ARS Jordan: The Epitome of Armenian Solidarity


In the early years of the 20th century, Khachatur Malumian, an Armenian intellectual and martyr of the Armenian Genocide, was impressed with the ongoing endeavors of the women in Armenia, who attended to the needs of the most vulnerable members of society under the umbrella of the Red Cross.

Motivated by this great contribution, Malumian initiated a project in the United States to enrich the lives of Diasporan Armenian women by actively working to enhance education, health, and social services, while preserving the Armenian identity. Thus, the Armenian Relief Society, very much interconnected with the original concept of the Armenian Red Cross, was born – spreading first throughout the U.S. and Canada and subsequently wherever Armenian Diasporas were born, including Jordan where the ARS opened a chapter in 1946.

Today, Armenians in both the Homeland and the Diaspora are still facing many challenges. As a result of the socioeconomic and political challenges being faced, the ARS have doubled their efforts – organizing programs and activities, and using diverse social media tools, which have increased community engagement.

Members of the ARS in Jordan stand next to a banner that reads ‘ARS: With the People, For the People’

In October, Armenian scholars and intellectuals met in Yerevan to discuss how to best promote the interests of Armenia and the region at large. Simultaneously, members of the ARS in Jordan had their annual meeting in Amman to reelect their board and reflect on current activities. During their meeting they discussed youth outreach programs, emphasizing the importance of finding ways for Armenian youth to use their skills for the betterment of the Homeland and Diaspora.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying restrictions did not hinder the work of the ARS in Jordan. Members of the chapter continued to organize, providing aid to the most vulnerable members of the local Armenian community while building solidarity between their own community, the Armenian Diaspora, and the Homeland.

During this last year, the ARS in Jordan provided aid to Armenians in Lebanon and Artsakh. They initiated programs to alleviate the suffering of Lebanese Armenians who, until today, have been struggling with the financial crisis and accompanying devastations in Lebanon, as well as for individuals and families who were wounded, killed, or displaced as a result of the 2020 Artsakh War.

The ARS in Jordan firmly believes that interacting with the Armenian youth and providing opportunities for them to serve their communities in the Diaspora and in the Homeland is of utmost importance. They are determined to recruit Armenian youth, so that each can contribute their own skills to the organization’s efforts in promoting the Armenian identity and serving the needs of the most vulnerable members of our communities – an approach that should be considered by all ARS branches worldwide.

The past and the current activities of the ARS in Jordan well represent a much-needed Armenian solidarity, which was and will remain the best path to preserving and strengthening the Armenian identity, the Homeland, and the legacy of Khachatur Malmulian.

Madeleine M. Mezagopian is a scholar and an academician based in Amman, Jordan.

Deputy NSS chief: Goris-Kapan road is ‘very safe’

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 1 2021

There are no positional changes on Mount Pela (Pailasar) in Syunik Province, Deputy Director of Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) Aram Hakobyan told a briefing in the parliament on Monday.

“The commander of the border troops visited the area yesterday and answered all questions. There are no changes there," the official said.

He also assured that the Goris-Kapan highway is “very safe”. "Yes, it is safe. I was there the day before; it is very safe. True, representatives of the neighboring state are stationed there, but Armenian citizens in general [are not stopped],” Hakobyan said.

Responding to a question about whether the Russian troops, that have allegedly left the height, provided any explanation, as well as the alerts that Armenian citizens’ cars are stopped, checked and hit by Azeris, the deputy NSS chief said: “I have no such information.”

Hakobyan snubbed other questions of reporters.

Turkish Press:Turkey’s first Armenian sub-governor expected to take office, Turkey
Oct 28 2021
Turkey's first Armenian sub-governor expected to take office

Berk Acar passed all the exams to become a sub-governor.

PM Pashinyan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces discuss regional situation




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 28, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Sergey Istrakov, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The interlocutors discussed issues related to military-technical cooperation between Armenia and Russia, as well as exchanged views on the current military-political situation in the region.

Vera Peltekian to lead HBO Max production in France

BroadBand TV News
Oct 19 2021

Canal+ executive Vera Peltekiann has been named VP and Commissioning Editor of Original Production France, Warnermedia International.

Based in Paris, Vera will commission Original Programming for HBO Max, the company’s direct-to-consumer video streaming platform. She’ll join the company in November.

Commenting on the appointment, Antony Root, EVP and Head of Original Production WarnerMedia EMEA said: “Vera is a world-class television executive whose passion for nurturing storytellers has seen her work on some of France’s most creative and ambitious programming.” He continued, “this appointment ensures we can start to develop exciting new content, so when we launch HBO Max in France, we can present a slate that will intrigue and delight audiences”.

Peltekian added, “I’m happy and proud to join such a talented team. WarnerMedia means a lot to everyone working in this industry in France and Europe. It is a symbol of ambition, creativity and respect for the audience and talent – always taking a chance to be the best. These qualities are exactly what we need in a competitive market.”

Since 2006, Peltekian has managed French drama series and co-produced original programming at the Canal+ group, working closely with some of France’s top creative talent.  She has worked on The Returned (Best Drama Series, International Emmys 2013), Spiral (Best Drama Series, International Emmys 2015), The TunnelKaboul Kitchen (Golden FIPA award 2012), Savages (part of the Primetime program at Toronto International Film Festival 2019) and Paris Police 1900

WarnerMedia’s flagship SVOD service, HBO Max launches in the Nordics and Spain on 26th October and next year expands to 20 additional territories across Europe including Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Turkey.
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EU’s Special Representative to visit Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 18, ARMENPRESS. European Union’s Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar will pay a visit to Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

“Takeoff again for meetings in Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan. The EU is engaged to work with its partners for a South Caucasus that is prosperous and at peace”, Toivo Klaar said on Twitter.

We expressed serious concern over external illegal sanctions against CIS countries – Belarus FM



 15:09, 14 October, 2021

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 14, ARMENPRESS. Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei presented details from the CIS foreign ministerial meeting, BelTA reports.

“We consistently highlight the importance of cohesion and interaction within the CIS for an effective response to common challenges and threats. In this context, we have expressed our serious concern over the constantly expanding use of unlimited and illegal unilateral sanctions against the CIS countries from outside,” Vladimir Makei said.

According to him, during the ministerial meeting, the foreign ministers had a meaningful conversation about the international agenda and cooperation in the Commonwealth. The situation near the CIS external borders was also discussed in detail, with a focus on the developments in Central Asia.

Russian-Iranian competition heats up in South Caucasus

Oct 15 2021
For Moscow, contradictions with Tehran may turn out to be much more sensitive than disputes with Ankara.

Kirill Semenov

During Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s visit to Moscow on Oct. 5, one of the main topics of the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov was rising tensions in Iranian-Azerbaijani ties. At a press conference in the Russian capital, Iran’s top diplomat voiced a range of complaints against Baku, focusing on Azerbaijan's dealings with Israel. In turn, Lavrov made it clear that Russia is "against the buildup of military activity" in the South Caucasus and "against provocative exercises,” which should have been a signal to the Iranian side about the need to reduce the tension. 

Azerbaijan and Turkey carried out joint military exercises in early September in the Azerbaijani Lachin region, as tensions between Baku and Tehran escalate.

Moreover, the Russian foreign minister mentioned that at the talks with Abdollahian he spoke in favor of creating a "3 + 3" negotiation format, which would include Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Russia and Turkey. This is necessary to resolve regional issues, he stressed.

On Oct. 1, Iranian ground forces began the “Conquerors of Khaybar” exercises in the northwest of the country, on the border with Azerbaijan, using armored units, artillery, drones and combat helicopters. This is one of the largest military maneuvers the Iranian armed forces have conducted in recent history near Azerbaijan, inevitably sparking fears that it could be preparation for military aggression.

Iran also accused Azerbaijan of cooperation with Israel. The head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in Tabriz, Col. Hossein Pursmail, said that "the repetition of Israel's threats against Iran through the mouth of Azerbaijan is not only not in the interest of Baku, it is also a threat to the latter’s very existence." Further statements by Iranian representatives expanded the list of Tehran's grievances. For example, Iranian lawmaker Mahmoud Begash pointed out that it could not only be about Israel: "If the Turkish adventure and Azerbaijan's behavior continue, we will return Nakhchivan and Nagorno-Karabakh to the main owner — Iran." Both Nakhchivan and Nagorno-Karabakh are autonomous regions within Azerbaijan

Tehran's militaristic moves near the border with Azerbaijan, as well as the crisis between the two countries in general, are provoked primarily by the ambitions of the new Iranian leadership under President Ebrahim Raisi, which is likely seeking to compensate for the failures of its predecessors through taking tough stances. 

The foreign policy of Raisi’s administration "is a balanced foreign policy under active, dynamic and intelligent diplomacy. Our focus on Asia and the region doesn’t mean that we don’t pay attention to other regions including the West," Amir-Abdollahian told Iranian news agency ISNA.

During the 44-day Armenian-Azerbaijani war in late 2020, the previous Iranian administration, led by Reformists, tried to come up with various mediation initiatives. However, the Iranian proposals did not arouse interest from the parties to the conflict themselves, nor from Russia and Turkey.

Tehran likely harbored a grudge, and Lavrov had to specifically comment on the issue in December 2020, a month after the conflict had ended, saying, “By the way, I don’t remember that during all the years of my tenure as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in the course of our numerous contacts with Iranian colleagues, the topic of Karabakh aroused interest during our consultations or negotiations.” 

Thus, Iran, unlike Russia and Turkey, felt as though its interests were not observed following the Armenian-Azerbaijani war.

In addition, Iran — which views itself as a leader globally for Shiite Muslims — has practically lost its influence in the predominantly Shiite country of Azerbaijan, and is trying to compensate with direct support from Armenia. But by doing so, Tehran is challenging not only Baku and its allied Ankara, but also Moscow. Tehran is trying to become a guarantor of the security and territorial integrity of Armenia and thereby reduce the Russian side's influence on the Armenian leadership. This was duly appreciated in Armenia itself, and Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan unexpectedly went to Tehran on Monday, Oct. 4, where he received corresponding assurances of support from the Iranian side.

“Azerbaijan's encroachments on the sovereign territory of Armenia threaten our efforts to ensure stability and security in the region,” Mirzoyan said during the visit. "In this regard, we highly appreciate the position of Iran regarding the territorial integrity of Armenia and the inviolability of its borders."

By "encroachments on the territory" he meant the Zangezur Corridor, a route that must pass, according to the agreements on Nov. 10, 2020, through Armenia and connect the main territory of Azerbaijan with the isolated Azerbaijani region of Nakhchivan. Keep in mind that this approach by Iran, which opposes the creation of this corridor, also indirectly contradicts the interests of Russia, since the Russian border troops will have to ensure the protection of this highway, which would certainly provide Moscow with additional leverage in the South Caucasus.

The contours of the Russian-Iranian contradictions in the South Caucasus complement the Russian-Iranian competition in Syria. The gradual accumulation of the conflict potential of the two countries, unlike the mutual claims of Ankara and Moscow, is still hidden and not advertised, and in Russia it is often denied.

In Syria, Russia can hardly be satisfied with the constant attempts of pro-Iranian structures, primarily the 4th division of Maher Assad, to take control of the territories on the borders with Jordan and Israel. If these areas are transferred to the 4th division, pro-Iranian formations might be deployed there, which will threaten Israel, Russia's strategic partner in the Middle East. Also, the the creation of a virtually autonomous pro-Iranian enclave in the Deir az-Zor region certainly worries Russia, along with Tehran's influence on decision-making in Damascus in general, which is still decisive. Iran has also occupied most of the most attractive niches in the Syrian economy, which are closed to Russian business.

On the whole, for Moscow, contradictions with Tehran may turn out to be much more sensitive than disputes with Ankara. Russia and Turkey are filling vacuums in the Middle East and South Caucasus, not encroaching on each other's spheres of influence, but only dividing them (as happened in Idlib or in Libya). Iran, on the other hand, may try to start pushing Russia out of the place where it is already entrenched, be it part of Syria controlled by Assad or Armenia. Also, Iran may compete with Russia for influence in Afghanistan, as well as in Central Asia, notably Tajikistan.

Armenian art works on display at Italian Presidential Palace

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 6 2021

An exhibition of works by famous Armenian painters Hovhannes Aivazovsky, Gevorg Bashinjaghyan, Martiros Saryan, Vardges Surenyants and Hakob Kojoyan opened today at the Quirinal Palace under the auspices of the Presidents of Armenia and Italy.

Presidents Armen Sarkissian and Sergio Matarella watched the exhibition.

A similar Italian exhibition featuring works by 18th century Italian artists Giovanni Antonio Canal (Canaletto), Bernardo Bellotto, Francesco Guardi and Michele Marieschi was organized in September 2020 at the residence of the President of the Republic of Armenia.

According to President Armen Sarkissian, such exhibitions are a testimony to the deep and close friendly and warm relations between the peoples of Armenia and Italy. “Art unites peoples, which is more than obvious in the case of the Armenian and Italian peoples with ancient roots of friendship. And this is exactly what is called the dialogue of civilizations, the dialogue of cultures, the dialogue of the inner world and the talent of nations,” he said.

The President of Armenia noted that the works presented at the Quirinal Palace are part of the rich Armenian cultural heritage, which we show the greatest respect for and which we share with our friends.

According to him, this talented constellation of Armenian artists – Hovhannes Aivazovsky, Gevorg Bashinjaghyan, Martiros Saryan, Vardges Surenyants, Hakob Kojoyan – is an inseparable part not only of our national but also of world heritage. Some of these artists, he said, once had close ties with Italy and the Italian people. According to the President, there is a huge treasury of Armenian cultural and spiritual values in Italy, represented by the heritage of St. Lazarus Mekhitarist Congregation.

Iranian FM: We expect Russia to react to probable changes in countries’ borders in the South Caucasus

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 6 2021

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian stated on Tuesday that in his meeting with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov he has ensured him that Iran will harmonize its stands on Caucasus region developments with Russia, Iran news agency reported. 

Upon his arrival in Moscow Amirabdollahian said in a meeting with the media representatives that "we expect Russia to react to probable changes in countries’ borders in the region and be sensitive about such matters".

"It is also expected that Russia will be sensitive about the presence of the terrorists and the intriguing moves of the Zionists in the region, which are both threats against regional peace and stability," he added.

The foreign minister said that besides this visit Tehran and Moscow are continually and through diplomatic and telephone calls exchanging viewpoints on various issues of mutual interest.

"The Iranian and Russian presidents had two phone talks and President Putin had sent his high ranking representative to attend President Raisi’s inauguration ceremony in Tehran," he added.

Amirabdollahian said that keeping in mind the Iranian Embassy’s efforts in recent months in Russia the ground is quite paved and this visit will therefore have achievements aimed at taking a long and comprehensive stride forth in bilateral ties.

"Keeping in mind the status in the South Caucasus region and Afghanistan, we are going to have serious negotiations,” he said.

Amirabdollahian said that Tehran and Moscow policies have been very close to each other during the recent years and in the field of mutual interests good, harmonized and constructive moves have been made.

“We hope this potential will be further improved in all sections to ensure regional security,” he said, as quoted by the source.