BAKU: Armenia Hands Over Azerbaijani Prisoner Of War


April 7 2010

The Armenian side handed over Azerbaijan prisoner of war Rafiq Hasanov
on April 7.

It happened in the Sadarak region of the Nakhchivan Autonomous
Republic at 12:00 a.m., the State Commission on Prisoners of War,
Hostages and Missing People of Azerbaijan spokesman Shahin Sailov said.

Rafiq Hasanov was detained in October 2008 in the direction of the
village Kemerli of Azerbaijani Gazakh region.

Besides Rafiq Hasanov, the Armenian side detains soldier Anar Hajiyev,
taken prisoner in May 2009 in the direction of Fuzuli region of
Azerbaijan. The Armenian side holds another hostage – Eldar Tagiyev.

He was detained in the Tovuz region of Azerbaijan in December 2009.

The Azerbaijani side got bodies of Azerbaijani citizens killed by
Armenian armed forces on Saturday, on April 3, at 12:00 a.m. in the
Sadarak region of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Status Of Nagorno-Karabakh Is Key Item, Says Nalbandian


April 7 2010

The key item in the process of settlement to the Karabakh conflict
is the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, said Armenia’s Foreign Minister
Edward Nalbandian at the joint conference with Secretary-General of
the International Organization of la Francophonie (IOF) Abdou Diouf,
following the meeting between the officials.

"Without a solution to Karabakh issue’s main problem, which is
the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, it’s difficult to talk about other
problems. As before, the key item in a process of settlement to the
Karabakh conflict remains the issue of acknowledgement and realization
of Nagorno-Karabakh people’s right to self-determination," said
Edward Nalbandian.

Referring to the Madrid Document, which had been delivered to the
sides in November 2007, Armenian Foreign Minister said: "The document
is a basis for talks. The Minsk Group Co-Chairs continue delivering
proposals, containing their working on the Basic Principles. And this
will go on until the sides’ positions are brought together."

Armenia Transfers Captive To Azerbaijan


April 7, 2010 – 13:51 AMT 08:51 GMT

Azeri captive Rafik Hasanov was transferred to Azerbaijan on April 7,
2010. Hasanov, who crossed the border on October 8, 2008, explained
his deed by the intolerable conditions in the Azeri army. The
transfer, which took place near the settlement of Yeraskhavan at
the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, was negotiated by the International
Committee of the Red Cross.

Turkey’s Ambassador Returning, But Talks Over House Genocide Resolut

By Bridget Johnson

The Hill
April 5 2010

Turkey’s ambassador is due back in Washington this week after being
recalled in a spat over the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s approval
of the Armenian genocide resolution on March 4.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the contentious
resolution, which would recognize the killing of 1.5 million Armenians
by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as genocide, in an extremely close
23-22 vote. Turkey immediately recalled its ambassador, Namık Tan,
back to Ankara for consultations.

That touched off a verbal offensive from Ankara, too, with Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying that the genocide resolution
passed could harm bilateral relations and snapping that the lawmakers
on the committee couldn’t likely find Armenia.

Erdogan sounded a much different tone on Friday, though, saying not
only that the ambassador would return but that Erdogan would attend
President Barack Obama’s nuclear summit on April 12-13.

Turkey is part of a NATO nuclear-weapons sharing pact with the
United States, and has also been seen as a potential intermediary to
help bring Iran and its budding nuclear program into international

"I received an invitation five, six months ago to attend an
international event that other countries will also be attending and
that serves a good cause, to prevent the use and spreading of nuclear
weapons," Erdogan said Friday, stressing "positive developments"
with Washington since the resolution passed committee, according to
Hurriyet Daily News. "I will be going to the United States."

Erdogan made clear that he would bring up his displeasure over the
genocide resolution on the sidelines of the nuclear summit.

"The nuclear issue is not the only topic on the agenda. There are
many other issues to discuss," he said. "[Talks in Washington] are
important chance and we will make use of this opportunity. We have
taken all the required steps up to now."

-room/news/90543-turkeys-ambassador-returning-but- talks-over-house-genocide-resolution-not-over

The national library week to kick off for the 9th time

Aysor, Armenia
April 3 2010

The national library week to kick off for the 9th time

Form April 12 ` 19 the Armenian Library association is organizing
series of events dedicated to the `Week of National Library’ the motto
of which is `A view to the library of the village.’

The event is being held in Armenia for the 9th time already.

On April 12 will take place the solemn opening of the `Week of
National Library’ which will be launched in the Armenian National
Library and in the professional, urban, regional and village libraries
of Armenia. In the same day in the library of the Oshakan village of
Aragatsotn region will be organized another event by the participation
of the members of the Armenian Library association.

During the week will also be organized a week of compositions in
schools, an event dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Vahan Teryan,
donation of books to the village libraries, and events dedicated to
the 175th anniversary of Raffi.

There will also be held meetings and discussions with the NA MPs,
authorities, culture and science dedicated to the village libraries.

April 18 is the day of presenting books to each other and on April 19
the `Week of the National Library’ will sum up its works.

BAKU: Top Azerbaijani Official Visits Turkey

April 1 2010

Ramiz Mehdiyev A delegation led by the head of the Azerbajani
Presidential Administration, Ramiz Mehdiyev, is paying an official
visit to Turkey.

The delegation was welcomed at Ankara’s Esenboga Airport by the
Turkish president’s general secretary, Mustafa Isen, and Azerbaijan’s
ambassador to Turkey, Zakir Hashimov.

The Azerbaijani delegation paid its respects at Ataturk’s mausoluem,

The delegation met the secretary general of Turkey’s National Security
Council, Serdar Kilic. The meeting noted that relations between
the two fraternal countries were on a high level and discussed the
prospects for further cooperation.

The delegation met the Grand National Assembly’s foreign affairs
committee chairman, Murad Mercan. Welcoming the visitors, Mercan
said that all Turkish MPs, regardless of whether they were in power
or the opposition, regarded the problems of fraternal Azerbaijan as
their own problems.

Ramiz Mehdiyev said: ‘Today I have arrived in my homeland and I am
meeting my brothers here. The statement of our great leader Heydar
Aliyev that "We are one nation, two states" is right. This is primarily
connected with the historical past of the Turkic nations. We are really
one nation, but historical processes have led to the appearance of
two states. Currently, the ties between the two countries are on a
high peak. It has been a pleasure for me to exchange views and talk
to my brothers here.’

The delegation visited Gazi University in Ankara, where Rector Riza
Ayhan briefed them about the university’s work. Ramiz Mehdiyev gave
a lecture on the modern state of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani-Turkish

He said that Azerbaijan was the most dynamically developing in the
South Caucasus and the world leader in terms of GDP growth. He said
Azerbaijan had a balanced foreign policy which assigned a special
place to fraternal Turkey.

‘Our relations are unique in the region and the world. Since the first
day of independence, Azerbaijan has felt Turkey’s support and become
stronger and is already a support to Turkey.

‘Armenia which lives with myths about the construction of a great
"Armenia from sea to sea" has always made territorial claims on Turkey
and Azerbaijan throughout its 200-year history,’ Mehdiyev said.

‘From the beginning of the 19th century Armenia has been conducting
planned terror and genocide against Azerbaijanis which continued in
different historical periods,’ Mehdiyev said.

He said that the the politicians and peoples of Azerbaijan and Turkey
should be alert to ensure that no one could spoil the relations
between them.

As an example of Turkish support for Azerbaijan, Mehdiyev cited
cooperation on projects such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline,
the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.

The delegation is continuing its visit to Turkey.

ANKARA: Serbian Vote Vindicates Long-Held Turkish Policy

Fulya Ozerkan

Hurriyet Daily News
March 31 2010

A decision by Serbia on Wednesday accepting culpability for the
killings of 8,000 Bosnian civilians 15 years ago is seen in Turkish
policy circles as vindication of the country’s long support for Bosnia
and Herzegovina’s quest for justice.

In a prompt statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry welcomed the
declaration by the Serbian parliament as an important step toward
reconciliation between the peoples of Serbia and Bosnia.

"Turkey expresses its appreciation for the visionary leadership
displayed by the leaders of both Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
for their courageous steps taken in this direction and reiterates its
readiness to continue supporting fully their efforts for reconciliation
and normalization through bilateral and regional platforms," the
ministry said.

The Turkish government is trying to foster dialogue in a trilateral
mechanism involving Serbia and Bosnia.

Erhan Turbedar, a Balkans expert at the Ankara-based think tank TEPAV,
said Turkey was one of the countries that brought the apology issue
to the forefront to help the two nations solve their differences.

At the same time, however, he said the Turkish initiative was facing
a backlash.

"The Serbian right-wing opposition was quick to question [Foreign
Minister Ahmet] Davutoglu’s premature remarks that the Serbian
parliament would make an apology for the killings before the Serbian
declaration and, in retaliation, submitted an Armenian genocide
resolution to parliament," said Turbedar.

"It is another question whether the measure passes the parliament or
not but it will garner serious support," he said.

‘Dialogue with Serbia a must’

Another researcher on the Balkans, however, praised the constructive
efforts made by the Turkish leadership and said Ankara had pursued
a wise policy to start dialogue with Serbia to have an influence in
the Balkans.

Gözde Kılıc YaÅ~_ın, a Balkans expert at think tank TUKSAM, said:
"Turkey is aware of the fact that the rights of Albanians and Bosniaks
cannot be improved without good relations with Serbia."

She said while Turkish-Serbian relations were very constrained in
the past, that was no longer the situation today.

YaÅ~_ın, however, said: "Can the Serbian parliament’s apology mean
Turkey’s success? I think that apology was necessary and obligatory."

‘Apology will not solve Bosnian problem’

Another prominent Turkish academic said Turkey had worked hard for
a resolution of the problem between Serbia and Bosnia but also said
European Union pressure also played a key role in forcing the Serbian
parliament vote after years of refusal to do so.

"I think the two processes have fed one another. Will the apology
soften the strain in Bosnia? Maybe in the short term but in the long
run, I don’t think it will resolve the problem because the problem
is even deeper," said Middle East Technical University Professor
Mustafa TurkeÅ~_ said in reference to the political crisis facing
Bosnia and the ambiguous future of the international presence in the
Balkan country.

"The apology would only transform the problem," he said.

Kosovo link

The Serbian resolution, which was finally passed in the early hours
of Wednesday, stopped short of using the word genocide, although it
did refer to an International Court of Justice decision, which uses
the term.

Turbedar said Serbia was making an apology three years after the
International Court of Justice decision. "Serbia is answering a 2007
decision in 2010. Why?" he asked.

The expert also said Serbia took the independence of Kosovo to the same
court over the legality of its unilateral declaration of independence
in 2008.

"Serbians have the expectations that the international court will make
a decision in favor of Serbia but for this decision to have weight,
Serbia must implement the 2007 decision of the court over the 1995
events in Srebrenica," said Turbedar.

"Did Serbia apologize just because it is aware of its cruelty in the
past or to raise its standing in the international arena and score
points on Kosovo?"

He believes Serbia passed the resolution because of the second reason.

Turbedar said: "That apology means nothing for the Bosniacs. Serbian
democracy is, unfortunately, so weak it cannot confront with its past."

Hamlet Gasparyan Appointed Armenian Ambassador To Romania And Fadey



YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
signed March 29 decrees on dismissing Yeghishe Sargsyan from the
office of the RA ambassador to Romania and on appointing Hamlet
Gasparyan Armenian ambassador to that country (residence in Bucharest).

Presidential press office told Armenpress that with the other decrees
of the president Vahagn Melikyan has been dismissed from the office
of the Armenian ambassador to Kuwait and Fadey Charchoghlyan has been
appointed Armenian ambassador to that country (residence El Kuwait).

The Number Of Shots At The Armenian-Azerbaijani Border

Karen Ghazaryan

31.03.2010 16:02

The OSCE held its recurrent planned monitoring of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line near Berkaber village in Ijevan
region. The Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Andrzej Kasprzyk, did not participate in the monitoring. The monitoring
was carried out by his Field Assistants and officials of the Armenian
Ministry of Defense.

Before the monitoring Tavush Marzpet Armen Ghularyan presented
the situation at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. It turned out
that despite the 2008 decision of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to
withdraw the snipers from the front positions, the Azerbaijani side
has not taken steps in that direction and keeps the snipers on the
front line, which leads to human losses.

Marzpet Armen Ghularyan informed the OSCE representatives that doing
agricultural works in frontier villages has become impossible because
of periodic shooting from the Azerbaijani side.

In general, the number of shots at the Armenian Azerbaijani border
has increased. The number of cases totaled 4 500 in 2009, while the
figure has already reached 1 500 this year.

As for the monitoring, it was initially planned to be held near
the village of Koti. Azerbaijan had given its consent, but it later
refused, saying they would not be able to provide security guarantees.

The monitoring lasted seven minutes instead of the planned 30. The
Azerbaijani side demanded to stop it.

When War Starts


12:39:04 – 30/03/2010

The former NKR defense minister Samvel Babayan stated on March 30
that he does not see Karabakh a future negotiating party. He thinks
the mediators do not fulfill their task and obey the Azerbaijani
dictation. Samvel Babayan says a mediator is to have the status of a
judge. At the same time, Samvel Babayan notes that even if Karabakh
becomes a party of the negotiation phase, nothing will be changed.

According to him, the NKR issue settlement has been lost since 1994.

He says we had to force our rival sign a final agreement realizing
that by signing documents in 93, it the same started a war in December
1993. Samvel Babayan stated that it has been evident since ancient
times that in our region nothing can be solved through normal language,
but only force.

Samvel Babayan thinks Karabakh will become a negotiating party only
when the situation becomes tense and a war starts.