8 aircrafts of Russian Air Force took off to transfer peacekeepers to Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone



 16:16, 13 November, 2020

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 13, ARMENPRESS. On November 13, eight Il-76 aircrafts of the military transport aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces took off from the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airfield to transfer units of the 15th peacekeeping brigade to participate in the peacekeeping operation in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The aircrafts deliver more than 10 heavy-duty off-road vehicles and logistical support, as well as over 100 military personnel to the airfield in Armenia.

The coordination of actions for the implementation of peacekeeping tasks and monitoring of the situation in the NK conflict zone are carried out on a 24-hour basis by the National Center for State Defense Control of the Russian Federation.

The ministry also reported that in order to carry out peacekeeping tasks, prevent possible incidents and ensure the safety of Russian military personnel, continuous interaction with the general staffs of the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia has been organized. Communication by direct channels has been established.

Pompeo to arrive in troubled Caucasus region with diminished stature, credibility

Coda Media

Pompeo to arrive in troubled Caucasus region with diminished stature,

The U.S. Secretary of State takes a trip to the other Georgia

By Natalia Antelava
13 November, 2020

After America’s top diplomat Mike Pompeo promised a smooth transition
to a “second Trump administration,” he booked himself on a foreign
trip, presumably, to get away from the toxic atmosphere of Washington
D.C. Next week, he will be swinging through France, Turkey, Israel,
the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Georgia, the
country, not the state, where he will spend two days.

When he arrives in the capital Tbilisi, Pompeo will find a situation
eerily similar to the one he may be trying to escape: rising Covid-19
numbers and big street protests over a bitter, disinformation-mired
election dispute. And while Pompeo is a lame duck diplomat in much of
the world, his visit to the small South Caucasus nation could alter

On October 31, Georgians voted in a highly contested parliamentary
election. After eight years on the political sidelines, the opposition
thought it stood a chance of at least diluting the power of the ruling
Georgian Dream party.

But according to the opposition, the game was rigged from the start.
The election was marred by disinformation and allegations of vote
buying. And once the ballots were cast, evidence of fraud began to
emerge. In over a hundred polling stations, for example, no one voted
for the opposition  — a statistical impossibility in a politically
divided Georgia. In some areas, the vote totals cast for the ruling
party were greater than the number of people who actually voted.

The ruling party is run by the Bidzina Ivanishvili, the country’s
richest man, an oligarch with ties to Russia who, over the years, has
successfully managed to keep the opposition weak and fragmented.

The international community — the usual arbiter between the Georgian
government and the opposition — has been distracted by the pandemic
and the turmoil in the U.S. While there has been some criticism of the
government, overall the response has been muted and government-backed
media channels cite Pompeo’s upcoming visit as a validation of the
election’s outcome.

For years Georgia, an ally of the U.S., has been held up as a model
for the region. This election further erodes the country democratic
stature and is likely to come at a geopolitical cost for the West.

The “Ivanishvili government has hired lobbying firms in Washington
while embracing Russian disinformation narratives and Russian tactics
at home,” says Giorgi Kandelaki, an opposition politician. “Retreat of
democracy here harms the United States interests and works to Putin’s

As America’s top diplomat, Pompeo often urges free and fair elections
and peaceful transitions of power. But his two-day visit to Georgia
does not include a meeting with the country’s opposition, and his
apparent refusal to accept election results in his own country makes
him a deeply compromised interlocutor.

Upping the stakes is a massive geopolitical tremor in the region. The
South Caucasus — which includes Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan — is a
key global transit route and a strategic gem that Washington and
Moscow have been at loggerheads over for years. This week, its map was
redrawn, literally, when Azerbaijan scored a military victory over
Armenia in a war over the long-disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It was a conflict much of the world didn’t even notice, but regional
powers Turkey and Russia filled the vacuum created by a distracted
America. Over the past six weeks, Ankara provided key military support
to Azerbaijan, while Moscow stood back, allowing Azerbaijan to crush
Armenia, Russia’s most loyal ally. This week, after Azerbaijan took
key territories, the Kremlin stepped in, negotiated a truce and was
invited by Azerbaijan to maintain stability. Moscow is sending troops
to act as peacekeepers.

Who the ultimate geopolitical winner of this situation is in dispute.
Azerbaijan is the obvious one. But Russia now has boots on the ground
and new leverage over both Azerbaijan and Armenia. Turkey, too, has
come out ahead.

Losers are much easier to identify. Armenia: a devastated nation now
sinking into a political crisis that will take years to overcome. And
the United States: for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet
Union, Washington is suddenly not even a player in a Great Game that
it only recently led.

As Mike Pompeo leaves the election chaos at home to embark on his
foreign tour, the Caucasus provides a striking destination to showcase
America’s diminished role on the global stage.


Baroness Caroline Cox visits Armenian Genocide memorial in Yerevan




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS. Member of the UK’s House of Lords Baroness Caroline Cox visited the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial in Yerevan on November 12 to pay tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims.

Baroness Caroline Cox toured the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute’s Memory Ally and watered the fir-tree which she had planted during an earlier visit, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute said. 

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Asbarez: As Ghazanchetsots is Vandalized by Azeris, an Urgent Call to UNESCO to Protect Artsakh Religious Sites

November 14,  2020

[see video]

The Ghazanchetsots Church in Shushi was vandalized by occupying Azerbaijanis

It didn’t take long for Azerbaijani occupiers to desecrate and vandalize the Ghazanchetsots (Holy Savior) Cathedral in Shushi, which was bombed twice last month by its forces.

Armenia’s Minister of Education, Culture and Sports Arayik Harutyunyan, as well as the World Council of Churches urged UNESCO, the United Nations cultural arm, to protect Artsakh’s religious sites, which came under heavy Azerbaijani shelling and are in danger of being destroyed.

The WCC issued the following statement:

The executive committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), meeting by video conference from November 9 to 13, 2020, is gathered at a pivotal and acutely painful moment for the people of the land of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh and for all Armenian people, following the announcement of an agreement between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia to bring an end to six weeks of intense armed conflict. We make an appeal for an end to the bloodshed and destruction this conflict has brought.

We join with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, in praying for wisdom, unity and calm. We grieve with all those who have suffered terrible losses not only in the renewed fighting since September 27, but throughout the long history of the struggle for self-determination in the region, entrenching antagonism more deeply with each precious life lost.

We stand in solidarity with the Armenian communities that are threatened by the renewal of the genocide against their people, particularly in light of the egregious comments made by Turkish President Erdogan vowing to “fulfill this mission, which our grandfathers have carried out for centuries, in the Caucasus region” and in light of Turkey’s role in the current conflict. The WCC condemns any such threats, explicit or implicit, and the actions of those who have insinuated themselves in the conflict and exacerbated its violence, including by supplying internationally-banned weapons, sending mercenaries and jihadists from Syria and elsewhere, and seeking to turn it into a religious conflict. The WCC condemns the use of chemical weapons and cluster munitions, the targeting of civilians, hospitals and public infrastructure, and all other war crimes, beheadings, torture and other atrocities witnessed in the past weeks.

Furthermore, we appeal for respect for the holy sites and cultural heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh, though the repeated shelling of the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shushi on October 8 and the numerous reports being received of other more recent desecrations indicate a different reality. We urge UNESCO to take all possible and appropriate measures to protect these sites.

We call urgently upon all members of the international community to join in supporting efforts for the protection of such holy sites, for the return in safety and dignity of all refugees and displaced people, for protection of the Armenian people from the threat of genocide, for a lasting peace founded on justice and human rights for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh and the wider region, and to refrain from instigating or encouraging antagonism, conflict and injustice.

We lift up and accompany the continuing ministry and witness of the churches of the region, and pray that the church leaders may be given strength and wisdom to guide their people through this crisis.

Three Syrian nationals wanted in Armenia for terrorism, mercenarism

TASS, Russia
Nov 6 2020
Armenia’s investigative agencies established that those three Syrians were fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh

YEREVAN, November 6. /TASS/. Three Syrian nationals have been placed on the wanted list in Armenia on charges of involvement in international terrorism and mercenarism, Armenia’s Investigative Committee said on Friday.

"The Investigative Committee has submitted a motion to the court asking to select arrest as a restraint measure for three Syrian citizens. Abu Stef al-Hindawi, Ahmad al-Taebi and Abu Diab Halabi are accused of international terrorism and mercenarism. All the three are placed on the wanted list," the statement says.

Armenia’s investigative agencies established that those three Syrians were fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The area experienced flare-ups of violence in the summer of 2014, in April 2016 and this past July. Azerbaijan and Armenia have imposed martial law and launched mobilization efforts. Both parties to the conflict have reported casualties, among them civilians. Three ceasefire agreements have been negotiated so far, but almost immediately both sides begin blaming each other for violating the truce.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the highland region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed territory that had been part of Azerbaijan before the Soviet Union break-up, but primarily populated by ethnic Armenians, broke out in February 1988 after the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region announced its withdrawal from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1992-1994, tensions boiled over and exploded into large-scale military action for control over the enclave and seven adjacent territories after Azerbaijan lost control of them.

Armenia condemns vandalism against its Consulate General in Lyon

Public Radio of Armenia
Nov 2 2020

The Armenian Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the act of vandalism against the building of the Consulate General of Armenia in the city of Lyon, which was preceded by the incidents of desecration of the Armenian monuments in other cities of France and the massive anti-Armenian actions by the Turkish extremist organizations in the recent months on the grounds of hatred.

“The note on the building of the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia is more than vocal, as it contains a threat of recurrence of the Armenian Genocide and a glorification of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Naghdalyan said.

“It is not accidental that such threats are voiced out against the people of Armenia when the Turkish-Azerbaijani genocidal alliance with the involvement of the international terrorist fighters tries to annihilate the Armenians in Artsakh,” Naghdalyan added.

She voiced conviction that the French authorities would hold the perpetrators of this vandalism and the extremist forces behind them accountable.

Air raid siren activated in Artsakh’s Stepanakert, explosions are heard – DEVELOPING

Air raid siren activated in Artsakh's Stepanakert, explosions are heard – DEVELOPING



 18:39, 1 November, 2020

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. Air raid siren is activated in Artsakh's capital Stepanakert, a number of explosions were heard, the correspondent of ARMENPRESS informs from Stepanakert.

18:38 – The State Service of the Emergency Situations of Artsakh informed ARMENPRESS that the air defense units of Artsakh have destroyed an Azerbaijani drone.

18:49 – Air raid siren in Stepanakert deactivated. 

19:36 – Air raid siren activated, nearly 4 explosions were heard.

19:39 – Air raid siren is deactivated.

23:07 – Air raid siren again activated.

23:18 – Air raid siren deactivated.

Azerbaijan transfers body of Artsakh’s civilian to Armenian side

Azerbaijan transfers body of Artsakh's civilian to Armenian side



 20:34, 1 November, 2020

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. The body of civilian Misha Melkumyan, 84, who had been taken hostage by the Azerbaijani side, has been transferred to the Armenian side with the assistance of the ICRC, Zara Amatuni, head of the communication programs of the ICRC delegation in Yerevan, told ARMENPRESS.

''With the support of the Red Cross the body of the elderly citizen has been transferred to Armenia through the territory of Azerbaijan'', Amatuni said.

Earlier on October 29, the Azerbaijani authorities spread disinformation claiming that the Armenian side refused to accept Melkumyan from the Azeris. The Armenian Human Rights Defender investigated and debunked the Azeri allegations. The investigation revealed that according to medical conclusions Melkumyan’s deteriorated health hindered the organization of his transfer and would’ve been unsafe for him, and the Azeri authorities were well aware of the issue. The Armenian authorities had expressed readiness to organize Melkumyan’s transfer as soon as his health condition would allow it.

Despite several Azeri provocations the ceasefire is generally maintained, says Pashinyan




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 26, ARMENPRESS. Despite several Azeri provocations the ceasefire is generally being maintained, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said.

“The Armenian side will continue to strictly adhere to the ceasefire regime,” he tweeted.

The Azerbaijani military violated the new humanitarian ceasefire agreement just 45 minutes into the deal and launched artillery attacks at Artsakh’s military positions in the north-eastern direction, the Armenian Defense Ministry spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan said on October 26. Another artillery attack was carried out by Azerbaijan at 09:10. Then, the Azeri air force bombed the town of Martuni.

Editing by Stepan Kocharyan