May 1 2022
Every year on April 24th, Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day culminates at the Genocide Museum overlooking the city. I was in Yerevan this year and was able to take the long walk to pay my respects. 

Admittedly, I didn’t have a great understanding of the Armenian genocide on my first visit to Armenia in January of this year. Since then, I’ve educated myself about the mass killing of Armenians.

“On 24 April 1915, the Ottoman authorities arrested and deported hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and leaders from Constantinople. At the orders of Talaat Pasha, an estimated 800,000 to 1.2 million Armenians were sent on death marches to the Syrian Desert in 1915 and 1916. Driven forward by paramilitary escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to robbery, rape, and massacres.” – Wikipedia

Final estimates range from 600,000 to 1.5 million Armenians perished during the death march and subsequent acts (like starvation) at the hands of the Ottoman empire according to Genocide studies.

The country declared April 24 as a day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide and public holiday.

In Yerevan, thousands of Armenian people and visitors like myself, make the long walk from the city to the Memorial sitting high atop the city. Depending on the time of day and origination point, the walk can vary from about three to seven miles. Mine started at the base of the Armenian Brandy Museum.

I started my walk at nearly 9 pm and as such, I had the longer march to the top. My initial cursory understanding was that the roads were closed due to crowds, some 200,000 are expected in a city of approximately a million people. However, with understanding, it’s not just a practical measure but also one that reflects the death march walked by the victims of the Armenian genocide.

Note: There are some shuttles for those who prefer to participate but would be challenged by the walk. It’s not limited to the handicapped, but despite constant shuttle trips, each one was full to the brim. If you’re able to walk the distance, it’s recommended to leave space for those who might not be able to do so.

The walk does include segments along a highway and while the road was closed, vehicles were permitted to drive it sparsely, though they do drive fast. Participants should be aware of this.

The memorial rests behind the Sport and Concert complex. Massive steps lead up to the memorial, though they are used only for departures on April 24th. It’s built in the town of Tsitsernakaberd and is sometimes called simply that, though English searches (especially on google maps) are just as likely to return results for the Armenian Genocide Memorial.

Behind the Sport and Concert complex, guests are first greeted by a sign demonstrating the countries that recognize the Armenian genocide. One of the latest to recognize was the United States as officially announced by President Biden in 2021. The state of California, home to many in the Armenian community diaspora, had recognized it in 1997.

“The 44-meter stele symbolizes the national rebirth of Armenians. Twelve slabs are positioned in a circle, representing the twelve lost provinces in present-day Turkey. In the center of the circle, at a depth of 1.5 meters, there is an eternal flame dedicated to the 1.5 million people killed during the Armenian genocide.” – Wikipedia

An immense amount of wreaths and flowers are laid at the stele outside the walls. Inside, around the eternal flame, visitors place their own flowers in even more astonishing numbers. It’s a rather powerful and moving scene. The group inside, the flame flickering against the walls to represent the 12 provinces of Turkey from which Armenians were expelled and ultimately died, gives the impression of an indoor gathering. On a perfect, clear night, the stars and the 100-foot spire outside were visible but all but forgotten by those laying flowers in remembrance.

There are few experiences that have been so moving as walking to the memorial on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day and one that brings me pause. So many of our travel experiences are the highest [x] or biggest [y], reviews of hotel suites, and whining about galley noise on a business class flight. This puts into perspective one of the many reasons why we travel – to participate in different cultures, and sometimes, that means reflecting on dark pasts.

More photos at the link below:

[California] Governor Newsom Proclaims Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide 2022

California –

Published: Apr 22, 2022

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today issued a proclamation declaring as “A Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide” in the State of California.The text of the proclamation can be found here and a copy is below:


Armenia, Russia agree to speed up establishment of Armenia-Azerbaijan commission on border demarcation and security




YEREVAN, APRIL 19, ARMENPRESS. According to the bilateral statement adopted based on the results of the meeting of the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Moscow, the parties agreed in accordance with the November 26, 2021 agreement, to speed up the establishment of a bilateral commission on demarcation and security in the Armenian-Azerbaijani border area with the consultative assistance of the Russian Federation at the request of the Parties.

“The Parties agreed to speed up the establishment of a bilateral commission on demarcation and security in the Armenian-Azerbaijani border area in accordance with the trilateral agreement of November 26, 2021 with the consultative assistance of the Russian Federation at the request of the Parties.

The leaders were united in their assessment of the high usefulness of contacts between Azerbaijani and Armenian religious figures and representatives of the societies with the support of Russia, which contributes to the "construction of bridges" between the peoples of the two countries. This practice will continue.

The Parties agreed to intensify the trilateral cooperation between Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan aimed at supporting the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and in the region in general”, reads the statement.

Armenian PM receives Executive Director of Corporación América Airports




YEREVAN, APRIL 12, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received today Executive Director of the Corporación América Airports, Martín Eurnekian, who was accompanied by Director General of the Armenia International Airports CJSC Marcelo Wende and deputy director Sergei Avetisyan, the PM’s Office said.

PM Pashinyan attached importance to the company’s activity in Armenia and stated that the government is interested in deepening the mutually beneficial partnership.

Martín Eurnekian praised the cooperation with the Armenian government and conveyed the warm greetings of Argentine-Armenian entrepreneur, philanthropist Eduardo Eurnekian to the Armenian PM.

The meeting sides discussed the process of ongoing programs by Corporación América Airports in Armenia and their expansion prospects. Particularly, they discussed issues relating to the development of Yerevan’s Zvartnots and Gyumri’s Shirak airports. In this context, the opportunities of implementing new investment projects that will lead to the development of aviation market, the increase in passenger flows and high-quality services, were discussed. The sides also exchanged ideas about the new possible programs in other directions.

The sides agreed to continue the discussions over the future actions and substantive steps.

Armenian-Russian ties develop also in arts and culture spheres – Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan



 13:40, 6 April, 2022

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Alen Simonyan attended the event organized by the Moscow House Cultural-Business Center in Yerevan on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Russia.

In his remarks, Simonyan said that Armenia and Russia, by preserving the centuries-old traditional friendly nature, continue to develop the relations not only in political and economic directions but also in culture and arts.

The Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin was also in attendance. He said that over the course of the last 30 years there are big and important positive changes in all sectors of the friendly relations.

Works of Armenian and Russian composers were played.

The event featured screening of excusive archive documents and articles, as well as various photographs relating to the history of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Russia from the archives of the ARMENPRESS State News Agency of Armenia and the TASS State News Agency of Russia.

Russia restores air service with 50 more countries



 10:15, 9 April, 2022

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, ARMENPRESS. Russia withdraws COVID-related flight restrictions to 52 more countries, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced, reports TASS.

The federal anti-Covid crisis center informed that Russia withdraws restrictions for regular and charter flights to the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Israel, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, China, North Korea, Costa Rica, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritius, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Mozambique, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Namibia, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Serbia, Syria, Thailand, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Fiji, Philippines, Sir Lanka, Ethiopia, South Africa and Jamaica.

While restrictions for some countries have already been lifted earlier, flights to these destinations were limited with quotas. Air service with the rest is being restored for the first time in two years.

In early March, Russia also mutually lifted flight restrictions with Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. Currently, flight restrictions have also been lifted with Belarus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, UAE, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, South Korea and Cuba.

Cyprus reaffirms support to Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia
April 9 2022

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Cyprus Ararat Mirzoyan and Ioannis Kasoulides have talked on phone, Spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of Cyprus Demetris Demetriou informs.

According to the Spokesman, Minister Kasoulides reaffirmed the excellent level of bilateral relations and reiterated Cyprus’ support and solidarity with the Armenian people, in view of the upcoming negotiations.

Opposition: The idea of "equitable withdrawal of troops" is part of the policy of peaceful surrender of territories

Armenia – April 5 2022
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo.The idea of "equitable withdrawal of troops" is part of the policy of peaceful surrender of territories Tigran Abrahamyan, MP from the "I have the honor" bloc,  stated this during his speech at an opposition rally. < This must be  prevented, there is no other way!>, the parliamentarian said. In  this regard, he noted that such ideas can only be put forward by  people who have no idea about the features of life in the border  regions and settlements.

Noting that the idea of  equitable withdrawal of troops was voiced by  the head of the Armenian government not only on the situation in  Artsakh, Abrahamyan stressed that the Sotk-Khoznavar, Syunik,  Gegharkunik, Vayotsdzor, and Yeraskh sectors in the Ararat region are  under actual threat.

The parliamentarian said that today Armenia has no alternative to the  modernization of the Armed Forces, the creation of a modern  technological army. However, the authorities, in response to such  calls from the opposition, as Abrahamyan further noted, only increase  funding for the law enforcement bloc, in particular the Police, the  Investigative Committee, and the Prosecutor's Office. The MP assessed  such actions of the current government as nothing but the latter's  desire to maintain power, rather than to ensure the safety of the  citizens of Armenia and Artsakh.

Speaking about the upcoming meeting between Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham  Aliyev, Abrahamyan said that said that the expectations of achieving  good results are in vain, taking into account the absence of a strong  security system and a strong army. 

Armenia claims Azerbaijan continues invasion of Nagorno Karabakh

PRAVDA, Russia
March 28 2022

The invasion of the Azerbaijani military into Nagorno Karabakh in the zone of responsibility of Russian peacekeepers continues, spokespeople for Armenia's Foreign Ministry said.

"We expect that the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation in Nagorno Karabakh will take concrete measures to stop the invasion of Azerbaijani units in the zone of responsibility of the peacekeepers,” the ministry said in a statement.

Armenia's Foreign Ministry once again called for an investigation into the actions of the peacekeeping mission.

On March 24, the Azerbaijani military occupied the Armenian village of Parukh (Farukh in Azeri) in Nagorno-Karabakh without a fight.

A skirmish subsequently took place near the village for the neighboring and strategically important Karagluh Hill. According to Armenia, three Armenian soldiers were killed and more than ten were wounded. Five Azeri people were killed in the shootout, Armenian officials said. Baku denied reports of the shootout and casualties.

Russian President Putin phoned Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan twice on March 24 and 25. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu also spoke with his counterparts from Armenia and Azerbaijan, Suren Papikyan and Zakir Hasanov.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Azerbaijani armed forces entered the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh and set up an observation post. Bayraktar TB-2 drones were used to strike the troops of Nagorno-Karabakh near the village of Parukh four times, the ministry said.

The Russian side called on Azerbaijan to pull back its troops.

On March 27, the Azerbaijani military left their positions after negotiations, the Russian military said. However, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan stated that they did not withdraw troops.

Finance Minister doesn’t rule out possibility of slightly higher debt-to-GDP ratio by the end of the year



 12:30, 28 March, 2022

YEREVAN, MARCH 28, ARMENPRESS. There will be no cut in expenditures envisaged by the 2020 state budget, the capital expenditures will be carried out completely, and if the tax revenues would be lower than expected, it will be compensated by attracting state debt in case of necessity, Minister of Finance Tigran Khachatryan said at the session of the parliamentary standing committee on economic affairs.

“We will have a need to borrow funds also in coming years because in most cases these are financial resources directed to privileged development programs which should enable to make investments in infrastructures, key branches of the economy, thus raising the economic growth potential. Respectively both now and in the future we must think of ways of implementing it, which are safe and manageable from macroeconomic perspective”, the minister said.

The heavy year of 2020 ended with 63.5% debt-to-GDP ratio. However, the minister reminded that the government planned to significantly improve this figure in the next five years. “We summed up the year [2021] with 60.3% debt-to-GDP ratio”, he said, considering this a significant improvement.

The government debt in the end of the year comprised 4 trillion 210 billion drams (8 billion 768 million dollars) – 6 billion 191 million dollars external debt, and 2 billion 577 million dollars internal debt. The share of internal debt in the overall debt has significantly improved, reaching around 29%.

Member of Parliament Babken Tunyan was interested in what will be the debt-to-GDP ratio by the end of the year. The minister said it’s early to give assessments. According to him, the macroeconomic uncertainties could have a negative effect on the predicted economic activity and growth rates, which in turn directly affects the tax revenues.

“If this situation has a long-lasting effect, we may end the year with lower tax revenue performance than expected. And our decision is that, by following the situation, we will attract so many necessary additional financial resources which are needed for completely conducting the expenditures approved by the 2022 state budget. And we will not go on the path of cutting the expenditure if tax revenues decline. I think that in terms of performance we will be within quite good indicators, we will seek to implement the capital expenditures with certain increase in debt because the funds to be borrowed, that will compensate the taxes, will be especially additional credit resources. It’s possible that by the end of the year we will have a debt slightly higher than GDP, we envisaged 60.2%, but it may be a little bit higher from that”, he said.

He said they came to this decision as a result of long discussions and joint conclusion with the International Monetary Fund.