Armenia highly values Japan’s support for the peaceful settlement of the NK conflict within the framework of Minsk Group




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 16, ARMENPRESS. Armenia emphasizes Japan's constructive role and balanced position in the settlement of various problems in the South Caucasus region, ARMENPRESS reports Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Khachatryan announced at the reception organized on the occasion of the birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito at the Embassy of Japan in Armenia.

Armenia and Japan celebrated the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations last year. The Deputy Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that over the past 3 decades, by joint efforts, a close cooperation based on goodwill and mutual understanding has been formed between the two peoples and states. Armenia attaches great importance to the further strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation with Japan, taking into account Japan's contribution to the region and the world in the promotion of peace, democratic institutions, disaster prevention and environmental protection capacity development.

"For us, the constructive role and balanced position of Japan in the settlement of various problems in the South Caucasus region is very important. We highly appreciate Japan's support for exclusively peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, within the framework of the co-chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group, in the context of which the decision of the Japanese government in 2021 to provide humanitarian aid in the amount of 3.6 million US dollars to the victims of the war unleashed against Artsakh was highly appreciated. Now again the people of Artsakh need your support," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

He emphasized that starting from December 12, 2022, Artsakh has been under siege, which has led to a humanitarian crisis. The Lachin Corridor is a life road for 120 thousand people living in Artsakh, who have almost exhausted the available food, medicine and energy resources.

"The settlement of the situation requires the international community's response and practical steps. In this regard, Japan's position is also important," Khachatryan said.

Armenia highly appreciates the call made by the Japanese Ambassador to Armenia on January 10 of this year to ensure the freedom and safety of movement along the corridor, as well as the understanding of the issue expressed by the Japanese side during the phone conversation between the Armenian Foreign Minister and the Japanese Foreign Minister on January 31.

The Armenian government appreciates the aid policy of the Japanese government, within the framework of which grants and technical assistance are regularly provided. Japan ranks among the largest donor countries for Armenia in terms of official aid.

"We see greater potential for the growth of economic ties and cooperation in various fields," said Khachatryan, congratulating friends of Japan on the occasion of the national holiday.

Armenpress: Three hospitalized as damaged building in Surmalu trade center collapses

Three hospitalized as damaged building in Surmalu trade center collapses




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS. A partial structural collapse of the Surmalu trade center building which exploded on August 14 but was still standing in a semi-collapsed condition left three people hospitalized on September 21, Ministry of Emergency Situations spokesperson Hayk Kostanyan told ARMENPRESS.

“The victims are probably employees of the territory,” he added.

Doctors said that the victims suffered minor injuries.

Analyst: In Brussels, Artsakh’s status within Azerbaijan is being discussed behind closed doors
Armenia – Sept 1 2022

The West needs the Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation and the Karabakh issue to be urgently resolved in negotiations with Yerevan and Baku, because in this case the peacekeepers in Artsakh as well as the Russian base in Armenia will leave the region. After that, the energy resources, including those from Central Asia, will flow freely to Europe, which will reduce its dependence on Russia. This information was reported by analyst Argishti Kiviryan when he appeared on during the program The Power Factor.

According to him, the West is ready for solving the aforementioned problems at any cost, including at the expense of Armenian interests.

"According to his vision, Armenia as the losing party should agree to the conditions of Baku, which will not agree to grant Artsakh a status. The West is trying to show Yerevan that it will try to persuade it to negotiate some kind of autonomy within Azerbaijan. In this sense, Pashinyan's statement that Armenia agrees to any status for Artsakh, if the security of Artsakh Armenians is ensured is quite remarkable. It's another matter that Baku doesn't want to do that either," Kiviryan added.

He believes that the issue of granting Artsakh an autonomous status within Azerbaijan is being discussed behind closed doors in Brussels. According to his assessment, Moscow wants to preserve its relations both with Yerevan and Baku, but it cannot benefit from the final solution to the conflict since in that case it would have to leave the region. It benefits from the current state.

"The interests of Moscow and Yerevan coincide in this, and a peace treaty is not on the list of priority issues for Russia. The acceleration of the process may become dangerous for Armenia and for those who will try to speed it up," the analyst believes.

He stressed that the issue of communications depends on the situation in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world.

 "Azerbaijan doesn't need these roads and checkpoints, it needs a corridor not under Armenian control. Baku openly speaks about it. By giving up the corridor, Armenia will become not even a Turkish vilayet, but an Azerbaijani district. Instead of Yerevan, which has lost its sovereignty, Russia and Iran speak in this matter, because they do not need a corridor. Moscow would not mind if the corridor were under its control. Iran wouldn't mind, either, if it also had leverage over it," Kivirian concluded.

EU’s Michel to hold phone talks with Pashinyan and Aliyev




YEREVAN, AUGUST 30, ARMENPRESS. President of the European Council Charles Michel is planning to hold telephone conversations with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev ahead of their upcoming trilateral meeting scheduled on August 31 in Brussels.

“Preparatory calls today in advance of tomorrow’s fourth Brussels meeting with Azerbaijani President and Prime Minister of Armenia”, Charles Michel tweeted.

Issues related to Artsakh’s security will be included in the agenda of Artsakh-Armenia inter- parliamentary session




YEREVAN, AUGUST 26, ARMENPRESS. Artur Tovmasyan, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh, convened an extended working meeting with the participation of the leaders of the factions, the presidents of the commissions and the staff members on August 26.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of Artsakh’s parliament, the head of the parliament spoke about convening Armenia-Artsakh inter-parliamentary session scheduled for the second half of September and forming an agenda.

Issues related to the Artsakh issue and security will be included in the agenda.

The course of preparations for the opening of the 6th session of the 7th convocation of the National Assembly of Artsakh was also discussed.

At the consultation, reference was made to the organization of a rally dedicated to the declaration of the Republic of Artsakh on the initiative of the five factions of the National Assembly on September 2 at 19:00 at the Revival Square.

Still growing — Armenian mining operator increases power plant capacity

Aug 24 2022

The establishment of free economic zones that foster blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption in Armenia is bearing fruit as a local mining operator adds 60MW of capacity to its power plant-based facility.

Cryptocurrency investment platform ECOS has been operating a mining center on the grounds of the Hrazdan Power Plant since 2018. Situated in the country's center, the utility is becoming an innovation hub that is taking advantage of attractive financial benefits and direct access to power.

The establishment of the mining facility is the result of a partnership between the Armenian government and ECOS established back in 2018, which charged the company with the development of the free economic zone (FEZ) aimed at making use of the power facility as a hub for data centers and cryptocurrency mining.

The agreement between the operator and the Armenian government cites the promotion of direct foreign investment and creation of products and services within the Information Technology sector.

Cointelegraph spoke to ECOS marketing manager Anna Komashko following the upgrade to its mining operation in Hrazdan in August. She unpacked the four-year journey to date, explaining that the Armenian government ‘positions itself as the country of blockchain.’ This statement is reflected by the attractive tax benefits that are afforded to companies looking to operate in the FEZ, as Komashko explained:

“The main aim of FEZ was to help attract and develop high technologies in the country, help blockchain and crypto startups, so specific beneficial conditions are applied to them.”

The marketing manager confirmed the special tax conditions enjoyed by businesses operating at the Hrazdan site, with no taxes imposed for VAT, import and export customs duties or taxes on property and real estate. The project's longevity is backed by a 25-year agreement for an uninterrupted electric supply.

The infrastructure at the site includes a data center, service center and warehousing for equipment and spare parts. Seven shipping containers make up the data center, housing around 250 mining units. ECOS acquires its miners directly from Chinese manufacturer Bitmain. The firm’s cloud mining service has around 258,000 users, while it also sells and services equipment to clients.

China’s high-profile crackdown on cryptocurrency mining saw a shift in the geolocational distribution of the Bitcoin hashrate, making sites offering cheap power or tax incentives highly sought after.

Situated at the Hrazdan power plant, the mining facility gets its electricity supply directly from the high-voltage grid and uses the site's infrastructure to power containers. Komashko also noted that ECOS could expand to an additional 200MW of clean and affordable electricity. The area is well-suited for cryptocurrency mining, settled in a mountainous region of Armenia with an annual average temperature of 4.8°C.–armenian-mining-operator-increases-power-plant-capacity-2879032



Rescuers unable to enter exploded building in Surmalu market




YEREVAN, AUGUST 16, ARMENPRESS. There is no danger of a new explosion in the Surmalu market, the Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Davit Hambaryan told reporters.

Asked whether or not there are still any flammable materials inside, Hambaryan said they are now attempting to visually determine what materials are left inside.

“It is not possible to enter the building because it is dangerous for the rescuers. We will continue visually determining whether any flammable materials are left inside,” he said.

Hambaryan said that they are losing hope to find anyone alive under the rubble.

“No other action other than cooling of the building and visual monitoring is done. We must determine a plan with other agencies to understand what to do with the part of the building which is still standing. But before that, the ministry of emergency situations is carrying out full swing search and rescue operations,” Hambaryan said.

Preliminarily,  authorities have decided not to bring down the exploded building until every missing person is found.

Nagorno-Karabakh: How Erdogan Maintains the Upper Hand Over Putin

     Ukraine – Aug 11 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan both look at three topics from a common viewpoint: Syria, Libya, and the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. However, both of them aspire to dominate in order to pursue the interests of their own nation. For now, Erdogan seems to have the upper hand over his Russian counterpart.

The two presidents met in Russia’s Sochi on August 5, at which they discussed the export of Ukrainian grain and the possibility of Russian support for the Turkish offensive against Syrian Kurds. Razman Kadyrov, head of the Chechen Republic in Russia, was also present, probably because of Erdogan’s interests in the Caucasus.

In the context of the agreement on the unblocking of Ukrainian ports, the export of raw materials to Russia, which are needed for production of fertilizers and grain, was discussed. Also, Turkey and Russia “underlined the importance of the political process to achieve strong stability in Syria and reaffirmed their determination to act in solidarity to fight terrorist groups.”

Russia controls Syria’s airspace, and Turkey needs Moscow’s cooperation for a successful military operation. Professor Zaur Gasimov believes that Putin is wary of the growing Turkish military presence in Syria, but both leaders have experience of resolving differences.

According to the Kremlin’s website, the two leaders discussed the construction of the Akkuyu Nuclear JSC nuclear power plant and cooperation within the framework of Turkish Stream, a gas pipeline running from Russia to Turkey. According to Bloomberg, on the morning of August 5, Rosatom transferred about $15 billion to Akkuyu Nuclear JSC, a Turkish builder of a $20 billion nuclear power plant. The financing was provided by the largest Russian lender, Sberbank, and Sovcombank, which were sanctioned by the United States and the European Union. However, Rosatom and its subsidiary were not sanctioned. They are building the plant and are the sole owners of the Turkish project.

In addition, next year Russia wants to buy a share of oil and gas plants in Turkey to sell oil through them in order to bypass sanctions. The leaders also agreed that Turkey will open enterprises in economic zones, thus it will be able to purchase prohibited goods for Russia. At the moment, Erdogan owns a “golden share”, because Ukraine withstood Russia’s full-scale invasion and Russia began to be pressured in the West. As it continues to search for ways to circumvent sanctions, Turkey will benefit economically from this.

Furthermore, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksander Novak said that the countries agreed to transfer part of the payments for Russian gas in rubles. In addition, Russia remains an important source of energy supplies for Turkey. On August 4, the Turkish Central Bank said a mechanism was being developed that would enable Turkey to pay for energy purchases from Russia in liras.

Though Turkey has not joined sanctions against Russia and has increased its purchases of Russian oil, it has also sold drones to Ukraine to help fight the Russian army and blocked Russian warships from entering the Black Sea via the Bosporus and the Dardanelle.

But a recent flare-up in Nagorno-Karabakh has thrust Turkish-Russian relations back into the spotlight – pointing to Erdogan as a possible victor as he and Putin battle for influence in the alpha-male stakes.

Erdogan’s no fool

Putin clearly sees Erdogan as a vital conduit in Russia’s engagement with the international community. Yet Erdogan, who on July 19 kept Putin waiting awkwardly alone in front of cameras for 55 seconds during their joint visit to Tehran, possibly in retribution for a similar act by Putin in 2020, is no pushover.

Erdogan clearly feels he can stand up to Putin and opposes Russia’s actions in Libya, Syria, and Karabakh, strengthening his position on the international political arena. He is seeking to “wring” terms from Putin that benefit Turkey. Erdogan is showing the whole world how a country that does not have nuclear weapons can confront one that does.

Other countries that currently have strained relations with Russia are also beginning to assert themselves – notably Kazakhstan.

Could this spell trouble for Putin?

Standing up to Russia

Russia’s weakness is Putin’s weakness. And Russia’s erroneous course in Ukraine is becoming more problematic for him. Influential figures both inside and outside the Kremlin may sooner or later wonder whether it’s time to change the person at the top.

Turkey does not have Russian leanings and does what is right for its own nation. Back in 2015 it shot down a Russian Su-24 plane near the Syrian-Turkish border; and this year it closed its airspace to Russian planes and banned its warships from entering the Black Sea.

July’s tripartite summit in Tehran between the presidents of Iran, Turkey, and Russia was focused in the main on the issue of Syria, where Ankara supports the armed opposition and Moscow and Tehran stand by the Syrian government. It became clear that Erdogan would not make concessions to Russia by halting its own special military operation in Syria.

Russia made another attempt to put pressure on Erdogan through his Azerbaijani partners, and Iran has been transferring massive amounts of military equipment to its borders with Azerbaijan, although this is nothing especially new.

This brings us to another geopolitical stage, which highlight the competing interests of Turkey and Russia.


In a conflict dating back to the 1990s, Azerbaijan and Armenia remain locked in a fight for Nagorno-Karabakh. In 2020 alone, a six-week war between the two cost the lives of 6,500 people, and tensions are now once again on the rise.

Russia sent “peace-keeping” forces there in 2020, supposedly to protect ethnic Armenians and presumably to maintain the pro-Moscow balance in the region. However, Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory and Turkey supports its Azerbaijan as a brotherly nation, with whom it has close ties.

Just days ago, on August 3, Azerbaijan announced the capture of several ruling heights in Karabakh as a result of the declared “special military operation” titled “Retribution”. A statement by Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry refers to the complete demilitarization of Nagorno-Karabakh. Step by step, Azerbaijanis are reclaiming the region.

According to political scientist and publicist Andrii Piontkovsky on July 27, “Erdogan is holding the Kremlin dictator in three places all at once: Nagorno-Karabakh, Libya and Syria. In these places, Putin is quite dependent on the Turkish leader.”

He added: “Putin was afraid to go to war with [Erdogan] in the South Caucasus, when Erdogan gave large-scale support to the Azerbaijani army. Azerbaijan won the war against Putin’s ally, Armenia, to which it was afraid to come to its aid. Now we see why he was afraid.”

The example of Armenia, which swapped its interests for the trust of Russia and signed treaties with it, serves as a telling example of the fact that Russia cannot be trusted. After all, Russia has its own interests and Armenia stands all alone.

Russia has withdrawn its troops from Karabakh to fight its war in Ukraine, leaving Armenians to understand that Russia will not be there to help its partner from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO) of select post-soviet states. In addition, Russia does not recognize Karabakh, but considers it a disputed territory.

Russia’s peacekeepers are not regarded as a threat for the Azerbaijani army. Furthermore, and taking into consideration the fact that the Armenian base of Gyurmi is empty, the Azerbaijanis can cope with Russia’s forces and Armenia without support from Turkey.

Russia is a country with dependencies. It needs Turkey as a NATO ally, and both countries share a similar view of the world as one which should not be dominated by Western politics. But Turkey, through President Erdogan’s actions, which focus on his own country’s interests – show that perhaps Russia is not such a formidable  force as it makes out.

Turkey ready to move Armenia normalisation talks to Yerevan and Ankara

Aug 11 2022
Source says taking negotiations from third-party countries would be a positive confidence-building step, but it is unclear whether the Armenians agree

Ragip Soylu



Turkey wants to move normalisation talks with Armenia to their respective capitals after conducting previous discussions in third countries.

A Turkish diplomatic source told journalists on Wednesday that Turkey's special representative to Armenia, Serdar Kilic, was ready to visit Yerevan and there meet his counterpart, Ruben Rubinyan.

Ankara and Yerevan launched a dialogue on normalisation last year and have so far held four meetings in cities such as Moscow and Vienna.

Last month, Turkey and Armenia decided to begin direct air-cargo trade and open their land borders to third-country citizens as soon as possible.

The two countries don't have a formal diplomatic relationship, and Turkey  sealed its border to Armenia in the early 90s after the latter's seizure of nominally Azerbaijan territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. They also disagree over the Armenian genocide, with Turkey rejecting the term for the 1915 Ottoman mass killings and insisting there were deaths on both sides.

Ankara and Yerevan are holding direct talks for the first time after a normalization attempt under Swiss mediation failed in 2009. Azerbaijan's recapture of most of Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 enabled Ankara to start a new initiative, which was welcomed by the Armenian government.

The source underlined that Azerbaijan wasn't part of the talks, and the conversations were strictly between Armenia and Turkey. Yet, the source said that they cannot completely ignore the tensions and developments between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which can directly impact the parties' mentality going into talks.

Armenian and Azerbaijani forces have both been accused of breaking a Russian-brokered ceasefire in recent days.

The Turkish diplomatic source said Armenia doesn't appear to be willing to move the talks to Ankara and Yerevan unless there is a significant breakthrough in discussions. The source added that moving talks to the respective countries would itself be a breakthrough, and they should do so to progress talks in a more positive environment. 

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Middle East Eye has asked the Armenian foreign ministry for comment.

Ankara is in favour of developing normalisation with concrete confidence-building steps that will prepare public opinion in both countries for greater steps. Turkey is prioritizing measures that will not lead to excessive expectations on both sides and that are welcomed in both countries and will be taken "step by step". 

The source said there were unexpected challenges in opening the land border for third countries due to insufficient infrastructure at crossings, which may delay the step.

For example, the physical conditions at the Alican and Akyaka border crossings, which have not been used for more than 30 years, need to be improved. Kilic, Turkey's special representative for the normalisation process with Armenia, went to the border after the last meeting with Rubinyan and made inspections at the crossings.

That is why Turkey and Armenia will first need to hold technical talks among the relevant bureaucrats to resolve the infrastructure issues in September. The special envoys may then hold another round of talks in Ankara or Yerevan, if Armenia agrees.

The source described the atmosphere between Kilic and Rubinyan as a very cordial and friendly, with them frequently calling each other to resolve minor issues. The source said there might have been hundreds of calls between the two.

The source said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's phone call with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan last month was also very positive.

While confidence-building measures were prioritized in the talks, "difficult" issues between the two countries, especially the Armenian genocide, were not brought up. 

Ankara believes that it would not be "rational" to discuss the "difficult" issues between the two countries at this stage. However, the Turkish source appreciated that Armenia publicly restated that it doesn't have any land demands from Turkey.  

Local reports last month suggested that Turkey had been clearing mines on the Armenian border, which triggered speculation that Ankara was readying itself to fully open the border. However, the Turkish diplomatic source said the mine clearance wasn't related to the diplomatic talks, but to the multinational Ottawa Convention, which mandates Turkey to clear its borders of land mines. 

Asbarez: Historic 45th Navasartian Victory Ball an Epic Success for Homenetmen

A scene from Homenetmen's 45th Navasartian Victory Ball


This year’s 45th Navasartian Victory Ball lived up to its hype, proving to be the event of the year and the most successful fundraising endeavor in the organization’s history. Held at The Beverly Hilton’s International Ballroom, members welcomed nearly 700 guests, marking the 45th anniversary of the Navasartian Games.

Steeped in tradition, the program featured a flag ceremony by Homenetmen Scouts and a performance of the American and Armenian national anthems, as well as the organization’s signature melody by Homenetmen’s Evana Grigorian.

The program featured an address by Master of Ceremonies, Charly Ghailian, opening remarks by Victory Ball Committee member, Katy Simonian and the presentation of the night’s highest honors by Homenetmen Western Regional Board Chairman, Hagop Tufenkjian.

The crowd delighted in a series of video montages dedicated to Homenetmen’s many noble programs, including athletics, scouting, Hrashq and Camp Tecuya, the largest Armenian camp ground in the world.

Every detail of the night amplified Homenetmen’s guiding principle: “Elevate Yourself and Others with You.” The legacy of Homenetmen is rooted in its spirit of volunteerism and commitment to public service.

Renowned philanthropist and entrepreneur, Varant Melkonian was named Exemplary Member, for his long-standing commitment to Homenetmen. Melkonian recognized Homenetmen’s multi-generational landscape in his acceptance speech, saying “Homenetmen is a forever young organization. One that connects and unites Armenians of all ages, preserving the Armenian spirit and culture through programs such as Scouts, athletics and social events. Collectively we are all Homenetmen, which is why this award belongs to all of us.”

The highlight of the evening was the inauguration of Mr. and Mrs. Ara and Aline Tchaghlassian as Honorary Presidents of the 45th Navasatian Games. While accepting their award, the couple expressed their deep sense of joy and hope for Homenetmen’s youth. “My wife and I are so happy to see Homenetmen continue its tradition of public service, giving all of our children a profound sense of connection to their Armenian identity,” said 2022 Honorary President Ara Tchaghlassian. “May the light of the generations that came before us continue to shine, so that we may all enjoy a bright future,” he added.

The evening culminated with music from the acclaimed Eli’s Band, as guests danced the night away, embracing the opportunity to gather and celebrate once again.

The Western Regional Executive Board fulfilled its goal of delivering a successful, meaningful Victory Ball, embracing the 45th Anniversary of the Navasartian Games as a unique opportunity to celebrate the Armenian community Homenetmen has faithfully served for decades. “Homenetmen is a proud family of Armenians who believe in educating and elevating our youth through athletics, scouting and public service. In the wake of the two-year hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Western Regional Board believes it is our duty to build and inspire our new generations of volunteers and leaders,” said Hagop Tufenkjian, Western Regional Executive Board Chairman. “The Victory Ball marks the first day of a bright new era, full of the same beautiful traditions, for Homenetmen,” he added.

On the night’s historic significance, Victory Ball Committee Chairman, Steve Artinian said it best – “The 45th Navasartian Victory Ball is an opportunity to celebrate Homenetmen’s contributions to our community, as we are inspired to perpetuate the beauty of our Armenian heritage and culture to promote peace and good citizenship for years to come.”

The success of the Victory Ball has set a strong precedent of excellence, making Homenetmen a powerful example of service and leadership across the Armenian community.

Katy Simonian is a member of the 45th Navasartian Victory Ball Committee.