctify the stables and that myrrh was used a medicine to cure the child of his ailments.
Over the centuries, and up to our own times, literature has enjoyed revisiting this fanciful tale, including the tradition of the fourth king, unmentioned in the Gospel, who arrived too late at Christmas and was still a pilgrim 33 years later. I am greatly moved by Edgard Schafer’s Christmas tale written almost 50 years ago, in which this fourth king, a minor king of Russia, encounters many obstacles and loses all his gifts, and arrives just in time at the foot of the cross to offer his heart to the Lord.
This fourth king is also the king of Epiphany … he who finds the charm (known as the “fève” in France) in the Epiphany cake, the galette des rois, and wears the golden paper crown. And there is yet another tradition, in keeping with the Eucharist, that the youngest child is the fourth king, sometimes called "The Little King" or "The Sun Child,” who hides under the table and chooses who will have which slice, in complete innocence.

Il genocidio degli armeni è nato nella testa e nelle idee malsane dei teorici tedeschi

Il Foglio– Italia
1 gen 2019

Il libro di Siobhan Nash-Marshall racconta per la prima volta le origini europee del massacro. La prefazione di Antonia Arslan

1 Gennaio 2019 alle 14:26

Foto via Facebook

Pubblichiamo la prefazione della scrittrice Antonia Arslan al libro “I peccati dei padri” (Guerini Associati) dell’americana Siobhan Nash-Marshall.


Ci sono dei punti fermi, delle ben visibili pietre miliari, in questa straordinaria e tenace tessitura di idee che si va lentamente ma inesorabilmente intrecciando a proposito del genocidio armeno, modello e primo tragico esempio di una prassi di distruzione di massa che avrà tanti imitatori nel corso del Novecento. Si tratta di un percorso di conoscenza che prosegue ormai da una trentina d’anni: ed è già incredibile il fatto stesso che ogni indagine critica, ogni acquisizione di dati (siano essi i racconti dei sopravvissuti e di persone a vario titolo presenti nell’Impero ottomano in quegli anni cruciali, o le scoperte di documenti finora più o meno colpevolmente ignorati, o gli archivi finalmente aperti, come quelli tedeschi o vaticani) non contraddice le informazioni già acquisite, ma le completa, le amplia, le convalida.


Gli storici e studiosi più importanti che se ne sono occupati (armeni e no) sono riusciti a costruire un vero grande archivio di informazioni, dopo decenni in cui – a livello di conoscenza generale – dell’esistenza stessa degli armeni come popolo si era quasi perduta la memoria: penso a Vahakn Dadrian, Taner Akçam, Richard Hovannisian, Yair Auron, Robert Jay Lifton, Raymond Kévorkian, Marcello Flores e i tanti altri che hanno descritto con ricchezza di documenti la tragedia armena, ne hanno definito le caratteristiche genocidarie, controllato meticolosamente le perdite umane e le modalità di sterminio, regione per regione dell’Anatolia. Le numerosissime testimonianze dei sopravvissuti, trascritte o registrate a partire dal 1916, sono state poi raccolte e collazionate, e oggi costituiscono un insieme imponente, in cui le flebili voci dei superstiti si potenziano l’una con l’altra in un coro ripetuto e straziante. Ma, come ben scrive Taner Akçam, lo storico turco che si batte da tanti anni contro il negazionismo di stato del suo paese, il libro di Siobhan Nash-Marshall è qualcosa che ancora mancava in un panorama pur così ricco.


È la voce della filosofia, della riflessione che scava ad ampio raggio e trova le oscure e lontane radici di quelle ideologie e di quei comportamenti che a posteriori appaiono aberranti (come si è tante volte osservato a proposito delle persecuzioni antiebraiche e dei campi di sterminio nazisti), ma di cui spesso non riusciamo a comprendere la ragione profonda, il vero perché. Particolarmente interessante è l’analisi di quello che l’autrice chiama “il principio greco”. È infatti dalla pace di Adrianopoli del 1829, che sancisce il diritto del popolo greco ad avere come sua patria indipendente quella parte dell’Impero ottomano dove vivevano gli antichi greci (e tutta l’Europa, in pieno risveglio romantico, si mosse per sostenere questo diritto), che il diritto di nascita sostituisce, nel sentire comune, il “diritto di conquista”.


L’Impero romano – giusto per fare un esempio – considerava suoi i territori che conquistava, al punto da imporre ai popoli soggetti l’uso della lingua latina. Ma questo fu un disastro per l’Impero ottomano. Si giustificavano così le lotte irredentistiche di tutti i popoli sottomessi, ognuno dei quali rivendicava la sua terra, mentre ai turchi, che governavano lo stato, ma erano venuti dalle steppe d’oriente, una “patria”, un vatan, mancava. Lo cercarono, e lo trovarono, in Anatolia: e tuttavia, per ottenerlo, bisognava allontanare – o meglio, eliminare – gli abitanti autoctoni di quella regione.


È con la sensazione di assistere alla costruzione di una trappola inesorabile che il lettore segue, capitolo dopo capitolo, i tasselli di questo progetto di morte mentre si incastrano lucidamente l’uno nell’altro. Tutto si tiene, e ogni affermazione poggia su riscontri e citazioni precise, tracciando un disegno chiarissimo che va dalla cultura tedesca dell’Ottocento, fra teorie filosofiche e articoli divulgativi sugli armeni “che sono gli ebrei del medio oriente”, fino ai testi degli ideologi dei Giovani Turchi che di quella cultura si sono nutriti. Ed è a partire da queste basi che Siobhan Nash-Marshall, in questo libro affascinante e coraggioso, affronta con ampia documentazione anche il problema dell’accanito negazionismo di stato come “parte integrante del processo genocidario” (rav Giuseppe Laras). Ancor oggi infatti, dopo più di cent’anni, ogni diniego dei fatti, ogni capzioso distinguo rinnova nei cuori e nelle menti dei discendenti delle vittime l’orrore di quella tragedia infinita, la rende attuale e presente, allontana perdono e oblio.

Iranian, Armenian Diplomats Discuss U.S. Sanctions

Armenian Ambassador Artashes Toumanyan (left) with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi in Tehran on Dec. 26

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)—Armenia’s ambassador to Iran has reportedly discussed with a senior Iranian official ways of reducing the impact of U.S. sanctions against Tehran on bilateral commercial ties.

According to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Artashes Tumanyan briefed Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi on recent political developments in Armenia and his government’s foreign policy priorities when they met on Wednesday.

A statement released by the ministry on Thursday said they then discussed Armenian-Iranian relations.

“In particular, they spoke about deepening the political dialogue, developing economic cooperation in the conditions of American sanctions, organizing high-level mutual visits and a number of other issues,” added the statement. It gave no other details.

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made clear on December 22 that his government intends to “deepen not only economic but also political relations with Iran” despite the U.S. sanctions that have been re-imposed by President Donald Trump. He spoke at the official opening of an Armenian-Iranian joint venture in the northern city of Vanadzor.

Pashinyan said last month the United States “understands” Armenia’s desire to maintain a “special” relationship with the Islamic Republic.

Earlier in November, a team of U.S. officials visited Yerevan to explain the sanctions to Armenia’s government and private sector. Iran was also high on the agenda of U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton’s October trip to Armenia. Bolton said after talks with Pashinyan that commercial and other traffic through the Armenian-Iranian border is “going to be a significant issue” for Washington.

With Armenia’s borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey closed due to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Iran as well as Georgia serve as the sole conduits for the landlocked country’s trade with the outside world.

Armenia also imports Iranian natural gas and other fuel. The gas supplies should increase significantly after the ongoing construction of a third power transmission line connecting the two countries is completed next year.

According to official Armenian statistics, Armenia’s trade with Iran soared by 40 percent, to $297 million, in the first ten months of this year.

Person close to MP Aram Harutyunyan gives testimonies against him, ex minister to be arrested after January 14

Aysor, Armenia
Dec 24 2018

Armenian National Assembly lawmaker Aram Harutyunyan, charged with taking big amount of bribe, will more probably be arrested in 2019, after January 14 when the National Assembly of 7th convocation will hold its first session and the NA of 6th convocation will be considered dissolved.

The NA session convened for discussion of the prosecutor general’s petition to deprive the MP of immunity and arrest him did not take place due to lack of quorum agreed with pre-election campaign.

According to the criminal case, the former nature protection minister demanded $14million from businesswoman Silva Hambardzumyan for providing her licenses to carry out non-ferrous metal mining activity. The ex minister said the licenses would be provided with 5 year term but would be extended for another two to give her an opportunity to make necessary financial investments in the mines. Silva Hambardzumyan agreed to the proposal and expressed readiness to periodically sent money to Harutyunyan in parallel with the process of getting the licenses.

As a result of arrangement in January-November 2008, Hambardzumyan’s companies received 10 special licenses for mine examination.

In parallel with the processes, Hambardzumyan was passing the demanded money to Harutyunyan through his assistant.

The last part of cash payment – 400,000 USD was sent to Harutyunyan in late September as a result she acquired Hankaburg company with Gyoz-Gyozi gold mine license.

The other part of the demanded bribe 8 million USD Hambardzumyan gave to the ex minister via bank transfers.

According to the criminal case, Hambardzumyan sold 100% of shares of her company to an Arabic company in February 2008.

Name of Araks Dilanyan, a UAE-based Armenian, is being circulated in the case. She provided her bank accounts for Aram Harutyunyan to get the money. The ex minister received the sums through his acquaintances – A. Khachatryan, V. Martirosyan and G. Karapetyan. The three are being accused of assistance in getting big amount of bribe.

The investigation has proved that the lawmaker demanded and received in a mediated way a big amount of bribe then legalized the big property received in a criminal way – that is – ensured bank transfers on behalf of different people to hide the criminal source of the sum.

A. Khachatryan gave testimonies saying that with the instruction of Harutyunyan he left for Dubai in 2008 opened a bank account and provided the necessary documents to Harutyunyan after arriving back. Khachatryan said that in 2009 he left for Dubai again and withdrew from bank account $250,000, bought construction equipment, brought to Armenia and registered on behalf of company belonging to Harutyunyan.

The criminal case also contains documents seized from the Nature Protection Ministry.

The Armenian law enforcers have also received documents from the United Arab Emirates proving that in 2008 their customer  Arax Dilanyan received $8million on her bank account and on the same day transferred them to three individuals registered in Abu Dhabi N1 bank – Khachatryan, Soghomonyan and Karapetyan.

The General Prosecutor’s Office has claimed it has enough grounds to charge Harutyunyan and arrest him.

Varduhi Abrahamyan, mezzosoprano: "Nada me gusta más que sentir lo que sienten mis personajes"

Platea Magazine, España
22 dic 2018

Varduhi Abrahamyan, mezzosoprano: "Nada me gusta más que sentir lo que sienten mis personajes"

Varduhi Abrahamyan está llamada a ser una de las grandes mezzosopranos de su generación. Lo tiene todo para ello: inteligencia, musicalidad, una voz privilegiada de tintes oscuros, amplia y dúctil, bien proyectada, sostenida por una técnica vocal que, de tan perfecta, es imperceptible. En ella, el canto fluye con una naturalidad poco habitual. Y lo que es aún más sorprendente es que lo hace en cualquier tipo de repertorio. Desde Monteverdi a Giuseppe Verdi.

Aunque nació en Armenia, los inicios de su carrera se desarrollaron en Francia.

Mi padre era tenor profesional y mi hermana es soprano. Es la profesión familiar. Yo no quería cantar ópera, quería cantar música pop. Pero un día la maestra de canto de mi hermana me escuchó y me aconsejó tomar este camino al comprobar que mi voz tenía muchas posibilidades. Decidí ir al conservatorio, a cantar ópera y fue como una droga. Estudié en Armenia durante siete años y luego decidí trasladarme a Francia para seguir formándome y me matriculé en el conservatorio de Marsella. Aunque no fue fácil al principio, ahí empecé a centrar mi carrera. Francia me ha abierto todas las puertas. Estoy muy agradecida. Amo Francia como amo Armenia. Mi primer contrato fue en la Ópera de París, con Maddalena, de Rigoletto y sigo muy vinculada a ese teatro.

Pero ahora pasará una buena temporada en España. Tres títulos consecutivos en ciudades distintas.

Sí, y con tres papeles muy distintos. Ya he cantado en Valencia Fenena en Nabucco, Adalgisa en Norma y Dalila con intérpretes como Devia, Kunde o Plácido Domingo, que en esta ocasión era el director musical de Samson et Dalila coincidiendo con su aniversario. Y ahora por fin Barcelona, que era uno de los teatros donde me hacía más ilusión debutar. Hay teatros donde todos los artistas desean actuar y uno de ellos es el Liceu. Luego debutaré en Oviedo donde haré Carmen en una producción que no es nueva, pero si para mí, y luego vendrá un debut importante, la Eboli, de Don Carlo, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He hecho algunos papeles de Verdi: Miss Quickly en Falstaff o Fenena en Nabucco, pero Eboli… es todo un reto.

Y también es todo un reto combinar en tres meses repertorios y estilos tan distintos.

A mí me gusta esta variedad de repertorio, aunque siempre quiero hacer un Rossini al año. Se adapta muy bien a mi voz y me da flexibilidad. Pero me puedo permitir hacer otros repertorios y me gusta hacerlos. La técnica vocal, al fin y al cabo, es la misma, solo hay que adaptarse al estilo. No es fácil pasar de Isabella a Eboli o Carmen, pero se puede hacer con una buena base técnica y sin forzar. Nunca forzar.

Con L’italiana in Algeri tendrá su primer encuentro, esperemos que primero de muchos, con el público barcelonés. Un personaje de carácter, el de Isabella, que parece encajar perfectamente con sus características vocales y su personalidad.

L’taliana ya la he hecho en Paris, precisamente con Riccardo Frizza. Isabella me parece un personaje muy inteligente. Es una mujer rápida y audaz para salir airosa de situaciones complicadas. Es un carácter con muchos matices, muy variado y por tanto necesita de muchos cambios de color, y eso me encanta. Como en Cruda sorte, la primera aria, donde ya se percibe su personalidad y su capacidad de decisión. Esta producción del Liceu es nueva para mí. He hecho Isabella en París, en una producción moderna. La del Liceu es más clásica, pero me gustan mucho ambas. En referencia a la de Barcelona ¡Me divierto tanto haciéndola! Me entiendo muy bien con Vittorio Borrelli, el director de escena, con el maestro Frizza y con el reparto entero. Es extraordinario. Lo pasamos muy bien. Todos entramos en el juego. Y en escena, encuentras respuesta a cualquier cosa que hagas. Son grandes actores que cantan. Somos como una familia. Una familia loca.

Ya había interpretado personajes de Rossini anteriormente, especialmente del Rossini serio.

Hasta ahora he cantado Arsace, de Semiramide, dirigida por Zedda, y volveré a hacerla en Pesaro. También Malcolm, de La donna del Lago y L’italiana en Paris y ahora en BCN. En Arsace, especialmente, puedo mostrar todo. Está todo en la escritura de Rossini. Es una escritura noble. Estuve con Zedda haciendo Semiramide en Moscú. Tuvimos tiempo para trabajar, para analizar cada detalle, trabajando siempre a partir del texto. Fue una gran experiencia, una lección magistral. Son consejos que uno entiende y le influyen. Cuando escucho en grabación esas funciones siento un poco de tristeza, pues murió poco después. Lo importante en Rossini es cantar todas las notas y jugar con ellas para darles expresividad. Eso sí, a tempo

En una charla reciente con Cecilia Bartoli, con motivo de su visita a Barcelona con La Cenerentola, le definió a usted como la mejor mezzo rossiniana y, sin duda, la mejor Isabella del momento.

Amo a Cecilia como si fuese mi hermana y para mí, que ella diga esto, es emocionante. Es una mujer de un talento excepcional en todo lo que hace. No conozco a nadie tan talentoso y generoso al mismo tiempo. Con ella hicimos Alcina, en una producción maravillosa de Christoph Loy, y no sólo en cada función, ya en los ensayos, tras escuchar cada una de las arias que interpretaba Cecilia, me hacía llorar de emoción.

A pesar de destacar en papeles de agilidad, como Rossini o Händel, su repertorio es amplio y variado. Y por lo que se ve, cada vez lo será más. ¿Cómo hace para alternar escrituras vocales tan distintas como Isabella, Carmen o Eboli?

No hago ejercicios especiales para cada papel o repertorio. Como comenté anteriormente, lo importante es saber adaptarte a cada estilo; la técnica vocal es exactamente la misma. En todo caso, me gustan los personajes con carácter fuerte. ¡Yo lo tengo!

¿Digamos que es usted más Carmen que Micaela?

¡Micaela es también un personaje fuerte! Al fin y al cabo, hace lo que desea. Hay una tendencia a interpretar Micaela como un personaje blando, pero cuando uno observa lo que hace se da cuenta de que no es así. Carmen es un personaje clave en mi carrera. En cada producción que hago descubro cosas nuevas en ella. De hecho, si lees la versión de Merimée hay ciertas diferencias con la de Bizet. Veo en Carmen a alguien que busca constantemente el amor y siempre le sale mal. Y esta maldición del amor la convierte en un personaje trágico. En cada producción hablo mucho con el director de escena para saber cuál es su visión del personaje y siempre descubro cosas nuevas. Ella es libre, seductora, misteriosa, encantadora, colecciona hombres. Ama aquello que le está prohibido. O a quien le ignora. Como a Don José. Vive el momento. En Carmen hay de todo: la libertad, la femme fatale, el drama, todos los colores. ¡Permite tantas visones distintas! Incluso desde un punto de vista musical o vocal.

Del repertorio francés, también hice Dalila, otro carácter fuerte, en una producción de La fura dels Baus. Y de Berlioz, Ascanio de Benvenuto Cellini en la producción de Terry Gilliam que me encantó. ¡Era como estar dentro de una película! De momento no hay perspectivas que se puedan comentar sobre nuevos papeles de Berlioz (risas).  Amo el repertorio francés, me encantaría interpretar a Charlotte, de Werther. Un personaje distinto con una música maravillosa. También me gustaría cantar repertorio alemán, pero no hablo el idioma y necesito hacerlo para entender el personaje.

En Las Palmas debutará la Princesa Eboli, del Don Carlo de Verdi. ¿Se ve interpretando los grandes roles de mezzo verdiana los próximos años?

¡Sin duda! ¡Por supuesto que me veo haciendo Verdi en el futuro! Ahora debutaré Éboli y tengo unas inmensas ganas de hacerlo; en el momento oportuno me encantará asumir roles como el de Amneris. Todo llegará. ¡Qué mezzo no querría hacerla!

A mí lo que me gusta, lo que me da realmente placer, es hacer teatro y meterme en la piel de los personajes, sentir lo que ellos sienten. En esos momentos siento que hay como un efecto boomerang con el público, una energía que va y vuelve sintiendo una gran comunicación con cada una de las personas del teatro. Sentir eso es algo maravilloso En escena, lo doy todo y encuentro un gran placer en ello. Darlo todo, con control, evidentemente, pero darlo todo. 

Aleppo’s Armenian district Midan coming back to life, Armenia
Dec 20 2018
Aleppo’s Armenian district Midan coming back to life Aleppo’s Armenian district Midan coming back to life

15:44, 20.12.2018

Aleppo, one of the most ancient cities located in the north of Syria, became the homeland of a large Armenian community. However, many of Armenians were forced to leave Syria during the war, News Front news agency reported.

Aleppo’s Armenian district Midan is inhabited particularly by residents of Armenian nationality, but this district is not the only Christian quarter of the city. It is the eastern areas adjacent to the historical center that was bearing the brunt of the war.

This quarter was the main target during the shellings as up to several tens of mines or gas cylinders filled with explosives were flying into the homes of people living there and there was the largest number of affected residents. However, the region is coming back to life. Shops, cafes, mini-workshops and factories have already opened their doors. Now residents will walk the streets without fear.

Midan residents are positive and optimistic, they will do their best to recover and rebuild the city. But the most important thing is that the war is over.

Armenia to increase gas import from Iran – ambassador

ARKA, Armenia
Dec 20 2018

YEREVAN, December 20. /ARKA/. Armenian Ambassador to Iran Artashes Tumanyan speaking Wednesday at a meeting themed 'Iran-Armenia ties, opportunities and challenges' Armenia will import larger volumes of natural gas from Iran, reports referring to Iran Daily.  

He also unveiled Yerevan’s intention to increase its electric energy export to Iran and expressed hope that trade turnover between the two countries will grow soon. 

The ambassador said that recent political developments in Armenia have not impacted his country’s foreign policy. 

Commenting on Washington's pressure on Yerevan to reduce relations with Iran, he said: "The US has talked with Armenia about Tehran-Yerevan ties, and they have realized that relations with Tehran are of high significance to us."

Meanwhile, Chairman of Iran-Armenia Friendship Society Mohammadreza Damavandi complained that despite developed historic political and cultural relations, the two countries have failed to broaden relations to desirable extent.

Although Tehran and Yerevan have set a target of $1 billion in trade exchanges, they have achieved only $200 million to $250 million.

In December, Garegin Baghramyan, Armenian acting energy infrastructures and natural resources minister, said that the Unites States’ sanctions against Iran will have absolutely no impact on the Armenian-Iranian program “Gas for Electric Energy”. He said then that as soon as the construction of the third high-voltage line is completed the program will be expanded. 

Armenia started receiving natural gas from Iran through the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline under the mentioned program in May 2015 conveying 3 kWh for 1 cubic meter of gas. 

The Iran-paid construction of the third 400-kilowatt high-voltage line is under way now. –0—

Representatives of My Step alliance elected to parliament to hold meeting

Representatives of My Step alliance elected to parliament to hold meeting




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 19, ARMENPRESS. My Step alliance will hold meeting today at 19:30 in Yerevan’s Armenia Marriott hotel, Yelk faction MP Alen Simonyan told Armenpres.

The lawmaker didn’t provide any detail about the issue which will be discussed.

“It’s just a meeting with the representatives of the alliance who were elected to the parliament, with quite a major staff”, he said.

Snap parliamentary elections of Armenia were held on December 9.

Based on the election results, three political forces have been elected to the parliament: My Step alliance – 70.44% of votes, Prosperous Armenia party – 8.27% and Bright Armenia party – 6.37%.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan