Armenian Ambassador to Qatar, Deputy Speaker of Consultative Assembly discuss cooperation




YEREVAN, AUGUST 10, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Ambassador to Qatar Armen Sargsyan had a meeting with Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti, the Deputy Speaker of the Qatari parliament – officially known as the Consultative Assembly or the Shura Council.

The embassy said in a statement that the discussion focused on a broad range of issues relating to the deepening and expanding of the inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two countries, intensifying contacts between parliamentary friendship groups and encouraging mutual-visits of parliamentary delegations.

Baku-Yerevan skirmishes unlikely to develop into major conflict — expert

Aug 8 2022
Andrey Kortunov pointed out that problems still remain – those related to the position of the Armenian minority, new transport corridors in this territory and the territories linking the two countries connecting with other regions

MOSCOW, August 8. /TASS/. The latest skirmishes between Armenia and Azerbaijan are unlikely to grow into major hostilities, like those in the autumn of 2020, the head of the Russian International Affairs Council, Andrey Kortunov, told TASS in an interview on Monday.

"Such aggravations may become inevitable, but at the same time they are unlikely to grow into major hostilities, because there is the factor of Russian peacekeepers. Of course, neither party wishes to enter into conflicts with this Russian contingent," he said.

Kortunov believes that the stabilization of the situation on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh should not be expected in the near future.

"I think some incidents will continue. But the situation does not look explosive to me. We will not see anything like the events of autumn 2020, when an armed conflict, a major one by regional standards, erupted," Kortunov said.

He believes that Azerbaijan has not abandoned its main aim to put the region under its control.

"Probably, Azerbaijan is trying to feel the limits within which it can assert its control over this territory. The reasons for an aggravation are many, because problems remain – those related to the status and position of the Armenian minority, new transport corridors in this territory and the territories linking the two countries connecting with other regions," Kortunov said.

Earlier, Russia’s Defense Ministry said that there was an aggravation of the situation in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Defense Ministry said that the ceasefire regime had been violated by Azerbaijan’s army in the area of the Sarybaba height. The peacekeepers’ command, together with representatives of the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides, has been taking measures to stabilize the situation.

Tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh escalated on September 27, 2020, when active hostilities began there. On November 9 of the same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a tripartite statement, which made it possible to achieve the cessation of hostilities. The Azerbaijani and Armenian forces stopped at the positions they were holding at the moment. A number of regions were put under Baku’s control. Russian peacekeepers were deployed along the disengagement line and in the Lachin corridor.

View from Moscow: Azerbaijan`s actions in Karabakh are part of a larger project

Armenia – Aug 4 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.All of Azerbaijan's latest actions in Nagorno-Karabakh are part of a larger project. By escalating tension, Baku is trying to finally close the Armenian  issue with all its components, and get a land, direct connection with  Turkey and move on to Turan. Viktor Nadein- Raevsky, Researcher of  the Institute of World Economy and  International Relations (IMEMO)  Turkologist, said in an interview with ArmInfo. 

"Against the background of such goals, Azerbaijan, of course, is  making every possible effort to achieve fundamental provisions for  itself in the direction of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.  And against this background, the Yerevan's "theses about the era of  peace", seem, to put it mildly, not very realistic.  Moreover, we see  that today in the world such issues, unfortunately, are resolved  precisely by military means. Against this background, Armenia's  position seems to be incomplete," he said.

According to the expert, the very difficult situation in Ukraine, now  around Taiwan, affects other most problematic and complex regions of  the Middle East, Europe and, of course, the South Caucasus, giving  increased dynamics to geopolitical impulses in these regions. Against  such a "military" general background, Nadein-Raevsky considers  Moscow's more or less successful management of Ankara's policy  through almost constant negotiations an achievement.

According to him, against the background of the current search for  new positions in the transforming world in the conditions of the  global "military" stage of resolving issues, Baku, in conjunction  with Ankara, is working to promote programs towards the  implementation of the long-standing project of Great Turan. And this  process has already entered an active phase.

"And here it is important to recall that it was Armenia that has  always been an obstacle to the implementation of this project. And  today Turkey and Azerbaijan are logically trying to take advantage of  the truly exceptional opportunities that have opened up after the  44-day war to level this obstacle. Baku's intransigent attitude in  relations with Armenia, among other things, comes from here and, of  course, is primarily based on Turkish support, which, in turn, is  connected with Azerbaijan by common, far-reaching plans, the  Turkologist summed up

Armenia calls on the international community to take measures to stop Azerbaijan’s aggressive stance and actions. MFA

Armenia calls on the international community to take measures to stop Azerbaijan's aggressive stance and actions. MFA



 20:09, 3 August 2022

YEREVAN, AUGUST 3, ARMENPRESS. The Republic of Armenia, once again reaffirming its commitment to the agenda of establishing peace and stability in the region, calls on the international community to take measures to stop Azerbaijan's aggressive stance and actions and to launch the necessary international mechanisms, ARMENPRESS reports, the Foreign Ministry of Armenia issued a statement on the occasion of the ongoing tensions in Nagorno Karabakh.

" On August 3, 2022, the armed forces of Azerbaijan, once again violating the November 9, 2020, Trilateral Statement of the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan on the cessation of hostilities in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, launched aggression in the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, resulting in casualties and wounded ones. 

Despite the steps undertaken by the Armenian side for achieving stability and peace in the region, Azerbaijan continues its pre-planned policy of terrorizing the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, subjecting them to ethnic cleansing and creeping occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh.

We remind that the illegal incursion of the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of Parukh village on March 24 of this year, the attack on the Khtsaberd and Hin Tagher villages on December 11, 2020, in the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent are cases of similar aggression and violation of the ceasefire.

We consider unacceptable the statements of the Azerbaijani side attempting to unilaterally change the legal regime in the Lachin Corridor defined by provision 6 of the Trilateral Statement, and reaffirm that the road passing through the Lachin Corridor can be changed only according to the plan approved by the parties to the Statement. 

As it is clearly defined by the Statement from November 9,  within the next three years, the parties (i.e. the Russian Federation, the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan) should determine the plan for the construction of a new traffic road through the Lachin Corridor connecting Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh, with the subsequent redeployment of Russian peacekeeping contingent for the protection of that road.

We emphasize that there is no such plan approved within a trilateral format so far, and we call on all parties to the Trilateral Statement to adhere to their commitments, to put immediate efforts to implement the conditions established by the Statement of November 9, including the maintenance of a ceasefire regime, the opening of regional communications, the release and return of prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees.

We consider it necessary to underscore once again that the Republic of Armenia has fulfilled all its obligations. The reason for the non-implementation of a number of provisions of the trilateral statement of November 9 is the arbitrary interpretations, continued aggressive rhetoric and actions by Azerbaijan.

The Republic of Armenia, reiterating its commitment to the agenda of establishing peace and stability in the region, calls on the international community to undertake measures toward halting the aggressive behaviour and actions of Azerbaijan and launching the necessary international mechanisms for that”, reads the statement.

Academic city to be created in Armenia



 12:49, 28 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. It is expected to create an academic city in Armenia according to the draft law on Approving Education Development State Program 2030.

During the Cabinet meeting today, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Artur Martirosyan introduced the draft and stated that the academic city is going to ensure the expansion of network cooperation between educational institutions, scientific and production organizations, with the presence of modern, virtual, social and physical infrastructure.

“The complex measures are expected to double the current number (around 7600) of foreign students in Armenia”, he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan said that the academic city with its nature and physical infrastructure should set a new criteria not only across Armenia, but also should be available for Diaspora-Armenians and foreign students.

US Increasingly Concerned At Armenia As A Sanctions Buster – OpEd

By Taras Kuzio

During a visit this month to Yerevan, CIA Director William Burns warned Armenia about assisting Russia to evade Western sanctions, including high-technology, imposed in response to the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. Armenia has a long record of assisting Iran to evade international sanctions, experience which will undoubtedly come in handy.  Burns reportedly also warned Armenia about becoming too close to Iran, a country the US and Israel have viewed as an existentialist threat for decades.

Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturian has praised Russia’s response to Western sanctions. Meeting Putin at the St. Petersburg ‘international’ economic forum, Khachaturian said he agreed with Putin’s explanations for his invasion of Ukraine, the so-called ‘special military operation.’ ‘It’s really a new era,’ he said , and ‘One should probably think about how to continue to develop in the new conditions that open up new opportunities.’ ‘I am sure that Russia’s economy will survive based on the resources and means at its disposal and given [what happened in] the last two months,’ he added.

The South Caucasus has a geopolitical faultline  that pits Russia, Iran and Armenia on the one side with Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan on the other. This faultline is under pressure from efforts by the EU acting as an honest broker to have Azerbaijan and Armenia sign a peace treaty that would codify the outcome of the 2020 Second Karabakh War and end three decades of conflict. Turkey and Armenia are also negotiating to end an even longer period of bad relations.

Opposed to these peace developments are the pro-Russian camp in Armenia and the Armenian diaspora, which is sizeable in France and the US, and corrupt state officials long involved in smuggling and breaking international sanctions. The pro-Russian camp is particularly strong in Armenia’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs, where the diaspora has inordinate influence, and Defence, where old Soviet networks prevail.

Russia’s so-called peacekeeping force was introduced as part of the November 2020 ceasefire agreement. Azerbaijan has always remained suspicious because of Russia’s traditional support for Armenia where it has three, soon to be five, military bases. Nearly as many Armenians live in Russia as live in Armenia. The hawkish head of RT, Russia’s propaganda television channel, is an Armenian Margarita Simonyan who is well known for her anti-Ukrainian diatribes.

With Russia’s war in Ukraine going badly, the Kremlin is also desperately seeking mercenaries and military equipment from its allies. Russia feels an acute shortage of weapons and ammunitions in its war against Ukraine. Ukraine’s armed forces have destroyed 400 Russian jet fighters and helicopters, 1700 tanks, and 1,000 artillery and anti-aircraft systems. Armenia is assisting Russia by becoming second to Belarus as a supplier of military equipment to Russia, including Smerch multiple rocket launchers and four SU30 jet fighters purchased in 2018. Armenia’s recent large purchase of Soviet era ammunition is suspected to be for Russia. Armenia denied it had transferred the SU30 jet fighters but Western intelligence sources report they were in fact sent to Russia and are being used in its military invasion of Ukraine.

Millions of Armenians already have Russian passports who live in Russia and others who live in Armenia are offered passports in exchange to agreeing to fight in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine or by sending so-called ‘humanitarian aid’ to Russia’s proxy entities there, the so-called Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) and Luhansk Peoples Republic (LPR). Russia has long disguised the sending of weapons as ‘humanitarian aid’ to the DPR and LPR and to the Armenian-enclave of Karabakh in Azerbaijan.

The faithfulness of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s negotiations with Azerbaijan and Turkey is put in doubt when Armenia is acting as Russia’s second closest ally, after Belarus, in its war against Ukraine. As Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer writes, Armenia has preferred to build very close ties with Russia and Iran rather than adopting an independent and multi-vector foreign policy. 

In contrast to Armenia and Belarus, Central Asian states such as Kazakhstan have distanced themselves from Russia’s war in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently thanked Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for refusing to recognise the DPR and LPR. 

A surprising addition to countries that are assisting Russia in evading Western sanctions is Georgia.  Traditionally a close ally of Ukraine’s in their joint quest to integrate into NATO and the EU, Georgia’s de facto ruler, oligarch Bidzina Ivanshili is pursuing a pro-Russian foreign policy. Ivanshili made his billions in the 1990s in Russia and presumably the Kremlin has some kompromat on him. 

Washington and Brussels are therefore both perturbed at Armenia and Georgia assisting Russia to evade Western sanctions.  More Russians have moved to Georgia than to Armenia since the invasion and not all of them are anti-Putin. In June, the EU recognised Georgia’s stagnation and only granted candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova, refusing to grant this to Georgia. 

A mass influx of 134,000 Russians, particularly from the IT sector, have moved to Armenia since the invasion. Among those who moved is Ruben Vardanyan, a Russian businessman of Armenian origin who is included in Western sanctions against Russia. Ukraine’s military intelligence reported that 113 Russian IT firms moved to Armenia and nearly new 1,000 private companies were launched. Some of these are fronts for evaning Western sanctions, conducting espionage and working on cyber, hacking, and other activities against Ukraine. Armenian many companies registered in other members of the Eurasian Economic Union and some are serving as intermediary hubs for Russian high tech; Armenia is used for buying high tech products in the West which are then transported to Russia.

Armenia and Russia are cooperating to replace the US dollar as a means to withstand sanctions. The two countries central banks are discussing how a Russian ruble-Armenian dram exchange could facilitate a move from the US dollar.

Armenia, and to some extent Georgia, are playing a dangerous game in assisting Russia in evading Western sanctions. Short-term corrupt benefits to Armenian and Georgian officials, and geopolitical advantages to Armenia as part of its close ties to Russia, will be outweighed by being blacklisted by the US and the EU. Armenia is undermining the EU’s willingness to broker a peace deal and Turkey’s readiness for reconciliation by copying Belarus in increasingly becoming a Russian satellite.

Political scientist: Armenia-Turkey border will not be opened until substantive, political part of issue is resolved
Armenia –

After Erdogan's well-known words, it is an insult to human logic to say that Turkey does not have preconditions in its relations with Armenia. Political scientist Beniamin Matevosyan told Armenian this—and referring to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statement that Azerbaijan was the red line for Ankara from the very beginning in the process of normalizing Armenian-Turkish relations.

The political scientist is of the opinion that the more the process of Armenian-Turkish relations deepens, the demands increase that much more.

"Turkey implements its policy in our region through Azerbaijan, which is its proxy. An approach is widespread in the political-analytical circles of the authorities: compromises should be made to Azerbaijan, maybe the relations with Turkey will be normalized. The process of normalizing relations with concessions is a road of endless concessions. At the end of that road, the borders will not be opened, but the last page of Armenia will be closed," he said.

Earlier, Serdar Kilic, Turkey's special representative in negotiations for the normalization of relations with Armenia, had visited the Armenian-Turkish border. And on Tuesday, Eduard Aghajanyan, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of Armenia, had assessed this visit positively and said that it speaks about the fact that the agreements are already entering the practical phase.

Beniamin Matevosyan, however, assures that new concessions will be extracted from Armenia in exchange for this visit.

"Until the substantive, political part of the issue is resolved, the Armenian-Turkish border will not be opened," the political scientist concluded.

Vice Speaker Rubinyan, UNGA President Abdulla Shahid discuss regional security




YEREVAN, JULY 26, ARMENPRESS. The Vice Speaker of Parliament Ruben Rubinyan held a meeting with the President of the United Nations General Assembly Abdulla Shahid and his delegation.

Rubinyan praised Shahid’s presidency during the 76th session of the General Assembly, the parliament’s press service said in a press release.

The Vice Speaker appreciated the work implemented by the UN Yerevan office aimed at supporting the ongoing reforms in Armenia, and thanked for the contribution aimed at developing the capacity of the Armenian parliament.

Ruben Rubinyan underscored the necessity of visits of UNESCO and other UN agency representatives to Nagorno Karabakh, especially in the context of the dangers facing the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage.

Other issues of regional security were also discussed.

Armenian PM stresses “great importance” of strengthening relations with Georgia

Georgia – July 18 2022, 18 Jul 2022 – 11:15, Tbilisi,Georgia

Armenia has “always attached great importance” to the development and strengthening of relations with “friendly Georgia”, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Sunday in a congratulatory message to his Georgian counterpart Irakli Garibashvili on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Pashinyan stressed the past 30 years was “just a moment in the centuries-old history” of the Armenian and Georgian peoples, noting the recent decades had been characterised as the “most important” period of establishing “neighbourly interstate relations”, the Armenian Government Administration said.

Armenia has always attached great importance to the consistent development and strengthening of relations with neighbouring and friendly Georgia, and the intensity of high-level meetings between the two countries proves our firm commitment to further expand the existing mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas”, Pashinyan said.

The head of the Armenian Government expressed confidence that the “mutual desire” to develop Armenian-Georgian relations and reliable dialogue at the official level would continue to “determine” the common efforts for the benefit of the two peoples.


Turkish press: Ministers have gone rafting in int’l organization in central Anatolian province

The central Anatolian province of Yozgat’s Çekerek district has hosted the Turkish Grand Prix of International Rafting Clubs Cup on an artificial racecourse over the weekend, with the participation of some ministers.

Within the scope of the event, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay, Agriculture and Forestry Minister Vahit Kirişçi and Youth and Sports Minister Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu rowed their boats, drawing the attention of spectators.

Some 350 athletes from two Italian, three Kazakstani, two Georgian, one Armenian and 30 Turkish teams sweat blood in the races.

Kasapoğlu joined Oktay and Kirişçi on July 17, who already went rafting on July 16.

“Yozgat is on the road to become a sport city. We have good cooperation [with local officials] and plans [for the city],” the minister said.

“This [Çekerek racecourse] is the only rafting place in central Anatolia,” Kasapoğlu said and remarked that Yozgat is hosting a very significant event.

“We witness the soul of connecting people,” Kasapoğlu stated.

Türkiye has a rich river source in terms of geography for rafting.

Çoruh River is one of the first places that come to mind when rafting in the country, with a 169-kilometer course consisting of 4 different stages for amateurs and professionals.

The 57-kilometer-long Fırtına River attracts attention with its approximately 22-kilometer rafting course starting from Çamlıhemşin.

The 12-kilometer-long course of Köprüçay, located in the Manavgat district of the southern province of Antalya is another popular destination for rafting in Türkiye.