Armenpress: Tech Week 2022 launched in Gyumri

Tech Week 2022 launched in Gyumri



 17:30, 2 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 2, ARMENPRESS. Tech Week 2022 launched in Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city, on July 2. 

The event gathered all those who highlight IT development and aim at creating a single tech community, contributing to proportional and sustainable development of provinces with joint efforts. 

A number of events, professional conferences, ggRace, Koriz competition of ideas, Armenia Software Testing Cup, will take place on the sidelines of the Tech Week 2022. There will also be motivational speeches on 12 fields of the digital world, a job fair, etc.

The participants will have a chance to get acquainted with successful Armenian companies operating abroad, listen to their stories.

“We attach great importance to Armenia’s proportional development so that all provinces have the same opportunities like Yerevan has. Being a country with small and few resources, we can’t not develop the provinces. We noticed a gap and decided to unite our efforts and unite with the technological community to implement this. At the moment Gyumri is the second in Armenia as a tech-center, there are many companies here, and many others want to come and open their offices here. This Tech Week will enable to open new offices in the city, and we will witness the continuous discovery of Gyumri’s entire potential: start is given”, TCF co-founder, co organizer of Tech Week 2022, Mariam Hambardzumyan told Armenpress.

Reporting by Armenuhi Mkhoyan

Armenia government replenishes Central Bank capital by providing it interest-free government bills
Armenia –

At Thursday’s Cabinet meeting, the government of Armenia made a decision to replace the interest-free on-demand ordinary government bill provided by the government to the Central Bank.

The decision states that taking into account that according to the Central Bank's consolidated financial statements for 2021, its loss for the reporting year exceeded the amount of reserves by 38,618,777,347 drams, and therefore it is proposed to replace the interest-free on-demand ordinary bill with a face value of 15,776,447,001 drams provided by the government to the Central Bank with a bill of 54,395,224,348 drams.

Karabakh raises post-war problems in education system

Armenia – June 23 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) State Minister Artak Beglaryan has said that many problems have arisen or become acute in the education system following the war in the fall of 2020.

Beglaryan on Wednesday, June 22 participated in in the conference Forum 405 organized by Teach for Armenia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport.

According to him, said issues have a negative impact on the quality of education, affecting the behavior and psychology of everyone involved– students, teachers and families.

"We must provide effective and innovative solutions to these problems, seeking to offset their negative impact on the one hand, and to use the crisis as an opportunity for rebirth and further development on the other," Beglaryan said.

During the war, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces attacked civilian infrastructure, including schools and kindergartens across Artsakh. The Azeri army also used cluster munitions to target civilian settlements and the peaceful population of Artsakh.

Sports: SADA CUP: Armenia beat Iran 77:73

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia –

The Armenian national basketball team beat Iran 77:73 in the second match of the SADA CUP international tournament under way at Karen Demirchyan Sport and Concert Complex.

Andre Spight Mkrtchyan earned 26 points and was named player of the match.

Armenia will face Syria in the final match on Sunday, June 26.

Armenia beat tesm USA 94։59 in the opening match.

Asbarez: Resistance Movement Representatives Visit Artsakh

Members of Armenia's Resistance movement visit Artsakh

A delegation from Armenia’s opposition Resistance Movement has been in Artsakh since Tuesday meeting with representatives of parliamentary political factions, government agencies, civic groups, as well as the country’s former presidents.

While in Artsakh, the delegation visited the Askeran, Martakert, and Martuni regions of Artsakh and met with local residents and local government leaders.

In addition, a meeting was held at Stepanakert Municipality with the administrative leadership, staff, as well as directors of educational and cultural institutions of the Artsakh capital.

During the meetings, Resistance Movement coordinator Ishkhan Saghatelyan—the National Assembly deputy speaker from the opposition “Armenia” Faction and a representative of the Supreme Body of the opposition Armenian Revolutionary Federation—presented the path, challenges, and upcoming activities of this movement.

It was emphasized that Artsakh plays a key role in the effort to make the Resistance Movement a more pan-Armenian and comprehensive effort.

Agreements were reached that despite the lack of reasonable and proper cooperation between Armenia’s authorities and Artsakh, joint programs and reciprocal visits should be implemented.

It was reaffirmed that the statement unanimously adopted by the Artsakh National Assembly on April 14—which sets out the key principles and red lines with respect to the future of Artsakh—remains a benchmark for the Artsakh authorities and people.

Armenian deputy PM to participate in session of Board of Eurasian Development Bank in Kazakhstan




YEREVAN, JUNE 22, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan will depart for Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, to take part in the session of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank on June 23-25, the government reports.

The respective decision has been signed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and is posted on

Within three days after returning from Kazakhstan, the deputy PM must present a report on the results of the visit to the Prime Minister.

EU countries reach full consensus on granting Ukraine candidate status




YERERVAN, JUNE 21, ARMENPRESS. The countries of the European Union have reached a full consensus on granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership, ARMENPRESS reports, citing Ria Novosti, Minister of State for European Affairs at French Foreign Ministry Clément Beaune said.

On June 17, the European Commission gave a positive conclusion on granting Ukraine and Moldova EU candidate status. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the European Commission's decision, saying it was the first step towards EU membership.

The President of Ukraine signed Ukraine's application for membership in the European Union a few days after the start of the Russian special military operation on February 28, 2022.

Yerevan appellate court refuses to arrest oppositionist Velikhan Khlghatyan

Armenia –

The Yerevan Court of Criminal Appeals has rejected a prosecutor’s request to arrest opposition activist Velikhan Khlghatyan who was involved in a brawl in the city of Gyumri at anti-government protests in May.

Presiding judge Armen Danielyan upheld the lower court ruling on Tuesday, denying the motion for his arrest, lawyer Gayane Papoyan said in a post on social media.

Khlghatyan and six other young opposition activists are accused of assaulting four elderly men, aged between 74 and 84 years old, during a motorcade rally in Gyumri on May 8.

Two of them have been remanded in pre-trial custody.

Analyst: West and Iran managed to make adjustments to the "corridor" logic

Armenia –

David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. With the support of the West and Iran, Armenia managed to make adjustments to the "corridor" logic promoted by Azerbaijan since the signing of the tripartite  statement of November 9, 2020. A similar opinion was expressed to  ArmInfo by head of chairman of the "Free Citizen" Civic Initiatives  Support Centre, political analyst Hovsep Khurshudyan.

"Initially, I was convinced that Russia, let's say, was not at all  against this logic, in fact promising Aliyev a green corridor through  the territory of Armenia. However, it is already clear that the  "simplified regime" of land communication between Azerbaijan and  Nakhichevan, the already agreed railway communications between  Armenia and Azerbaijan, the finalization of other issues of this  case, without any doubt, provides for the recognition of Armenian  sovereignty. And there are no other interpretations here and cannot  be," he stressed.

In the analyst's opinion, the change of approaches from corridor to  sovereign ones indicates that the Russian Federation is far from  succeeding in everything that it initially plans to implement in the  South Caucasus. The reason for this is the interests, respectively,  the position of the EU and Iran. Meanwhile, from the very beginning,  it was in Moscow's interests to provide Azerbaijan with a corridor  through Armenia, which would be under its full border control. In  accordance with the same statement of November 9th.

According to his estimates, initially the Armenian customs control on  the territory of the "corridor" was not envisaged at all. And  Azerbaijani vehicles were supposed to move through the territory of  Armenia exclusively accompanied by Russian border guards. However,  everything changed with unequivocal statements by the US, the EU and  the Russian Federation itself, according to which the deblockade of  communications would take place, taking into account the sovereignty  of the participating states.  "It is clear that Azerbaijan and the  Russian Federation do not like all this. But these are the new  geopolitical realities. Since the fall of 2020, much has changed.  Including in our region.  And the undisguised interest of the West  and Iran in the Syunik region of Armenia is evidenced by the at least  regular visits of EU ambassadors and US ambassadors there. Moreover,  Iran opens a consulate in Meghri. So the situation has already  changed and continues to change further," the analyst concluded. 

Azerbaijan president blackmails Armenia
Armenia –

If the Zangazur [(Zangezur)] corridor is not opened, it will be very difficult to talk about peace. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said this at the IX Global Baku Forum under the motto "Challenges to the Global World Order,” APA reports.

"The soonest decision to open the Zangazur corridor is one of the basic elements of future peace in the region. If we are not given that entry-exit, it will be very difficult to talk about peace, and all the efforts of Azerbaijan aimed at normal coexistence, normal neighborhood with Armenia will be in vain. This is another important issue, and Azerbaijan has the right to demand it. The Armenian government has signed a corresponding statement.

Second, Azerbaijan, as a country that won the war and suffered from the occupation, has a moral right to demand," Aliyev said.